The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

If Anyone Can Pull An Upset In The Mass. Senate Election In June, It’s A Navy SEAL

Posted on | March 2, 2013 | 25 Comments

by Smitty

The bad news is that, according to this, it does not appear that Sean Bielat is running for the June 25 special election for the Senate seat vacated by “Medal Chuckin'” John Kerry, who at least can differentiate between a yacht and an Olds Delmont 88, whether or not it takes considerable public support for him to figure out where to moor said yacht. So we’ve got that goin’ for us in our top diplomat over at the State Department.

The good news is that:

A former Navy SEAL Gabriel Gomez has gotten enough signatures of registered voters to compete in the upcoming Massachusetts Senate election

It gets better (emphasis mine):

The primary will be held on April 30. A special election is scheduled for June 25.
Gomez, who has never held elective office, positioned himself as an outsider, pointing to “a lot of unproductive noise and bickering” in Washington.
“I’m running because I refuse to be cynical about America or America’s future. Certainly people will say, ‘This can’t be fixed,'” Gomez said. “But sending career politicians to do the job would be the same old, same old. Our country is better than its politics.”
Gomez, who was born in Los Angeles to parents who moved from Colombia, speaks Spanish and English in the campaign video. In a brief biography, he describes growing up in “a grateful, first-generation American family,” which instilled in him a duty to give back to his country, prompting his decision to enter the military.
Gomez also highlighted his experience as a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, a Navy aircraft carrier pilot and Navy SEAL. He didn’t return phone messages left by The Associated Press.

  • Bi-lingual son of immigrants? Check.
  • Successful foray into business? Check.
  • Naval Academy, Aviator, AND SEAL? Check, check, CHECK!


Gabriel Gomez for U.S. Senate

We’ve got to find out if this much authenticity
will cause Elizabeth Warren to shatter. 

Follow him on Twitter.

UPDATE: In the comments, jsn2 points out some weaknesses (formatting mine):

Unfortunately Mr.Gomez is the antithesis of the type of person favored by the Massachusetts electorate. He’s not:

  • a womanizing drunk,
  • gay pedophile,
  • lying Elmer Fudd sounding homosexual with a gay pimp lover,
  • lying fake indian college professor, or
  • hypocritical medal chunking Pepe LePew Lurch looking moron.

His outstanding life achievements and personal history will be his downfall.

Furthermore, as a USNA grad, he can probably differentiate between an Oldsmobile and submarine.


25 Responses to “If Anyone Can Pull An Upset In The Mass. Senate Election In June, It’s A Navy SEAL”

  1. ladynra1
    March 2nd, 2013 @ 10:13 pm

    RT @smitty_one_each: If Anyone Can Pull An Upset In The Mass. Senate Election In June, It’s A Navy SEAL #TCOT #TGDN

  2. Loxodonta_s
    March 2nd, 2013 @ 10:17 pm
  3. NathanMartin
    March 2nd, 2013 @ 10:28 pm

    RT @smitty_one_each: If Anyone Can Pull An Upset In The Mass. Senate Election In June, It’s A Navy SEAL #TCOT #TGDN

  4. hankpannell
    March 2nd, 2013 @ 10:38 pm

    RT @smitty_one_each: If Anyone Can Pull An Upset In The Mass. Senate Election In June, It’s A Navy SEAL #TCOT #TGDN

  5. Mike Rogers
    March 3rd, 2013 @ 12:04 am

    Sadly true about Bielat.
    I am on his mailing list, so I was amongst the first to know he wanted to run for the seat. I posted the news and sent money, then less than a week later, it became apparent to him that he wasn’t going to get enough signatures beat the deadline, and just as quickly, he dropped out.

  6. Eccentrie
    March 3rd, 2013 @ 12:41 am

    RT @smitty_one_each: If Anyone Can Pull An Upset In The Mass. Senate Election In June, It’s A Navy SEAL #TCOT #TGDN

  7. K-Bob
    March 3rd, 2013 @ 1:01 am

    Not returning messages left by The Associated Press? Check.

    We need more people willing to ignore the leftist scandal sheets.

  8. Adjoran
    March 3rd, 2013 @ 3:41 am

    Reality check time. Gomez looks like a great guy who could be a great citizen-legislator. But the fact is that even if a Republican could win the special election, it’s for a less than two year term. The Democrats will take it back in 2014, period. It isn’t worth spending a lot of money to gain it.

    If Scott Brown can’t beat Lizzie Warren, there isn’t any hope in Massachusetts, no matter how good our candidate is.

  9. jsn2
    March 3rd, 2013 @ 5:03 am

    Unfortunately Mr.Gomez is the antithesis of the type of person favored by the Massachusetts electorate. He’s not a womanizing drunk, gay pedophile, lying Elmer Fudd sounding homosexual with a gay pimp lover, lying fake indian college professor, or hypocritical medal chunking Pepe LePew Lurch looking moron. His outstanding life achievements and personal history will be his downfall.

  10. smitty
    March 3rd, 2013 @ 6:56 am

    If we’re going to be all gloom and despair like that, why don’t we just punt on the whole experiment in self-government?

  11. Shawny Lee
    March 3rd, 2013 @ 7:07 am
  12. Shawny Lee
    March 3rd, 2013 @ 7:13 am

    Hmmm…..big tent Republican. Answers are insightful.

  13. Bitter_American
    March 3rd, 2013 @ 10:27 am

    RT @smitty_one_each: If Anyone Can Pull An Upset In The Mass. Senate Election In June, It’s A Navy SEAL #TCOT #TGDN

  14. Jbrock130
    March 3rd, 2013 @ 10:29 am

    RT @smitty_one_each: If Anyone Can Pull An Upset In The Mass. Senate Election In June, It’s A Navy SEAL #TCOT #TGDN

  15. JohnInMA
    March 3rd, 2013 @ 11:50 am

    He is a much better fit for liberty seeking non-Dem voters in MA than many who are saying they will run. His situation is no different than Dems who take poistions to run and win in red states. Purity doesn’t win elections every time or everywhere. Some times it works, often not.

  16. JohnInMA
    March 3rd, 2013 @ 11:59 am

    Gomez is a real unknown in MA, giving him a certain advantage if he can leverage it. Winslow, a current state representative, wins in most polling. Of course, he has name recognition at this point. The field for the GOP is surprisingly active, with at least three announced candidates with sufficient signatures to move forward.

    You will know how serious a candidate Gomez is by the way the state Dem machine cranks up the attacks. Already, out o the gate they have hit him for being a part of the ‘smear’ (their words) against Obama by publicly stating, with evidence, that the Navy Seals had more of a role in the bin Laden raid. Not exactly a conspiracy or a show stopper, but notice it has nothing to do with policy. They are attacking him personally. First thing. If they ratchet up the personal attacks, we will know he is a real threat.

  17. JohnInMA
    March 3rd, 2013 @ 12:07 pm

    I simply don’t get the mentality that says people should only support the ‘sure winners’. If they are so sure, and if they are running in more solid red states or districts, is more support really needed? Worse, I don’t get the position that ONLY true, fully certified, pure conservatives are worth supporting. If the GOP becomes a party of only pure conservatives while the Dems continue to benefit from cross-voting from those who simply won’t support a pure conservative, what is the path to reversing the bloated, nanny-state government?

    When the Dems have the WH and the Senate, and the media is for the most part not only on their side but actively supportive, the only chance for an opposing party is to gain as many seats as possible in every election. Only then will you be able to use the position of strength (in numbers) to counteract and to get the message out. Now the party is treated as the whiny minority by the WH and the media. And it’s working…..

  18. Roxeanne de Luca
    March 3rd, 2013 @ 1:19 pm

    Sullivan is very conservative. Dan Winslow is a former judge. Gomez is more socially liberal than Sullivan, but holy hell, I would die and go to heaven just watching the Democrats smear a Harvard-educated, Navy SEAL, multi-millionaire Latino.

    And if we had THREE highly educated Republican Latinos in the U.S. Senate? I’m giggling in joy at the thought.

  19. McGehee, a.k.a. Scribe of Slog
    March 3rd, 2013 @ 1:34 pm

    I would die and go to heaven just watching the Democrats smear a Harvard-educated, Navy SEAL, multi-millionaire Latino.

    Don’t think for a minute they won’t. And a lot of Massacusetts voters will fall for it, alas.

  20. JohnInMA
    March 3rd, 2013 @ 2:47 pm

    Harvard educated – didn’t seem to stop the MA Dems from ‘smearing’ Mitt Romney. You leave Harvard and make money? Baaaad. Stay and participate in progressive causes? Goooood.
    Navy SEAL – already they started their assault….I mean campaign by trying to take the edge off this angle (attacking him for having been one of those who highlighted that Obama was downplaying SEAL’s role in bin Laden).
    Multi-millionaire Latino – we learned quite well from the Liz Warren campaign that money is only a good thing when you are a progressive or an academic who ALSO is willing to trash some aspect of the “1%” – in her case the banking industry.
    Smearing Gomez will be a piece of cake for the MAchine. (deilberate contraction of MA Machine…)

  21. richard mcenroe
    March 3rd, 2013 @ 4:20 pm

    Someone call Karl Rove. We must break this man. Notify Crist, Lugar and Scozzafava…

  22. Adjoran
    March 3rd, 2013 @ 4:53 pm

    Resources from party, PACs, and individuals are FINITE. It is hardly a “punt” to suggest they be spent wisely – or that Massachusetts is a waste of any resources deployed.

    It makes no sense at all to claim that if we can’t compete in Boston, Beijing, or Havana, that we are giving up.

    It’s called “reality.” Ask Representative Bielat and Senator Scott Brown to explain it to you.

  23. Adjoran
    March 3rd, 2013 @ 4:54 pm

    Kindly do not put words in my mouth, I never said any such thing.

    But if you see the millions spent on Scott Brown’s campaign as wisely invested, we have nothing to discuss.

  24. JohnInMA
    March 3rd, 2013 @ 5:25 pm

    I see those millions as no more or no less wise than the equivalent spent on other losing elections. Akin? Mourdock? Connie Mack? All of those were lost in states much more ‘red’ than MA. Was it more wise?
    You entirely miss my point. Resources may be finite, but to think they are more efficiently allocated to easy (or easier) wins, or to more ‘pure’ conservative candidates, doesn’t hold water. So, to deliberately pass over candidates who may not be adequately conservative (in the eyes of someone outside the state) or that may face another election soon, can produce bad results nationally for the party, too. Witness 2012.
    I will give you this: In MA for a GOP candidate to win in a national election (e.g. 2012) with ‘celebrity’ candidates on the ticket like Obama is a tough challenge for sure. But don’t discount the fact that Obama got almost 700,000 more votes in MA than Warren. Or to say it another way, 700,000 who voted for Obama ALSO voted for Brown. It’s not exactly predictable what 2014 will look like. Will there be another ‘Mt. Rushmore’ Dem on the ticket like Obama? I don’t know.

  25. Christy Waters
    March 3rd, 2013 @ 6:08 pm

    “But his support of Obama in 2008 and his donations to other Democrats, including $1,000 to liberal Alan Khazei for the US Senate in 2009, could hurt him in a GOP primary fight.”