The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Our Moral Superiors™

One of the biases of the intellectual elite is their self-serving belief that college education is synonymous with moral superiority. To be an “educated” person is to be a better person, according to the elite, and therefore the more prestigious the school you attended — Obama at Columbia and Harvard Law, Hillary at Wellesley and […]

Our Moral Superiors™

Liberal intellectuals are convinced that the rest of us are so stupid we need them to tell us what to think. Their narcissism manifests itself as a contempt for the common sense of ordinary Americans, an attitude Thomas Sowell analyzed in The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy. What inspires […]

Our Moral Superiors™

Tuition at Yale University is $47,600 and you would think, for that kind of money, they could provide decent mental health counseling for students, or maybe screen the applications to make sure they’re not admitting psychotics. Unfortunately, they seem to have an affirmative action quota for lunatics, including students so deluded they think they are “oppressed.” […]

Our Moral Superiors™

  Bailey Poland (@the_author_) reacted rather predictably to my noticing her typical feminist expressions of sadistic cruelty. You see, if you read what a feminist writes, and then express criticism of what she has written, you are “inciting harassment,” because no one can ever be permitted to disagree with a feminist. Once you understand the rules of […]

Our Moral Superiors™

This was a comment I wrote on a previous post: Here’s the thing that bothers me: Like anybody else, I’m just trying to work for a living and pay my bills and raise my children. And yet they won’t leave us alone. The Left’s constant war of aggression against “bourgeois … upper-class hegemony,” their implacable […]

Our Moral Superiors™

You have to wonder sometimes how the intelligentsia have been able to maintain the myth of their superiority for so long, and how much longer they can keep it up in the face of overwhelming evidence contradicting this myth. For example, the American Studies Association (ASA) boycott campaign against Israel is led by New York University […]

Our Moral Superiors™

Liberals are better than you and me because . . . they’re liberals. So after Sarah Palin said something about the national debt comparing its burden on future generations to slavery, Martin Bashir read from the diary of an overseer on an 18th-century plantation in Jamaica (??) to justify saying something very hateful: Despicable: MSNBC’s […]

Totalitarian Hatemonger @RubyHamad Wonders Why Men Won’t Listen to Her

Being constantly insulted by feminists — “Heterosexuality Is the Structure That Keeps Sexist Oppression in Place” — is something men are expected never to notice. Any man who objects to feminism’s anti-male hate propaganda will be instantly branded a misogynist. This is “Kafkatrapping,” whereby the denial of guilt is cited as proof of guilt. No […]

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