The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Campus Special Snowflake™ Blizzard

We must protect their sensitive feelings: A statue of Christopher Columbus will be removed from the campus of Pepperdine University because about two dozen students protested that the status is “a celebration of genocide and racial oppression.” The statue was originally donated to the school in 1992 — the 500th anniversary of Columbus’ voyage of discovery […]

At Yale University, Special Snowflakes™ Are Traumatized by Republican Victory

“I cannot even function right now. As a queer, black woman, I feel unsafe in this country.” — Isis Davis-Marks, Yale sophomore We must remember, at moments like these, that Yale University began as a school to train puritan (Congregationalist) clergy, and that among Yale’s most eminent early graduates was Jonathan Edwards, historically famous for […]

B.A. in Special Snowflake Studies

Instapundit wants to be lenient on Randye Hoder — “it’s not a ‘useless’ degree if in fact it teaches students ‘to think critically and analytically, read widely and write well’” — which means that I’m obliged to play bad cop with this overindulgent mother: My oldest child, Emma, just returned to campus after a long […]

Barrett Brown, Special Snowflake

Barrett Brown promotes atheism on Fox News, January 2009 “Karen Lancaster always believed her only son was special” — that line in Alexander Zaitchik’s Rolling Stone profile of Barrett Brown stands out as explaining how this high-school dropout who started “dabbling” with heroin at age 19 was able to imagine himself as the hero of […]

Special Snowflake™ @Belle_Knox and Make-Believe Feminist ‘Empowerment’

Eric Owens at the Daily Caller deserves credit for calling attention to the dishonest hypocrisy of porn’s feminist enablers: The sex-worker student doesn’t want her real name revealed — or even her adorably slutty porn name revealed — despite the fact that she has now done at least two interviews, written a monologue about herself […]

Special Snowflake Syndrome

A frightening report from the front lines of the Culture War: Amy (not her real name) sat in my office and wiped her streaming tears on her sleeve, refusing the scratchy tissues I’d offered. “I’m thinking about just applying for a Ph.D. program after I graduate because I have no idea what I want to […]

Special Snowflake Syndrome

‘Troubled starlet’ Amanda Bynes, weeks before she got sent to the psych ward. Last month, Amanda Bynes went crazy — no, wait, let me re-phrase that: Last month, it was recognized as an official fact by the state of California, that Amanda Bynes had been going crazy for a long time, and had finally reached […]

Late Night With In The Mailbox: 10.24.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #418 EBL: “Suspicious Devices” Found At Clinton, Obama Homes Similar To Soros’ Device? Twitchy: Former Bomb Disposal Officer Weighs In On CNN “Bomb” – “That Thing Is Just Silly Looking” Louder With Crowder: TOUGH LOVE – Should I […]

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