The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The 1970s In NYC: Something Else

Posted on | April 15, 2011 | Comments Off on The 1970s In NYC: Something Else

by Smitty

Ed Driscoll, one of those great bloggers whom we don’t link enough, has a post about people waxing nostalgic for NYC’s seedier days. Admittedly, that was a little before my time, but it did bring to mind a funny bit from Our Dumb Century:

Ah, those days.

Some humorless git seems to have left the funniest page of the book of the tubey-nets: Aug. 20, 1969: Apollo 13 Astronauts Drown as Ted Kennedy Flees Splashdown Site
Oh well, we celebrate our victories where we can.

And then the BlogProf has the video:


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