The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

PA-12: Volunteers On the Way

Posted on | May 10, 2010 | 9 Comments

Activists are organizing for this key election May 18. A bulletin from the American Action Network:

Please join the American Action Network on May 15th as we travel to Pennsylvania-12 to help earn the return of a center-right House of Representatives by knocking on doors to help candidate Tim Burns.
On Saturday, May 15th, buses will depart from the Capitol Hill Club at 8:00 am for a day trip to Pennsylvania. Transportation and meals will be provided. We will spend the afternoon in the district knocking on doors reminding voters to come out and vote for Tim Burns in this pivotal PA-12 special election.
The center-right movement once again has the opportunity to build on the momentum generated from the election of Governor Bob McDonnell, Governor Chris Christie and Senator Scott Brown—but we need your help to make a difference.

If you’re in the D.C. area, visit AAN to learn more. Volunteers are also being organized by Code Red (email or call 740-792-2400), and others interested in helping out can visit, or e-mail the campaign or call 814-619-3414.


9 Responses to “PA-12: Volunteers On the Way”

  1. DaTechGuy
    May 11th, 2010 @ 11:56 am

    The Car is in the shop today in case DaTipJar manages to send me there later this week. Maybe I’ll interview some there.

  2. DaTechGuy
    May 11th, 2010 @ 6:56 am

    The Car is in the shop today in case DaTipJar manages to send me there later this week. Maybe I’ll interview some there.

  3. TR Sterling
    May 11th, 2010 @ 1:14 pm

    This shows a 50ft tall Nancy Pelosi and her demise in PA12.
    Other cartoon videos on the site are very funny!

  4. TR Sterling
    May 11th, 2010 @ 8:14 am

    This shows a 50ft tall Nancy Pelosi and her demise in PA12.
    Other cartoon videos on the site are very funny!

  5. The Exodus of activists to Pa-12 is under way « DaTechguy's Blog
    May 11th, 2010 @ 8:59 am

    […] Exodus of activists to Pa-12 is under way By datechguy as Robert Stacy Reports: On Saturday, May 15th, buses will depart from the Capitol Hill Club at 8:00 am for a day trip to […]

  6. PA-12: The ‘Scott Heard Round the World’ Will Campaign for Tim Burns Today : The Other McCain
    May 14th, 2010 @ 8:42 am

    […] help, visit, or e-mail the campaign or call 814-619-3414.PREVIOUSLY:5/11: PA-12: Mike Pence Sightings Confirmed in Support of Tim Burns5/10: PA-12: Volunteers on the Way5/10: PA-12 Update: Tim Burns Has the Edge5/6: PA-12: Democrats […]

  7. Foppish Muffinboy Jeered for Ridiculous Asshattery : The Other McCain
    May 16th, 2010 @ 3:14 pm

    […] the EdgeBearsears PatriotsDan Riehl found something refreshing in the Whiskey Rebellion reference.PA-12: Volunteers On the WayDaTechguyPA-12: Mike Pence Sightings Confirmed In Support Of Tim BurnsDaTechguyPA-12: If Tim Burns […]

  8. PA-12: Burns 48%, Critz 47% : The Other McCain
    May 17th, 2010 @ 6:13 am

    […] Burns5/14:  PA-12: The ‘Scott Heard Round the World’ Will Campaign for Tim Burns Today 5/11: PA-12: Mike Pence Sightings Confirmed in Support of Tim Burns5/10: PA-12: Volunteers on the Way5/10: PA-12 Update: Tim Burns Has the Edge5/6: PA-12: Democrats […]

  9. PA-12: The Final Wisdom : The Other McCain
    May 19th, 2010 @ 4:04 pm

    […] […]