The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

BREAKING: Terrorism Angle in Massachusetts ‘Immigration’ Raids; BUMPED: ‘Very Quiet Neighborhood’; UPDATE: Mohammad Bakht Zameen; UPDATE: ‘They Paid the Rent on Time’

Posted on | May 13, 2010 | 44 Comments

12:08 p.m. ET: DaTechGuy on the scene reports by phone: The boarding house where the suspects were arrested is “next door to public housing” in an “ethnically mixed neighborhood.” Residents describe it as “a very quiet neighborhood” where “nothing ever happens — until today.”

UPDATE 12:20 p.m. ET: New England Cable News names Mohammad Bakht Zameen as one of the suspects in the case:

Federal agents roped off a Mobil station in Brookline Thursday morning, raiding the building along with a gray Honda Accord in the parking lot.
A man being questioned inside the gas station was believed to be the owner of the gray Honda, police told NECN. Police are unsure of his relation to the owner of the gas station, who is a well-known member of the Brookline community, Elias Audy. As off 11 a.m., the man under questioning had not been released from the gas station.
FBI officials were inside the Mobil station throughout the morning, pulling material out of the building’s bays — it is unclear exactly what they were doing. The focus of the investigation was on a gray Honda Accord registered to Mohammad Bakht Zameen of 39 Waverley Avenue in Watertown, Mass. That residence was also raided by FBI officials Thursday morning.

12:52 p.m. ET: In his latest update via telephone from scene, Da Tech Guy reports that the 2-story boarding house at 39 Waverly Ave. is located two doors down and across the street from Watertown Middle School (68 Waverly Ave.).

Residents in the neighborhood tell Da Tech Guy they were awakened this morning by the sound of helicopters overhead. FBI agents have been seen taking papers and computers out of 39 Waverly, and have reportedly set up a temporary headquarters in the basement cafeteria of the Watertown Housing Authority (55 Waverly Ave.).

The boarding house at 39 Waverly is owned by absentee landlords and most people in the neighborhood don’t know their neighbors. That might make it “a perfect place” for would-be terrorists to keep a low profile, as one resident told Da Tech Guy, who is continuing to interview residents, police and other people on the scene. He will be filing photos and video later today.

UPDATE 1:15 p.m. ET: The Boston Globe reports:

Baij Joshi, who manages the Watertown property for his father, Shubh, said the tenants on the first floor were several Pakistani men, who had lived there “more than two to three years.” He said some had spoken recently of taking trips to Pakistan.
“They seemed to be very good people. They paid the rent on time,” he said.
“The impression that I got is they’re working people, making their daily livelihood by driving a taxi and working in a store,” he said. . . .
FBI agents also questioned employees at another Brookline gas station, at the corner of Cypress Street and Route 9, this morning. They asked about a recently hired Pakistani employee who apparently worked Sundays for the last several months, said Hiyam Jabour, the cashier at the Mobil station, who was interviewed.
Neither she nor the mechanic from the garage said they knew the man, noting that he worked on a different shift. They referred questions to Elias Audy, the owner of the station, who also owns the gas station on Harvard Street.
Bill Audy, brother of Elias Audy, said he “wants the truth to be known.” He said he did not know the Pakistani employee but said that he worked at the gas station for “a very short time.” He said the real victim is his brother.
“This is a mess,” Audy said. “I think the media has destroyed my brother’s business. If I’m an outsider, I’ve got to wonder if the owners of the gas station are terrorists. He’s not happy about this.”

In the interest of “responsible, ethical journalism,” we must stipulate: (a) the individuals arrested are merely suspects, and their connections to Faisal Shahzad are unknown; and (b) even if the arrested suspects are involved in terrorism, neither their landlords nor their employers have been implicated in any such allegation.

It has just been reported that Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick will be holding a press conference shortly.

UPDATE 1:20 p.m. ET: Linked by Jules Crittenden, who happens to be city editor of the Boston Herald.


PREVIOUSLY (11:08 a.m ET): Da Tech Guy just called from Massachusetts to tell me about this story now breaking on local news there:

The FBI conducted several raids in Massachusetts Thursday in connection with the failed Times Square car bombing, officials told CBS News.
Further raids are expected throughout the day.
Two people have been detained for “immigration violations,” FBI spokesperson Gail Marcinkiewicz told CBS station WBZ-TV in Boston, though she would not say whether they were involved in the plot.
“The searches are a product of evidence that has been gathered in the investigation subsequent to the Times Square bombing investigation,” said Marcinkiewicz.

Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick cancelled a planned appearance in Fitchburg today. Da Tech Guy has already blogged about this story, as has Jammie Wearing Fool. Da Tech Guy called me from the road as he was en route to the scene of the raids, and promises to have exclusive reporting soon.

UPDATE 11:22 a.m. ET: In our brief phone conversation, Da Tech Guy said the raids involve a family well-respected in the Boston suburban community where the raid took place. The Associated Press reports:

[P]olice have cordoned off a small house in Watertown, a suburb about 10 miles west of Boston where a neighbor reported seeing an FBI raid. . . .
Vinny Lacerra, 50, who lives across the street from the house raided in Watertown, said he was in his living room about 6 a.m. when he heard somebody say, “FBI! Put your hands up!”
Lacerra said he looked out his windows and saw 15 to 20 FBI agents with their guns drawn surrounding the house.
He said about 15 minutes later, the agents went inside and came out with one man handcuffed and took him down the street. He also said he saw an agent from Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
“I was surprised to see this because this is what you see on TV,” Lacerra said.

Da Tech Guy should arrive in the vicinity within minutes.

UPDATE 11:32 a.m. ET: Dan Riehl was on this story early, with links to the New York Daily News and this report from the Boston Herald:

FBI agents were also seen at two gas stations in Brookline – one on Harvard Street and another on Cypress Street. . . .
Lacerra said the rental property [on Waverly Avenue], which is located across the street from Watertown middle school, is constantly turning over with new residents. Neighbors said they’ve seen police staking out the area for several days, but did not why . . .

UPDATE 11:40 a.m. ET: Just got off the phone with Da Tech Guy, who just arrived on Waverly Avenue in Watertown and reports: “There are police all around, news cameras everywhere.”

UPDATE 11:45 a.m. ET: Now a Memeorandum thread and a story at Fox News, linked by Ed Morrissey at Hot Air, where one of the commenters gets snarky:

CNN investigating anonymous reports that the men were arrested at the local tea party headquarters.

Professor Glenn Reynolds says, “Hmm.”


44 Responses to “BREAKING: Terrorism Angle in Massachusetts ‘Immigration’ Raids; BUMPED: ‘Very Quiet Neighborhood’; UPDATE: Mohammad Bakht Zameen; UPDATE: ‘They Paid the Rent on Time’”

  1. Joe
    May 13th, 2010 @ 3:29 pm

    This should be interesting. Thanks Da Tech Guy!

  2. Joe
    May 13th, 2010 @ 10:29 am

    This should be interesting. Thanks Da Tech Guy!

  3. Teresa in Fort Worth, TX
    May 13th, 2010 @ 3:52 pm

    Hmmmm….. Isn’t Massachusetts one of those states that has many large cities calling for a boycott against Arizona because of their new immigration law?

    Oh, yeah, these probably aren’t illegal MEXICAN immigrants…..

  4. Teresa in Fort Worth, TX
    May 13th, 2010 @ 10:52 am

    Hmmmm….. Isn’t Massachusetts one of those states that has many large cities calling for a boycott against Arizona because of their new immigration law?

    Oh, yeah, these probably aren’t illegal MEXICAN immigrants…..

  5. Joe
    May 13th, 2010 @ 4:13 pm

    Teresa. You would be surprised with the number of central american illegals in states like Massachusetts. But since folks in suburban boston like hiring guys to tend their lawns and bushs off the books for about $10 an hour, it is all good with that, all good.

    As for these illegals, well I am going to guess they have a different motive than making $10 an hour.

  6. Joe
    May 13th, 2010 @ 11:13 am

    Teresa. You would be surprised with the number of central american illegals in states like Massachusetts. But since folks in suburban boston like hiring guys to tend their lawns and bushs off the books for about $10 an hour, it is all good with that, all good.

    As for these illegals, well I am going to guess they have a different motive than making $10 an hour.

  7. keyboard jockey
    May 13th, 2010 @ 4:17 pm

    This country is melting down, and November can’t get here soon enough.

  8. keyboard jockey
    May 13th, 2010 @ 11:17 am

    This country is melting down, and November can’t get here soon enough.

  9. Jules Crittenden » “What’s Happening To Faisal Shahzad?”
    May 13th, 2010 @ 11:57 am

    […] the latest in Boston, HotAir’s monitoring. Other McCain is on the phone with Da Tech Guy on the scene. That’s some dynamic newsblogging. I hope he […]

  10. Joe
    May 13th, 2010 @ 5:32 pm

    Hot Air on the case.

    Hey, why no linky love from HA to TOM?

  11. Old Rebel
    May 13th, 2010 @ 5:32 pm

    Why, this suggests there’s a link between uncontrolled immigration and terrorism.

    Whoda thunk it?

  12. Joe
    May 13th, 2010 @ 12:32 pm

    Hot Air on the case.

    Hey, why no linky love from HA to TOM?

  13. Old Rebel
    May 13th, 2010 @ 12:32 pm

    Why, this suggests there’s a link between uncontrolled immigration and terrorism.

    Whoda thunk it?

  14. O to NY: Blow Up and Drop Dead « The Rhetorican
    May 13th, 2010 @ 12:36 pm

    […] Bad timing.  And bad optics, what with the aftermath of the Times Square bust unfolding in nearby Massachusetts. […]

  15. Roxeanne de Luca
    May 13th, 2010 @ 5:39 pm

    DTG called me about two hours ago to ask if I wanted in on the fun. Sigh.

    Guys, please do not forget that this is Massachusetts: the same state that harboured Obama’s illegal alien aunt, in public housing, for a few decades (IIRC).

    Now, over the past decade, the racial make-up of certain professions in Massachusetts has changed dramatically. It was once a very, very white state; back in 2000, most landscapers were white, most painters were white, etc. Now, there’s a lot of minorities (likely of Mexican heritage) doing these jobs. This infuriates a lot of people who had their small businesses and made a decent living on landscaping people’s yards and painting their houses.

  16. Roxeanne de Luca
    May 13th, 2010 @ 12:39 pm

    DTG called me about two hours ago to ask if I wanted in on the fun. Sigh.

    Guys, please do not forget that this is Massachusetts: the same state that harboured Obama’s illegal alien aunt, in public housing, for a few decades (IIRC).

    Now, over the past decade, the racial make-up of certain professions in Massachusetts has changed dramatically. It was once a very, very white state; back in 2000, most landscapers were white, most painters were white, etc. Now, there’s a lot of minorities (likely of Mexican heritage) doing these jobs. This infuriates a lot of people who had their small businesses and made a decent living on landscaping people’s yards and painting their houses.

  17. Joe
    May 13th, 2010 @ 5:54 pm

    At least these terrorists paid their rent on time, becuase it is really frustrating to landlords when terrorist just bug out before paying the rent.

    And the cleaning required after they leave! Oy veh!

  18. Joe
    May 13th, 2010 @ 12:54 pm

    At least these terrorists paid their rent on time, becuase it is really frustrating to landlords when terrorist just bug out before paying the rent.

    And the cleaning required after they leave! Oy veh!

  19. keyboard jockey
    May 13th, 2010 @ 5:56 pm

    “Last week, the Boston City Council passed a measure that would immediately end all city contracts with the state of Arizona and Arizona-based companies. This week, officials in Worcester, Lawrence, Springfield and Amherst were considering similar actions. Other cities in other states also are looking at taking action.”

    Perhaps Boston should clean up their own backyard before addressing Arizona’s anti invasion laws.

    Boston Airport is where Mohammad Atta flew out of on September 11th, 2001. Now there maybe another connection to Boston, this time to the Time Square Bomber?

    If I was a member of Arizona’s state government, I would not be taking advice from Progressives in Massachusetts.

  20. keyboard jockey
    May 13th, 2010 @ 12:56 pm

    “Last week, the Boston City Council passed a measure that would immediately end all city contracts with the state of Arizona and Arizona-based companies. This week, officials in Worcester, Lawrence, Springfield and Amherst were considering similar actions. Other cities in other states also are looking at taking action.”

    Perhaps Boston should clean up their own backyard before addressing Arizona’s anti invasion laws.

    Boston Airport is where Mohammad Atta flew out of on September 11th, 2001. Now there maybe another connection to Boston, this time to the Time Square Bomber?

    If I was a member of Arizona’s state government, I would not be taking advice from Progressives in Massachusetts.

  21. Joe
    May 13th, 2010 @ 5:57 pm

    Roxeanne de Luca, white landscapers and painters? Ha ha ha ha ha. Well, next you are going to tell me there used to be white roofers and drywall workers. Please, you are messing up the myth that these jobs can only be filled by illegal aliens, since we don’t have slaves or the Irish (black of course) to perform these tasks any more.

  22. Joe
    May 13th, 2010 @ 12:57 pm

    Roxeanne de Luca, white landscapers and painters? Ha ha ha ha ha. Well, next you are going to tell me there used to be white roofers and drywall workers. Please, you are messing up the myth that these jobs can only be filled by illegal aliens, since we don’t have slaves or the Irish (black of course) to perform these tasks any more.

  23. Roxeanne de Luca
    May 13th, 2010 @ 6:04 pm

    Joe: my family used to hire Tony the Painter. You’re more than welcome to guess at his ethnic heritage… and you would probably be right. 😀

  24. Roxeanne de Luca
    May 13th, 2010 @ 1:04 pm

    Joe: my family used to hire Tony the Painter. You’re more than welcome to guess at his ethnic heritage… and you would probably be right. 😀

  25. Will Terrorists Boycott Arizona? : The Other McCain
    May 13th, 2010 @ 1:06 pm

    […] before returning to the regularly scheduled, anti-Arizona demagoguery programming.But, but . . . . they paid their rent on time! var addthis_pub='smitty1e';var addthis_language='en';var addthis_options='twitter, digg, email, […]

  26. Roxeanne de Luca
    May 13th, 2010 @ 6:09 pm

    (I should also add that we’ve had Roxeanne The Snow Shoveler since I was about 8 years old, and, during my teen years, Roxeanne the Landscaper. You’re more than welcome to guess at her race, but it may disabuse some poor liberal of his notions of spoiled kids.)

  27. Roxeanne de Luca
    May 13th, 2010 @ 1:09 pm

    (I should also add that we’ve had Roxeanne The Snow Shoveler since I was about 8 years old, and, during my teen years, Roxeanne the Landscaper. You’re more than welcome to guess at her race, but it may disabuse some poor liberal of his notions of spoiled kids.)

  28. Cold Fury » Liberals Propose Internal Passport Controls For USA, Detain Illinois Girl’s Basketball Team
    May 13th, 2010 @ 1:21 pm

    […] as Eric Holder’s Gringo Gestapo are demanding “Papers, please!” from Faisal Shazad&#8…, liberals in Illinois are detaining students without probable cause, stopping them from exercising […]

  29. ‘FBI Arrests Tea Party-Connected Terrorists In Mass.’ « The Camp Of The Saints
    May 13th, 2010 @ 1:30 pm

    […] McCain has been regularly updating the story and is in regular contact with DaTechguy who is on the scene with his camera [Go Pete!].  A […]

  30. DaveP.
    May 13th, 2010 @ 6:31 pm

    My Uncle Tony was a roofer for many years… no relation to Roxeanne’s Painter Tony, though.

    Three guesses as to his nationality. “Jobs Americans won’t do”, feh.

  31. DaveP.
    May 13th, 2010 @ 1:31 pm

    My Uncle Tony was a roofer for many years… no relation to Roxeanne’s Painter Tony, though.

    Three guesses as to his nationality. “Jobs Americans won’t do”, feh.

  32. daveinboca
    May 13th, 2010 @ 6:54 pm

    All of a sudden there’s a fuss about illegal aliens, AFTER they try to blow up Times Square. Doesn’t MA have a no-go policy toward those mean Arizona enforcers of federal law? Consistency is the hobgoblin of …….

  33. daveinboca
    May 13th, 2010 @ 1:54 pm

    All of a sudden there’s a fuss about illegal aliens, AFTER they try to blow up Times Square. Doesn’t MA have a no-go policy toward those mean Arizona enforcers of federal law? Consistency is the hobgoblin of …….

  34. keyboard jockey
    May 13th, 2010 @ 7:51 pm

    How easy is it to construct a Bomb? Geraldo at Camp Leatherneck in Afghanistan, speaking to our troops about the cheap and easy ability of constructing these IEDS – Bombs. Our troops even bring up the Pakistani influence 🙂 15-20 dollars to make an IED the major component Ammonium Nitrate Fertilizer for about 15.00 dollars a bag, the detonator they probably get them from Pakistan for a couple of dollars. So for 15-20 dollars they can build a bomb and it’s so basic a farmer could construct one with minimal training. Faisal was a computer and electronic engineer graduate.

    So why did Faisal a fail?

  35. keyboard jockey
    May 13th, 2010 @ 2:51 pm

    How easy is it to construct a Bomb? Geraldo at Camp Leatherneck in Afghanistan, speaking to our troops about the cheap and easy ability of constructing these IEDS – Bombs. Our troops even bring up the Pakistani influence 🙂 15-20 dollars to make an IED the major component Ammonium Nitrate Fertilizer for about 15.00 dollars a bag, the detonator they probably get them from Pakistan for a couple of dollars. So for 15-20 dollars they can build a bomb and it’s so basic a farmer could construct one with minimal training. Faisal was a computer and electronic engineer graduate.

    So why did Faisal a fail?

  36. The St. Angilbert Press » Busy, busy…getting bought is like that
    May 13th, 2010 @ 3:10 pm

    […] whose blog you should really also be checking out at least three times a day, observes that yet another guy named Mohammed has been arrested for terrorism. He also links this bit of comic gold: “Elena Kagan to Become Only 112th Heterosexual to […]

  37. The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : FBI Terror Raids: Suspects 'Paid The Rent On Time'
    May 13th, 2010 @ 4:29 pm

    […] The FBI conducted raids today in what officials say was an investigation related to the May 1 Times Square car-bomb attempt in New York City. A blogger friend of mine, Da Tech Guy, traveled to Watertown, Mass., this morning and phoned in reports from the scene of one of those raids: […]

  38. Joe
    May 13th, 2010 @ 9:33 pm

    Roxe–having painted, landscaped, roofed, framed, been a laborer, caddied, worked in fast food places, retail store work, late night office cleaning, restaurants (from pot scrubbing to cook), weeded, shovelled snow, split logs, spread manure, picked fruit over the years–I was speaking tongue in cheek.

    The thing about America was (and I mean the United States, not Central America, South America, Africa, Europe, etc.) it was not considered bad to work at low level jobs. We did not have class distinctions on jobs. Low paying jobs were considered a step up to higher paying jobs. It was considered admirable to work hard.

  39. Joe
    May 13th, 2010 @ 4:33 pm

    Roxe–having painted, landscaped, roofed, framed, been a laborer, caddied, worked in fast food places, retail store work, late night office cleaning, restaurants (from pot scrubbing to cook), weeded, shovelled snow, split logs, spread manure, picked fruit over the years–I was speaking tongue in cheek.

    The thing about America was (and I mean the United States, not Central America, South America, Africa, Europe, etc.) it was not considered bad to work at low level jobs. We did not have class distinctions on jobs. Low paying jobs were considered a step up to higher paying jobs. It was considered admirable to work hard.

  40. Terrorism at 39 Waverley Avenue? : The Other McCain
    May 13th, 2010 @ 7:31 pm

    […] had seen law enforcement officials conducting surveillance at the house for about a week.Remember Da Tech Guy said:The boarding house where the suspects were arrested is “next door to public housing” in […]

  41. Video from my day on Waverly Ave Watertown « DaTechguy's Blog
    May 14th, 2010 @ 5:37 am

    […] I haven’t seen any of the National coverage of this stuff but I called Stacy McCain with updates from Waverly ave. Check out his stuff. Possibly related posts: (automatically […]

  42. I hope you didn’t miss Stacy McCain’s Waverly Ave posts… « DaTechguy's Blog
    May 14th, 2010 @ 5:45 am

    […] soon as I headed down there and gave him several updates while I was there. He answered with some first rate posts while I was on the […]

  43. DaTechguy And Stacy McCain: The New Huntley And Brinkley? « The Camp Of The Saints
    May 15th, 2010 @ 11:17 am

    […] -Live blogging of the event, supplemented with DaTechguy’s phone reports. […]

  44. American Glob » Blog Archive » Alan Colmes Says There’s No Such Thing As Radical Islam, Daniel Pearl Couldn’t Be Reached For Comment
    May 18th, 2010 @ 2:03 am

    […] Meanwhile, liberal media outlets continue to insist that recent attempted terror attacks on the US have absolutely nothing to do with radical Islam. After all, things like that don’t happen in liberal places like Massachusetts. […]