The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Fear and Loathing: CPAC Calls Me, and How Can I Answer the Call?

  MEMO FROM THE NATIONAL AFFAIRS DESK: Cynthia Yockey called last night from the Minneapolis airport, where her flight to Baltimore-Washington International had been rerouted due to weather problems in the Midwest. Blame global warming, and also heteropatriarchy, but why take time to assign blame now, eh? No, right now I’m rattling the tip jar […]

Fear and Loathing on Inauguration Day

  Streisand: ‘Clueless, Reckless, Graceless, Mindless and Heartless: Our President-Elect’ — Breitbart Michael Moore leads massive anti-Trump protest in NYC — The Hill Robert De Niro, Alec Baldwin Address Crowd at Anti-Trump Rally in NYC — Variety Radical Leftists Sow Chaos Outside DeploraBall on Eve of Donald Trump’s Inauguration — American Power Anti-Trump Protesters Pepper […]

Fear and Loathing: Three Days, $900, and It’s Morning in Vanuatu Again

“How long, O Lord, how long? Where will it end? “All I ever wanted out of this campaign was enough money to get out of the country and live for a year or two in peaceful squalor in a house with a big screen porch looking down on an empty white beach, with a good […]

Fear And Loathing In Reno: What I Saw At The Nevada State GOP Convention

— by Wombat-socho It all started at the chaotic Clark County Republican convention back in April, which I attended as an alternate from my precinct and wound up leaving early so I didn’t miss too much of a Saturday in the tax mines. Shortly before my departure, volunteers for the Cruz campaign encouraged me to […]

Fear and Loathing in Moocher Nation

“Swing voters.” “Independent voters.” “Low-information voters.” President Obama’s re-election campaign engaged in a sophisticated microtargeting effort that, among other things, aimed TV ads at viewers of late-night comedy, ESPN and the TV Land network. In other words, the president’s campaign deliberately sought potential voters who were apathetic, disengaged from politics and current affairs, whose lack […]

Fear and Loathing in the Lowcountry UPDATE: Trail Hiker Wins GOP Runoff

UPDATE 11:15 p.m. ET: Welcome, Instapundit readers! As you surely know by now, 1st District GOP voters chose Mark Sanford by a 57-43 margin over Curtis Bostic. A few quick reactions from my Twitter account: Not every day a political reporter gets to use “inamorata”… So there’s that to be happy about. #SCTweets — […]

Early Start for #UnsustaintableBarTab at the #NRISummit: Beer and Loathing

Rich Lowry gives a video interview at the NRI Summit WASHINGTON, D.C. No sooner had I walked into the lobby of the Omni Shoreham Hotel than I was accosted by John LaRosa, Republican campaign consultant and originator of the #UnsustainableBarTab. “What? Are you stalking me?” LaRosa said. “Did you follow me from the airport?” We […]

Obama Meltdown Beginning? Plus: Romney Campaign on ‘$5 Trillion’ Lie

#tcot OHIO: Registration data shows Obama has BIG TROUBLE in the Buckeye State… hat-tip @beccajlower — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) October 7, 2012 Ed Driscoll’s favorite Insta-phrase “preference cascade” (describing the sudden shifting of opinion) could be the best understanding of what we might — I emphasize, might — be beginning to see in the […]

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