The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Political Analysis From Feminist Tumblr

Crazy Number One: I feel like the key White Pathology that explains Trump is this idea that everything in life is graded on a curve, not just wanting to have good things, but to have MORE of those things than other people. A pathology that’s both the opposite of stronger together and the opposite of […]

More Feminist Tumblr Stupidity

Here is a classic in the annals of bad logic: I’ve never met a self-identified men’s rights activist in real life and I’m guessing that’s due to any combination of the following reasons: 1. They realize that their passionate crusade against a fictitious version of feminism doesn’t hold up outside of their Reddit/4chan/meme troll internet […]

Feminist Tumblr: ‘Broken People’ and the Tragedy of the Darwinian Dead End

Sometimes I’ll write about a feminist and a commenter will remark what happy news it is that this hateful creature will not reproduce. Alas, as a parent and a Christian, I feel tremendous sadness at such outcomes, for I know that every time some foolish young woman climbs aboard the express train to Crazy Cat […]

Feminist Tumblr Syndrome Strikes Again

The uncorrected entirety of a Feminist Tumblr post: you don’t have to look any further than the population of okcupid or any dating site to reach the unfortunate conclusion that almost every man in this world is completely intellectually and spiritually void. it’s downright eerie to see personalities repeat themselves from one profile to the […]

Feminist Tumblr: Having Babies Is ‘One of the Most Selfish Things’ People Can Do

Deep thoughts from a bisexual radical feminist in the Midwest: I’ve believed for a long time that purposely choosing to have biological children is one of the most selfish things a person could ever do. It IS selfish to create another human because you want it. It’s also foolish when parents convince themselves that they’re […]

Feminist Tumblr Syndrome

Kylo Ren is the name of the villain in the latest Star Wars movie. You may wonder, “What does that have to do with feminism?” Honestly, I don’t know, but Lis is a feminist Tumblr blogger: I’m a 20 year old dfab white demigirl living in the United States with my parents. Currently, I’m in […]

Feminist Tumblr: ‘Broken People’

She describes herself on Tumblr as an “economics student” and “vegan bi sexworker” who is “neurodivergent,” which may or may not be a synonym for crazy. She lists her diagnoses as GAD (generalized anxiety disorder), OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) and MDD (major depressive disaorder), although elsewhere she also lists BPD (borderline personality disorder). She is […]

Feminist Tumblr and the ‘Tampon Tax’

  Behold the irrefutable logic of Feminist Tumblr: Tampons and other ‘feminine hygiene’ products are taxed. Women have to pay taxes just to be able to have our periods. So if any anti feminist complains about women in regards to money (or anything really) just tell him: “As a female tax payer my tampon taxes […]

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