The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Never Take Advice From Feminists (The @FactoryGrrrl Edition)

How many times do I have to explain why you should never take romantic advice from feminists? Feminism is a movement organized around the grievances of unhappy women. If a woman is happy and successful in her life, she doesn’t need feminism, and so everything that feminists write about love and sex should be viewed […]

Never Take Advice From Feminists

  Peggy Orenstein is a feminist whose books include Flux: Women on Sex, Work, Love, Kids and Life in a Half-Changed World (2001): At 34, Peggy Orenstein faced a series of dilemmas shared by many women of her generation: She was unsure whether she wanted children, unsure about the impact of motherhood on her career, […]

TV Shows I Never Watched

  Feminists have an annoying habit of identifying some sort of misogynist behavior or attitude then attributing this to “society” or “culture” as a very general condemnation of “patriarchy.” An example of this is a new article about the so-called “incel” movement by feminist Sady Doyle. The article is actually an interesting history of how […]

Some Advice for You ‘Incel’ Losers

  Never give your enemy a reason to celebrate. Nothing gives a feminist more sadistic pleasure than making fun of guys who can’t get laid. For a bunch of pathetic losers to organize a “movement” on the basis of their inability to get laid is, to put it as mildly as possible, not helpful. When […]

The Kinky Queer Intersectional Feminist: Empowerment by Sado-Masochism?

  Suz Ellis (@redhotsuz on Twitter) is a Canadian sex blogger who is “currently pursuing a double major in Communications and Multimedia, and hope to one day work within the sexuality industry.” What? You had not previously realized that “sexuality” is now an “industry” in Canada? Welcome to the 21st-century, where every Canadian college girl […]

Feminists Hate All Men, So Why Expect Them to Love ‘Male Feminists’?

“Women are an oppressed class. Our oppression is total, affecting every facet of our lives. . . . “We identify the agents of our oppression as men. . . . All men receive economic, sexual, and psychological benefits from male supremacy. All men have oppressed women.” — Redstockings Manifesto, 1969 “The first condition for escaping […]

Never Talk to @NicoleStamp (and Other Advice for Men Confused by Feminism)

          Nicole Stamp is a Canadian queer feminist who has been marching in gay pride parades since she was a teenager. She is currently appearing in the lesbian TV series Carmilla. To put it as bluntly as possible, if you are male, the smart thing to do is to avoid Nicole […]

Further Evidence That Deranged SJWs Have Taken Over Women’s Magazines

  The headline at Ace of Spades HQ: Childless Weirdoes at Cosmopolitan Who Advocate Sex Without Procreation Insist, For Some Reason, on Giving Social Justice Warrior Orders to Parents Never take advice from feminists, unless your goal in life is to be a crazy cat lady living in a tiny apartment in Brooklyn, which is […]

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