The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

PA-12 Update: Tim Burns Has the Edge

Posted on | May 10, 2010 | 6 Comments

The big headline out of Pennsylvania today is the poll showing Joe Sestak pulling ahead of Arlen Specter in the Democratic Senate primary, but the May 18 special election in John Murtha’s 12th District is highlighted at Townhall by NRCC Political Director Brian Walsh:

We’ve seen a great deal of polling information since this race began, some that has had both the Republicans and Democrats in the lead. But one thing is clear – Republicans are close in this traditionally Democrat-dominated district, and Nancy Pelosi and her liberal allies are running scared. Even with Democrats possessing a nearly 2-1 advantage among registered voters, no one is denying that this race is heating up, and even political handicappers Stu Rothenberg and Charlie Cook have moved this race to pure toss-up. Tim’s message of fiscal conservatism and family values is one that’s resonating, and his push for the repeal of Healthcare Reform and the halting of the Obama/Pelosi agenda is one we can all agree on.
This special election comes at a vital time for our country. Democrats have rammed through legislation over the past 16 months that has placed the United States on a road to more bureaucracy and higher taxes – with no end in sight. On May 18th, Americans have a chance to send Washington Democrats a clear message by cutting into Nancy Pelosi’s vote count in the House of Representatives.

Jon Ward at Daily Caller:

House Republicans will be looking to western Pennsylvania, where a special election to fill the seat held by Democrat John Murtha for 36 years looks like a good bet to switch parties.
Many Republicans believe a win there by Republican businessman Tim Burns will mean that they’re headed for a pickup of as many as 50 seats this fall, far more than the 40 they need to take back the House. . . .
If Republican Tim Burns takes Murtha’s seat after 36 years of Democratic control – and despite a two-to-one voter registration advantage in Pennsylvania’s 12th District – some say that means the GOP will hit the high end of estimated pickups this fall.

Conservatives got encouraging news last week:

Democratic special election nominee Mark Critz is headed into the final 12 days of the campaign with a serious cash disadvantage.
Critz reported $73,000 cash on hand plus another $40,000 in debt in the pre-election reports released Thursday.
Businessman Tim Burns, the GOP nominee, reported having more than four times that sum with $308,000 in the bank.

OK, so the Republican has enough cash to go the distance, now what he needs is volunteers to help. As I reported last night in the Hot Air Green Room, the conservative group Code Red is putting out the call:

We are on the ground in PA-12 for the special election. We have called and identified several thousand conservative democrats and independent voters that need to be visited in a door-to-door program this week.
Because of the make-up of the district, this election will be a nail biter and EVERY vote picked up could make a difference in the outcome. Conservative CODE RED is organizing door-to-door efforts around the district. Please come to PA-12 and help us turn out the vote.
You can make a difference! Be a part of history
. . . .
If you can come to western Pennsylvania to help out in this vital election, please email me at or call me at (740) 792-2400.

You can get the latest updates by checking #PA12 on Twitter, and also by following @TimothyBurns or his campaign’s outreach coordinator, Angela Lash (@Lash3). Learn more at



6 Responses to “PA-12 Update: Tim Burns Has the Edge”

  1. NamVet
    May 11th, 2010 @ 3:47 am

    Major local paper in PA-12 endorses Bill Russell in May 18th Republican Primary

    “In the Republican primary, Burns is competing with William Russell, a retired lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army who challenged Murtha in the 2008 general election…. Russell has considered the issues with a depth and thoughtfulness that Burns has not demonstrated. He also has a background in defense and foreign policy, something that Burns lacks. We believe Russell would be the better choice for Republicans.”–Editorial

  2. NamVet
    May 10th, 2010 @ 10:47 pm

    Major local paper in PA-12 endorses Bill Russell in May 18th Republican Primary

    “In the Republican primary, Burns is competing with William Russell, a retired lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army who challenged Murtha in the 2008 general election…. Russell has considered the issues with a depth and thoughtfulness that Burns has not demonstrated. He also has a background in defense and foreign policy, something that Burns lacks. We believe Russell would be the better choice for Republicans.”–Editorial

  3. Special elections « Bearsearspatriots's Blog
    May 14th, 2010 @ 8:30 am

    […] Tim Burns is in a statistical dead tie with liberal Democrat Mark Critz. The good news is that a lot of politicos believe Burns has the edge in the heavily competitive special election. The bad news is that Cook Political calls it a total and complete toss up, meaning Tim Burns […]

  4. PA-12: The ‘Scott Heard Round the World’ Will Campaign for Tim Burns Today : The Other McCain
    May 14th, 2010 @ 8:49 am

    […] Mike Pence Sightings Confirmed in Support of Tim Burns5/10: PA-12: Volunteers on the Way5/10: PA-12 Update: Tim Burns Has the Edge5/6: PA-12: Democrats Panicking Over Impending Onslaught of AOSHQ Morons 5/6: PA12: Tim Burns […]

  5. Foppish Muffinboy Jeered for Ridiculous Asshattery : The Other McCain
    May 16th, 2010 @ 3:12 pm

    […] had been shamefully absent. Sorry. Fishersville Mike thinks that everyone should get mugged. PA-12PA-12 Update: Tim Burns Has the EdgeBearsears PatriotsDan Riehl found something refreshing in the Whiskey Rebellion reference.PA-12: […]

  6. PA-12: Burns 48%, Critz 47% : The Other McCain
    May 17th, 2010 @ 5:45 am

    […] Mike Pence Sightings Confirmed in Support of Tim Burns5/10: PA-12: Volunteers on the Way5/10: PA-12 Update: Tim Burns Has the Edge5/6: PA-12: Democrats Panicking Over Impending Onslaught of AOSHQ Morons 5/6: PA12: Tim Burns […]