The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

If Charles M. Blow Never Wrote Another Word About Sarah Palin . . .

Posted on | December 4, 2010 | 5 Comments

. . . it would be nearly as good as if he never wrote another word, period:

This is it. This is the last time I’m going to write the name Sarah Palin until she does something truly newsworthy, like declare herself a candidate for the presidency. Until then, I will no longer take part in the left’s obsessive-compulsive fascination with her, which is both unhealthy and counterproductive.

The biggest problem with these useless overpaid pundits is their arrogant belief that nothing really matters until it’s written up by the New York Times.

(Via Memeorandum.)


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