The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Feminism Is a Synonym for ‘Shut Up’

A major goal of feminism is to silence opposition. Because their ideology cannot withstand informed and articulate criticism, feminists therefore require a dishonest vocabulary of jargon that functions to disqualify and discredit their opponents. A man expressing disagreement with a feminist will invariably be accused of “sexism” or “misogyny,” and if he persists in his […]

Feminism Is a Synonym for ‘Shut Up’

Feminists despise all men and never want to hear a man say a word: “I wish all men would shut the fuck up forever honestly. I never want to hear another unsolicited male opinion in my fucking life, least of all on feminist issues. It seems that all ‘feminist’ men care about is getting nice […]

Transgender Supremacy: Understanding the Ideology of a Totalitarian Menace

Clinton James Crawford, a/k/a “Char Vortryss” a/k/a “Char the Butcher.” Nobody actually believes in “equality.” No such thing as “equality” has ever existed in human history, nor is there any policy agenda which could feasibly bring about “equality” in the future. (You could read Thomas Sowell’s The Quest for Cosmic Justice, which has a chapter […]

Fat Feminism and the War on Sanity

  Kaye Toal (@ohkayewhatever on Twitter) is a “creative producer” at BuzzFeed who has strange hair, lives in Brooklyn and hates Republicans. Her career as a human cliché began years ago when she started a blog on Tumblr — did I mention she’s a cliché? — called “Big Fat Feminist.” At the time, Ms. Toal […]

Feminist @HannahSmothers_ Confirms the Worst Stereotypes of Feminism

Hannah Smothers writes for Cosmopolitan. Never take advice from feminists. How many times do I have to explain this? If a young woman’s goal in life is to become a crazy cat lady, she doesn’t need anyone’s advice to accomplish that goal, and if she wants to be anything else . . . Well, feminism […]

Feminism: Ignorance as Expertise

  Sarah is a 24-year-old Australian feminist on Tumblr: The idea that mothers can unilaterally prevent their sons from displaying misogyny if they just put in the requisite amount of effort to “raise them right,” is such a slap in the face to women who have raised sons for millennia. Would misogyny no longer exist […]

FMJRA 2.0: Waiting For The Superb Owl

— compiled by Wombat-socho Rule 5 Sunday: Making Anime Great Again Animal Magnetism Ninety Miles From Tyranny A View From The Beach Proof Positive EBL The Baylor Varsity Rape Team The Political Hat EBL Feminism Is a Hate Movement Sparta Report The DaleyGator Regular Right Guy EBL FMJRA 2.0: Late Night With Crazy Horse Edition […]

How Feminism Caused the #Berkeley Riot: Understanding Leftist Psychology

  This morning I had planned to follow-up on Wednesday’s riot in Berkeley, but today Grandpa McCain was babysitting both his grandsons, which made blogging impossible. Now I’m finally getting around to the follow-up, but I’m exhausted and so I’ll just briefly remind you what I’ve been saying for nearly two years now: Feminism Is […]

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