The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Walker Files Appeal in Kimberlin Case;
Ali Akbar Says: ‘We’re Not Stopping.’

Posted on | June 6, 2012 | 41 Comments

Press release from the National Bloggers Club:

June 6, 2012
Contact: Ali Akbar (888) 308-3606


WASHINGTON, DC — The National Bloggers Club, Inc. is announcing that it will continue to raise funds to provide financial relief to member Aaron Walker. An appeal to the peace order granted by Judge C.J. Vaughey was filed Monday.
Last week the Maryland judge issued a 6-month peace order and jailed attorney Aaron Walker, preventing him from mentioning Brett Kimberlin in public. A Blogger and Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney wrote of this order that, “this is a clear-cut case of a First Amendment violation — about as clear-cut as you’ll ever hear.” Since then, Walker has been working with a new legal team and the National Bloggers Club to legally restore his free speech rights.
“We’ve got over a dozen lawyers coordinating on this now, volunteering their time. Aaron’s first amendment rights are being violated when he is barred from even being able to publicly mention the case or Kimberlin’s violent past,” said Bloggers Club president Ali A. Akbar.
Akbar continued, “Yesterday they came after the Bloggers Club and my family — my family. We’re not stopping. We’ve got to raise $5,000 more dollars to continue to stand with Aaron Walker and I’m positive supporters will continue to step up.”
The National Bloggers Club is working to promote where supporters continue to give financial and written support to this cause.
In keeping with the ruling of the court, Walker’s response was simply, “thank you”.

– * – * – * –

Lots of important background from Michelle “The Boss” Malkin:

When I asked Ali Akbar of the National Bloggers Club for help with a website/infrastructure to support the blogger targets of convicted bomber/online terrorist Brett Kimberlin two weeks ago, he didn’t hesitate or waver. He stepped up to the plate because he believes in free speech and new media. I knew and respected him from his past work on grass-roots conservative campaigns and online projects. I was honored to join the NBC board of directors when he asked me late last year. There is no vast, deeply-funded conspiracy behind how it all came together — as some deranged progressive operatives (who habitually indulge in such rancid psychological projection) are claiming. I simply asked for help with organizing/fundraising tasks that were way beyond my paygrade. Ali volunteered to help and hasn’t stopped. The blogosphere owes him bottomless thanks.
Despite threats made to Ali’s family by Kimberlin associates and new legal threats waged by one Kevin Zeese, he and the NBC are not backing down. They are standing with the Kimberlin targets who continue to fight these ongoing menaces. Joining the battle: many, many excellent First Amendment lawyers (including Eugene Volokh, who on Tuesday noted his pro bono involvement at his blog.) . . .

Please read the whole thing. Ali’s role in this emergency has been crucial and The Boss has been on fire for the past two weeks.

There is much, much more to this story, and major national news organizations are taking notice of one of the most fascinating political dramas of this wild and weird year.

Update: welcome, Instapundit readers!






41 Responses to “Walker Files Appeal in Kimberlin Case;
Ali Akbar Says: ‘We’re Not Stopping.’”

  1. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    June 6th, 2012 @ 12:38 pm
  2. Peachy Tea
    June 6th, 2012 @ 1:10 pm

    Storm the beaches!

  3. Datechguy's Blog » Blog Archive » Hey Kimberlin & Co How’s that intimidating Ali Akbar plan working out for ya? » Datechguy's Blog
    June 6th, 2012 @ 1:40 pm

    […] plan doesn’t seems to have a lot of legs, Stacy McCain might be in hiding but he’s blogging up a storm, Aaron Walker now has a new legal team that’s include Eugene Volokh consulting without pay, […]

  4. Michelle Malkin » Won’t back down: Amidst threats, National Bloggers Club announces Aaron Walker appeal; blogs to crank up pressure on Congress
    June 6th, 2012 @ 1:43 pm

    […] Plus: Stacy McCain does more dot-connecting. More McCain here. […]

  5. SDN
    June 6th, 2012 @ 1:47 pm

     He has a better track record than you do, troll. I notice you don’t cite anything. Why should I believe you?

  6. Pepper1
    June 6th, 2012 @ 2:01 pm

    BillSchmalfeldt is also a “poster” on Breitbart Unmasked it seems, where all the commenters sound alike.

  7. jdawg
    June 6th, 2012 @ 2:05 pm

    He was also banned at the Daily Kos after being fired from Examiner.

  8. BillSchmalfeldt
    June 6th, 2012 @ 2:21 pm

    The line to kiss my ass starts HERE.

  9. Mike F.
    June 6th, 2012 @ 2:27 pm

     So, checked out your case and read that he got community service for credit/debit card abuse.  You got the entire particulars of this incident?  Because you making this equivalent to a convicted child molester is just batshite crazy.

  10. CPAguy
    June 6th, 2012 @ 2:29 pm

    So why is your group of terrorist felons trying to attack the families of supposed petty thieves?

  11. robertstacymccain
    June 6th, 2012 @ 2:40 pm

    Expect the Wombat momentarily.

  12. Bob Belvedere
    June 6th, 2012 @ 3:15 pm

    Damn!  Missed the fun.

  13. Rob Johnson
    June 6th, 2012 @ 3:25 pm

    Concern Troll was concerned.  You didn’t miss much.

  14. Adjoran
    June 6th, 2012 @ 3:29 pm

     Kindred spirits.  Or possibly the products of incest.  It’s all good.

  15. Adjoran
    June 6th, 2012 @ 3:39 pm

    Volokh won’t be intimidated in the least. 

    Jailhouse lawyers can learn to do the research and play the system.  They can pull the wool over the eyes of administrative court judges (glorified arbiters, a step down from traffic court).  Lots of guys can hit in the minor leagues, too.

    It’s like saying, “Now pitching for the Good Guys, Bob Gibson.”  Very good news. 

  16. Aaron Walker Appealed Gag Order Imposed By Maryland Judge | The Lonely Conservative
    June 6th, 2012 @ 5:01 pm

    […] the Kimberlin saga over the past day or so. Be sure to read latest at The Other McCain, as well as his earlier post. Also, Michelle Malkin joins in the call for our representatives in Congress to do something about […]

  17. Dolly Charles
    June 6th, 2012 @ 8:06 pm

    Where’s the deep-pocketed ACLU?  There can’t be a more egregious example of a civil-liberties violation. 

  18. br
    June 6th, 2012 @ 8:11 pm

    I want to donate, but I prefer PayPal

  19. Send Lawyers, Guns, and Money: Second Edition | Daily Pundit
    June 6th, 2012 @ 8:29 pm

    […] Walker Files Appeal in Kimberlin Case; Ali Akbar Says: ‘We’re Not Stopping.’ : The… […]

  20. Mr_Miyagi
    June 6th, 2012 @ 8:51 pm

    Getting a decision like this so wrong should have serious repercussions for the career of any judge.  Being overturned by another judge or another court would seem to be merely a gentle slap on the wrist.  More appropriate would be a disciplinary 2X4 upside the judge’s noggin by his peers on the bench, I would think.   All the more reason to have finite term appointments for judges instead of appointments for life.  

  21. DSmith2
    June 6th, 2012 @ 9:28 pm

    Well, I went over to give $50, but my “gender” (I don’t have a gender, I have a sex), my occupation, and my employer are “required”?  I didn’t think this was a political donation.  Pass.

  22. William Quick
    June 6th, 2012 @ 9:49 pm

     What the hell?

  23. Kimberlin Will Rue the Day « YouViewed/editorial
    June 6th, 2012 @ 10:02 pm

    […] Now we have this from The Other McCain […]

  24. Fuggetaboutit
    June 6th, 2012 @ 10:07 pm

     Agreed.  I was ‘in’ until all the questions that are nobody’s business.  Gimme a paypal link, I’ll take my chances with that. 

  25. ABC News Reports Sen. Saxby Chambliss Requested DOJ Investigation of Blogger Swattings | The Lonely Conservative
    June 6th, 2012 @ 10:26 pm

    […] read what happens when these SWAT incidents go wrong.Memeorandum has a thread with links to The Other McCain, Nice Deb, “The Lid” and Examiner. There’s also a link to the site Kimberlin denies […]

  26. Ken Finney
    June 6th, 2012 @ 10:59 pm

     Yeah, what Bill said…what the hell…

  27. orbicularioculi
    June 6th, 2012 @ 11:06 pm

    The judge in the Kimberlin case is a MORON.  The House of Representatives is now asking why the Justice Department hasn’t stepped in here because of Kimberlin’s terrorist history.

    Where is the ACLU?  Oh, I forgot, they’re figuring out ways to screw America.

  28. Swatting update « Newsbeat1
    June 6th, 2012 @ 11:28 pm

    […] Update […]

  29. Guest
    June 7th, 2012 @ 12:18 am

    I went to the page to make a donation.  There should be a PayPal option.

    After I filled out the Credit Card info, including full name, address, and phone number, I was going to have to fill out Gender, date of birth, employer and a bit more.  That would appear to be unnecessary to simply give away $50.  I don’t need to have that much tracking for anyone except my family.  I Cancelled the gift.  Change the method and I will try to contribute again.

  30. Wombat_socho
    June 7th, 2012 @ 3:49 am

    Hit the tip jar here and earmark it for Ali Akbar/National Bloggers Club. It’ll get to where it needs to go.

  31. Wombat_socho
    June 7th, 2012 @ 3:50 am

     See my advice to “Guest”, above. No need to make a direct donation and answer all those questions when you can donate indirectly without them.

  32. Wombat_socho
    June 7th, 2012 @ 3:51 am

     See my advice to “Guest”, above.

  33. Russ Emerson
    June 7th, 2012 @ 7:50 am

    I’d love to see the appeal filing/brief/whatever.

  34. Roxeanne de Luca
    June 7th, 2012 @ 12:58 pm

    If Ali has enough legal help, I’m happy to hear it – but I’m also happy to help if this nonsense needs stopping in my corner of the U.S.

  35. Senator Saxby Chambliss Calls for DOJ Investigation of Terrorist Brett Kimberlin’s Assault on First Amendment and “SWATting” | A Time For Choosing
    June 7th, 2012 @ 3:45 pm

    […] Stacy McCain reports Walker has filed for appeal. Blogger Ali A. Akbar, who is helping Walker, has been harassed [to put […]

  36. Left-Wing Terrorist Brett Kimberlin Gets Conservative Blogger Jailed | Infidel News Network
    June 8th, 2012 @ 1:39 am

    […] National Bloggers Club separately yesterday announced it plans to raise funds for the appeal of Aaron Walker who was recently jailed for daring to blog […]

  37. Left-Wing Terrorist Brett Kimberlin Gets Conservative Blogger Jailed » Choosing Life - God's Gift To The Unborn
    June 8th, 2012 @ 2:35 am

    […] National Bloggers Club separately yesterday announced it plans to raise funds for the appeal of Aaron Walker who was recently jailed for daring to blog […]

  38. Bruce Vanheerden
    June 8th, 2012 @ 9:54 am

    I am an American living and working in Africa, lets go after this jerk and put him back in prison were he belongs in my oppinnion Kimberlin deserves prison

  39. Bruce Vanheerden
    June 8th, 2012 @ 9:57 am

    You have got to be a real jerk to be banned and fired by these two????

  40. Patterico: ‘Certain Big Media Reporters Are Scared to Write About Kimberlin’ : The Other McCain
    June 14th, 2012 @ 5:19 pm

    […] Three’June 5: Fear and Loathing on Capitol Hill: The GOP Caucus Is Decadent and DepravedJune 6: Walker Files Appeal in Kimberlin Case; Ali Akbar Says: ‘We’re Not Stopping.’June 6: Sen. Saxby Chambliss Requests DOJ Investigate SWATtingJune 7: CNN Gets Scooped on Its Own […]

  41. Neal Rauhauser’s Criminal Complaint Against Blogger Greg W. Howard : The Other McCain
    June 19th, 2012 @ 5:44 pm

    […] Three’June 5: Fear and Loathing on Capitol Hill: The GOP Caucus Is Decadent and DepravedJune 6: Walker Files Appeal in Kimberlin Case; Ali Akbar Says: ‘We’re Not Stopping.’June 6: Sen. Saxby Chambliss Requests DOJ Investigate SWATtingJune 7: CNN Gets Scooped on Its Own […]