The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Reality Begins to Reach Charlie Sheen

Posted on | March 10, 2011 | 21 Comments

You know how when somebody says “it’s not about the money,” it’s always about the money? Charlie’s insane tantrum explained:

“Charlie has earned an enormous amount of money with this show, but he has also spent a fortune and now finds himself in the very tricky position of being cash poor,” an insider tells me. “Every penny he has is tied up in property or business dealings.”
According to my source, what Charlie needs is cold hard cash and “that’s why he’s fighting so hard to try and get the $16 million he lost when CBS originally suspended production on the eight remaining episodes of this season.”

Yeah, dude’s paying child support for four kids, alimony for two ex-wives, plus all that cash he’s paying to various lawyers, porn stars, dope dealers, bookies, etc. And belated regrets can be quite expensive:

Charlie Sheen is finally admitting to his problems and reaching out for help.
In the latest issue of Life & Style, the actor admits that his life has taken a sharp decline in recent months and that, despite adamant declarations that he’s “winning,” his life has fallen off course.
“I’m really starting to lose my mind,” says Sheen. “I’m ready to call anyone to help.” . . .
“I”m really trying to contain myself right now,” says Sheen. “My lawyer wants to come over to my house and take the bullets out of my gun.”

Think about this, Charlie: All you had to do, after your January incident with Kacey Jordan, was to go through rehab and get sober. Ten days or two weeks, maybe, and by the end of February you’d have been back at work, with the money rolling in. Instead, you’re still in denial about the problems that got you where you are:

“Why didn’t they recognize my value to the show and then just say ‘let’s fix the situation?’ I’m not ashamed of anything.”

Charlie, how can you blame them for not recognizing your value to show, when you so clearly failed to recognize the value of the show to yourself?

They were paying you big bucks, and yet you apparently though your value was so great that the producers had no choice but to put up with anything you dished out, including brutal public insults to Chuck Lorre.

Well, guess what, genius? There’s a limit to what people will put up with, even from you. And now you’re screwed.


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