The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Rule 5 Sunday: Soft Power

Posted on | May 15, 2011 | 7 Comments

Welcome once again to our weekly admiration session devoted to the many glorious examples of the Lord’s creation, or, as it’s more commonly known, Rule 5 Sunday. We begin this week by providing you with this helpful graphic from Soylent Green, which will explain in brief and pithy fashion why it is you’re examining, say, Charlie Laine‘s contributions to modern life. That’s right. It’s [expletive deleted] SCIENCE.

As if that weren’t enough, Soylent scours the pampas of Argentina, the posh studios of Buenos Aires, and the files of various advertisers of fine corsetry to bring us more lovely young ladies in their altogether. FOR SCIENCE. Remember that Soylent Green is brought to you mostly by the letter S, as in nSfw, IYKWIMAITYD. (You certainly ought to by now.)

Fishersville Mike would like to interrupt all the unseemly carrying-on over some marriage in the UK to mention that Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton got hitched. He’s got a nice clip of Miranda singing “Gunpowder and Lead” over there, too.

Randy’s Roundtable was one of the blogs affected by Google’s thumbfingered Blogger outage last week, but he managed to repost his Julie Montouret entry from last Thursday. Meanwhile, That Mr. G Guy apparently is unaware of Tommy Shaw’s warning concerning girls with guns. Elsewhere, the Eye of Polyphemus focuses on Jenna Fischer, the POH Diaries take a gander at Pippa Middleton, and A View From The Beach offers a different take on fantasy girls.

Proof Positive’s Vintage Babe of the week is Barbara Bouchet; also, the not yet vintage Claudia Jordan. Over at Dustbury, the search for fresh faces brings us former J-pop singer sifow and Selita Ebanks; Postaldog, on the other hand, has Joanna Krupa.

Did you somehow miss Troglopundit this week? Catch up in a hurry with his The Week In Automotivators, featuring a nice assortment of Rule 5 pix.

Over at The Camp of The Saints, it was time for Bob’s annual Six Days of Cheesecake, and I’m not talking about dessert, I’m talking classic cheesecake, more classic pix, still more for Hump Day, yet more on Thursday, also Friday and Saturday with Bettie Page and Margaret Lee, among others. Not content with this extravaganza, Bob offers an illustrated essay on marital relations, specifically wife spanking.

We end Rule 5 Sunday as we end all our Rule 5 posts of late, with the links of the DaleyGator, who has the best slideshows. 🙂
This week, the DaleyBabes include Jennifer Metcalfe, Olivia Wilde, Dianne Kruger, Holly Valance, and Corissa Furr; also, a Hooters bikini contest.

Thanks to all for their links! To be included in next week’s Rule 5 roundup, please send an e-mail with those links to Rule 5 Wombat by May 21.


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