The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Tip O’ The Fedora: The Franklin Center

Posted on | March 23, 2012 | 5 Comments

by Smitty

Stacy writes to say that The Franklin Center was so gracious as to buy a BlogAd on this humble site. The esteemed Franklin Center does massive amounts of state-level conservative outreach. The also sponsor events such as BlogCon, in a successful (with the glaring, occasionally caustic exception of Stacy McCain ;)) effort to get bloggers to look good in something other than pajamas.

The next installment is in Charlotte, North Carolina next month. Barring the unforeseen, I’ll be making a road trip down there. The agenda looks enticing:

FRIDAY, April 20:
8:00am Registration
9:00am Opening
9:15am Matt Kibbe, President, FreedomWorks: Public Choice Theory
9:30am Jason Stverak, President, The Franklin Center
9:45am Erik Telford: Information Activism
10:15am Data Visualization: Telling the Story / Matthias Shapiro, Political Math and Alex Lundry, TargetPoint Consulting
11:00am Using YouTube Effectively / Lee Doren, Craft DC
11:45pm Speaker: TBA
12:00pm Lunch! Podcasting workshop with Ed Morrissey and Fingers Malloy in Radio Row.
1:15pm In Memoriam: Andrew Breitbart
1:45pm Pitching and promoting your work / Liz Mair, Dana Loesch, Big Journalism, and Guy Benson, TownHall, moderated by Tony Katz, All Patriots Media
2:30pm Investigative Reporting: Finding the Story / Lachlan Markay, The Heritage Foundation, Steven Greenhut, The Franklin Center, Trent Seibert, Texas Watchdog
5:15pm Close
5:30pm Reception

SATURDAY, April 21:
10:00am Opening: Tony Katz
10:15am Policy Update: Crony Capitalism and Health Care / Dean Clancy, FreedomWorks, and Tom Borelli, Free Enterprise Project
11:00am Opposition Research: Digging up the Dirt / Mandy Nagy, Big Government, Brandon Darby
11:45am Speaker: Jason Mattera, Human Events
12:00pm Lunch! Video Editing Workshop with Ben Howe
1:00pm Speaker: Steven Crowder
1:15pm TBA
2:00pm How To Stay Out Of Trouble: What’s Legal / Kurt Schlichter, James Skyles, TBA moderated by Emily Zanotti
2:45pm David vs. Goliath: Slaying the Legacy Media / Pamela Geller, TBA
3:30pm Close: Stephen Kruiser, PJTV

Stacy McCain’s effort, “HTTP Thompson: Fear and Loathing of TweetDeck in the Era of the Netty-Tube Campaign”, alas, did not make the agenda this go-around. Those who think this oversight worthy of correcting are encouraged to drop a note to Tabitha.

The Axis of Fedora will be open for enrollment. I hope to see you there.


5 Responses to “Tip O’ The Fedora: The Franklin Center”

  1. Asian_chic
    March 23rd, 2012 @ 7:08 pm

    Congrats! 🙂

  2. richard mcenroe
    March 23rd, 2012 @ 8:00 pm

    Ask them where my Mister Spock collectible plate is.

  3. Quartermaster
    March 23rd, 2012 @ 8:54 pm

    So you have become weighty enough to go to Blog Con! Congrats! I just wish I weren’t too poor to hit your tip jar in celebration.

  4. smitty
    March 23rd, 2012 @ 9:40 pm

    Oh, I was at #BlogConCLT back in ’09, as well, when it was in Arrrrrlington, VA.

  5. Adjoran
    March 24th, 2012 @ 3:30 am

     The Franklin Center is a great project – citizens doing the job the media refuses to do in keeping an eye on state and local governments.

    Stacy would seem a natural for “pitching and promoting your work,”  but maybe Tabby Tatas is saving him for a “do your breast” seminar on the mother’s milk of blogging and favorite mammaries of the past (unless someone nips it).