The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

NRA Endorses John McCain, Prompts Outrage Among Membership

Posted on | June 10, 2010 | 69 Comments

 Barbara Espinosa is furious at the NRA sell-out:

Yesterday we posted the endorsements U.S. Senate candidate J. D. Hayworth received from former NRA President Bob Corbin and from the Gun Owners of America. Yet the NRA, which has previously referred to John McCain as “one of the premier flag carriers for the enemies of the second amendment,” inexplicably gave McCain their endorsement.
In endorsing Hayworth, the Gun Owners of America (GOA) said: “John McCain has gone out of his way to earn the ire of conservatives and gun owners in his 20-plus years as a U.S. Senator from Arizona.”
Watch this GOA ad exposing John McCain’s efforts to constrain our First and Second Amendment Rights. Then read what GOA’s Political Victory Fund says about McCain here.
This indefensible approval is akin to the shameful endorsement of McCain by Arizona Right to Life (AZRTL) which resulted in members of the board and PAC leaving the organization and calling the endorsement of McCain an “egregious affront.” . . .

Read the whole thing at American Freedom.



69 Responses to “NRA Endorses John McCain, Prompts Outrage Among Membership”

  1. Adobe Walls
    June 11th, 2010 @ 3:22 am

    But your choices are limited to MaCain or Hayworth. As I live in NC this reality and it’s theoretical ramifications are easier to accept. However I believe there is some long term gain to be had choosing principle and morality over victory. In 2008 the Republican Elizabeth Dole was defeated in her Senate race tho I voted for her as I did for McCain, I view those as losses for the Republican party, for conservatives not so much. As for the 08 presidential race I firmly take the Beckian view the Bolshevik victory was necessary to awaken America to the dangers we face and may ultimately be our salvation.

  2. Adobe Walls
    June 10th, 2010 @ 11:22 pm

    But your choices are limited to MaCain or Hayworth. As I live in NC this reality and it’s theoretical ramifications are easier to accept. However I believe there is some long term gain to be had choosing principle and morality over victory. In 2008 the Republican Elizabeth Dole was defeated in her Senate race tho I voted for her as I did for McCain, I view those as losses for the Republican party, for conservatives not so much. As for the 08 presidential race I firmly take the Beckian view the Bolshevik victory was necessary to awaken America to the dangers we face and may ultimately be our salvation.

  3. molonlabe28
    June 11th, 2010 @ 3:16 pm

    If the NRA doesn’t wish to endorse Hayworth, it could simply refrain from endorsing anyone.

    But endorsing someone who co-authored the legislation a few years ago which would require backgroud checks for private party gun sales is pathetic.

  4. molonlabe28
    June 11th, 2010 @ 11:16 am

    If the NRA doesn’t wish to endorse Hayworth, it could simply refrain from endorsing anyone.

    But endorsing someone who co-authored the legislation a few years ago which would require backgroud checks for private party gun sales is pathetic.

  5. Thomas L. Knapp
    June 11th, 2010 @ 4:41 pm


    In response to my assertion that Hayworth is crazy as a shithouse rat, you ask “how so?”

    I’ll let a McCain Internet ad answer the question:

    Adobe Walls,

    You write:

    “There is no good substitute for electing principled conservatives.”

    If you want more of what we’ve had for the last 50 years, you’re right.

    If you want something better, there’s no substitute for electing libertarians, and whether McCain or Hayworth wins in November isn’t a big deal. I was just noting that Hayworth is crazy as a shithouse rat, that’s all.

  6. Thomas L. Knapp
    June 11th, 2010 @ 12:41 pm


    In response to my assertion that Hayworth is crazy as a shithouse rat, you ask “how so?”

    I’ll let a McCain Internet ad answer the question:

    Adobe Walls,

    You write:

    “There is no good substitute for electing principled conservatives.”

    If you want more of what we’ve had for the last 50 years, you’re right.

    If you want something better, there’s no substitute for electing libertarians, and whether McCain or Hayworth wins in November isn’t a big deal. I was just noting that Hayworth is crazy as a shithouse rat, that’s all.

  7. Dave C
    June 11th, 2010 @ 6:02 pm

    Knapp.. you think that was funny.. watch this one:

    Who knew McCain had such an ability to do deadpan comedy. On par with Steven Wright, no less.

  8. Dave C
    June 11th, 2010 @ 2:02 pm

    Knapp.. you think that was funny.. watch this one:

    Who knew McCain had such an ability to do deadpan comedy. On par with Steven Wright, no less.

  9. Adobe Walls
    June 11th, 2010 @ 7:34 pm

    We may have elected some principled conservatives over the last 50 years. A handful of lonely voices in the darkness is not what I had in mind.

  10. Adobe Walls
    June 11th, 2010 @ 3:34 pm

    We may have elected some principled conservatives over the last 50 years. A handful of lonely voices in the darkness is not what I had in mind.

  11. Thomas L. Knapp
    June 11th, 2010 @ 9:42 pm


    Deadpan comedy indeed. But the particular content would be a joke no matter who was saying it.

  12. Thomas L. Knapp
    June 11th, 2010 @ 5:42 pm


    Deadpan comedy indeed. But the particular content would be a joke no matter who was saying it.

  13. Flight Made (Grand) Junction Re-direct Adroitly : The Other McCain
    June 13th, 2010 @ 1:29 pm

    […] Camp of the SaintsDem Nominee Faces Porn ChargeThe Classic LiberalThe Camp of the SaintsNRA Endorses John McCain, Prompts Outrage Among MembershipVA RightThe Daley GatorCubachiSI VIS PACEM‘Folks Says He Lied to His Wife’Red Dog […]

  14. Ross Wolf
    June 16th, 2010 @ 8:26 pm

    Before Hitler dissolved German Parliament, he got support for passing controversial legislation from corporations by bribing them with special breaks inserted in legislation that economically injured their competitors that produced similar products. Bribed corporations were so greedy, they didn’t realize Hitler was undermining the collective power of the corporations, turning the corporations against each other so they could not oppose Hitler’s policies. Subsequently the corporations standing separately and no longer together, Hitler was able to strong-arm, control and shutdown corporations he gave breaks to earlier.

    Will the Second Amendment come to an end in similar fashion?

  15. Ross Wolf
    June 16th, 2010 @ 4:26 pm

    Before Hitler dissolved German Parliament, he got support for passing controversial legislation from corporations by bribing them with special breaks inserted in legislation that economically injured their competitors that produced similar products. Bribed corporations were so greedy, they didn’t realize Hitler was undermining the collective power of the corporations, turning the corporations against each other so they could not oppose Hitler’s policies. Subsequently the corporations standing separately and no longer together, Hitler was able to strong-arm, control and shutdown corporations he gave breaks to earlier.

    Will the Second Amendment come to an end in similar fashion?

  16. Caroline Cronin
    July 8th, 2010 @ 6:12 pm

    The above link, should you choose to go there, is to the official site for the NRA’s Political Victory Fund. Please note the date (July 7, 2010)AND, dear hosts and readers, also please note that NO ENDORSEMENTS HAVE been given out yet in any upcoming Senate races for 2010. In this day and age where lying, hypocrisy and apathy are commonplace, it would be better if you told the truth instead of fanning the flames of deceit. Please provide the actual endorsement information from the NRA, if you have it, to refute this post. I, for one, would welcome it! However, if you continue spreading untruths, you are just as bad, if not worse, than the regime that was handed control of our country in 2008 along with those who support its carefully-laid diabolical plan of destruction of the United States. What a shame. The people of the great state of Arizona should not be fooled by John McCain and his Gang of 14 antics, his last-ditch support of border security and lower taxes when he is a proven traitor to freedom and democracy, hence his handiwork in the McCain-Feingold Act and its expressed purpose of silencing those who fight for freedom. Do your homework, Arizona. If Arizonians are not fooled, they will vote his slimy self out of office. If they are blind to the truth, are foolishly duped, however, and/or don’t care, they will allow this snake of a man to hold on to their, the people’s, Senate seat in Arizona. FIGHT AND VOTE FOR THE TRUTH AND FOR FREEDOM!!!!!

  17. Caroline Cronin
    July 8th, 2010 @ 2:12 pm

    The above link, should you choose to go there, is to the official site for the NRA’s Political Victory Fund. Please note the date (July 7, 2010)AND, dear hosts and readers, also please note that NO ENDORSEMENTS HAVE been given out yet in any upcoming Senate races for 2010. In this day and age where lying, hypocrisy and apathy are commonplace, it would be better if you told the truth instead of fanning the flames of deceit. Please provide the actual endorsement information from the NRA, if you have it, to refute this post. I, for one, would welcome it! However, if you continue spreading untruths, you are just as bad, if not worse, than the regime that was handed control of our country in 2008 along with those who support its carefully-laid diabolical plan of destruction of the United States. What a shame. The people of the great state of Arizona should not be fooled by John McCain and his Gang of 14 antics, his last-ditch support of border security and lower taxes when he is a proven traitor to freedom and democracy, hence his handiwork in the McCain-Feingold Act and its expressed purpose of silencing those who fight for freedom. Do your homework, Arizona. If Arizonians are not fooled, they will vote his slimy self out of office. If they are blind to the truth, are foolishly duped, however, and/or don’t care, they will allow this snake of a man to hold on to their, the people’s, Senate seat in Arizona. FIGHT AND VOTE FOR THE TRUTH AND FOR FREEDOM!!!!!

  18. Kojocaro
    August 19th, 2010 @ 8:43 pm

    estragon is another mccain wrshipping tool

  19. Kojocaro
    August 19th, 2010 @ 4:43 pm

    estragon is another mccain wrshipping tool