The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Where Have I Been?

Posted on | May 13, 2011 | 8 Comments

by Smitty

I’ve been in Mazar-i-Sharif for a couple of weeks. Camp Marmal, as it’s called, is on the east side of town. The Germans actually run this, and it’s highly international. Which means a lot of weird little rules, and lousy internet connectivity.
After three tries, I finally found a card that logs me onto something that, you know works. Unfortunately, as the Ops/Sustainment/Training/Force Protection/Whatever guy, my discretionary time to add my voice to the Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Chorus is limited.
Things may improve. Seeing Stacy’s post about Osama’s porn stash, and having a bit of twitter access, I managed to get re-tweeted by the New York Times ‘bot:

So, I have some connectivity. Still no electricity, and sitting on the steps for a couple of hours is hard on the bottom.
The good news is that the deployment is half over.


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