The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Emerging Awareness’ Update

Eric Gates (left) fathered two children with his daughter Chalena Moody. In the 2003 Lawrence v. Texas decision that abolished laws against sodomy, Justice Anthony Kennedy declared, “our laws and traditions in the past half century … show an emerging awareness that liberty gives substantial protection to adult persons in deciding how to conduct their […]

Emerging Awareness Update

In last year’s Windsor decision, the Supreme Court decided that its own “Emerging Awareness” Doctrine made sodomy the lawful equivalent of holy matrimony. Those of us who criticized that decision were ridiculed as alarmists for warning that Justice Anthony Kennedy’s decree would have bad consequences. Am I the only one who has noticed that the […]

The ‘Emerging Awareness’ Continues

Same-sex marriage was illegal in all 50 states as recently as 2003. That was the year in which Justice Anthony Kennedy invoked the “emerging awareness” doctrine in the Supreme Court’s Lawrence v. Texas ruling: In all events we think that our laws and traditions in the past half century are of most relevance here. These […]

‘Emerging Awareness’ Update: Remember the Texas Polygamy Teen Sex Cult?

You have perhaps forgotten the 2008 “underage sex cult” case in which Texas authorities seized 416 children at the Laredo compound of the polygamist Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS). Facts I noted at the time were that (a) Texas led the nation in teen pregnacy, and (b) in 2005 Texas raised […]

Hateful Bigoted Incestophobes!

Earlier today I was reading The [Un]Documented Mark Steyn, which has many things to say about the West’s heedless descent into degeneracy — wealthy gay men employing surrogate mothers as womb-for-hire baby-makers and so forth — and then I returned to the computer to find that New York State’s highest court has ruled that an […]

Lucrative Campus Perversion: Sex Freak Gets Paid to Fist-F**k Student Minds

Dan Savage is one of the most hateful anti-Christian extremists on the planet, and the fact that this filthy degenerate creep was paid $24,000 to speak at a public university ought to be sufficient cause for outrage, even without reference to the sordid details of what Dan Savage actually said to the students, shocking as […]

High School Freak Show: Colorado Girls Claim Harassment by Teen Transsexual

Coming soon to a public school near you. “Who knows whither the ’emerging awareness’ shall henceforth emerge?” — Robert Stacy McCain, The American Spectator, June 26 America’s descent into decadent perversity advances, as high school girls in Florence, Colorado, say they were forced to share the school’s restroom and locker room with a teenage shemale: […]

She Blinded Me With Pseudo-Science

“Pretty Baby has been banned outright in the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Saskatchewan. No less a moral arbiter than Rona Barrett solemnly advised her TV audience that the movie is ‘child pornography.’ Others have attacked its French director . . . as a combination of Humbert Humbert and Roman Polanski.” — Kristin McMurran, People […]

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