The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

#FreeStacy Quoting My Favorite Source

Did you know that there is an online list of quotes by me? Who started compiling my aphorisms at AZ Quotes, I don’t know, but here are a few of my favorites, with links to the original sources: “Writing is a skill, not a talent, and this difference is important because a skill can be […]

FMJRA 2.0: #FreeStacy CPAC Style

— compiled by Wombat-socho Late Night With In The Mailbox: Extra Family-Size Okra Edition Regular Right Guy Batshit Crazy News #FreeStacy: Email to My Samoan Lawyer: Taylor Swift Is Decadent and Depraved Regular Right Guy The Political Hat A View from the Beach Note To The Trumpenproletariat Regular Right Guy Batshit Crazy News FMJRA 2.0: […]

#FreeStacy #CPAC2016: I’ve Got Friends in Low Places (and Everywhere Else)

  NATIONAL HARBOR, Maryland Everybody at CPAC is talking Trump (his supporters walked out on Ted Cruz) but I find it impossible to get excited about the presidential campaign. As I pointed out in my column at The American Spectator, Andrew Breitbart always said, “Politics is downstream from culture.” If conservatives will not fight on […]

#FreeStacy #CPAC2016 ‘Free Speech Should Flourish’ #DontTreadOnTheNet

  NATIONAL HARBOR, Maryland Interesting headline today: ‘Free speech should flourish’: Jewish head of Oberlin college defends his decision not to sack female professor who claimed Jews were behind 9/11 attacks You will recall that students at Oberlin College (annual tuition of $50,586) consider themselves victims of “imperialism, white supremacy, capitalism, ableism, and a cissexist heteropatriarchy.” […]

#FreeStacy #CPAC2016: Because ‘Freedom of Expression Is Essential’

  Hitting the road tonight, folks! For the 11th consecutive year, I’ll be covering the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) this week at National Harbor. The big political news today is that Ben Carson appears to be out of the GOP campaign, but will speak Friday at CPAC, while Mitt Romney plans to use his […]

#FreeStacy: $2,090,000,000.00

  The headline number? What @Jack has lost for @Twitter investors: Twitter has lost over $2bn (£1.4bn) since the social network was first launched 10 years ago, with $1.6bn of the deficit happening since it went public two years ago. According to the Form 10-K annual report filed by Twitter, which gives a comprehensive summary […]

Did @Nian_Hu ‘Friend-Zone’ You? #FreeStacy: Feminism Is a Death Cult

  Perhaps you remember Harvard feminist Nian Hu, the Harvard student who declared: “I am a feminist. I believe in the equality of the sexes. For me, feminism means freedom,” and that among these freedoms was “freedom to have as many sexual partners as I want without being looked down on.” This inspired me to write […]

#FreeStacy Won’t Shut Up

  The difference between Anita Sarkeesian (@femfreq on Twitter) and myself can be summarized, as Da Tech Guy points out, in a single paragraph from Debra Saunders’ column: I reached out to Sarkeesian: no response. I reached out to a woman who tweeted that McCain harassed her friend: no reply. McCain would talk. He noted […]

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