The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox, 05.16.16

Posted on | May 16, 2016 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox, 05.16.16

— compiled by Wombat-socho

As those of you who follow me on Twitter are aware, the original plan to blog from Reno failed since I brought the wrong AC adapter for my laptop and couldn’t find a replacement. A recap post will be up later today along with Rule 5 Monday. The FMJRA for last week will be posted tomorrow. Thanks for your patience.

EBL: Nikola Tesla
Da Tech Guy: Ted Cruz Writes About The Mullahs And Their Missiles
The Political Hat: Meanwhile, At The Nevada Democratic Convention…
Michelle Malkin: What It Took For Nutball Azealia Banks to Get Kicked Off Twitter
Twitchy: Sorry, Josh Earnest, Nobody’s Seriously Buying This Obamacare Spin
Shark Tank: Sheriif Candidate Daryl Daniels Responds To Obama’s Latest Transgender Order

American Power: Daryl Hall Tells SJWs To “Shut The F*ck Up”
American Thinker: Darkness Flourishes At Vanderbilt University
BLACKFIVE: Book Review – The Wages Of Sin by Nancy Allen
Don Surber: NYT, Not Trump, Mistreated Rowanne Brewer Lane
Jammie Wearing Fools: Man Arrested After Two Shot During “Stop The Violence” Event
Joe For America: Obama Orders All Public Schools To Let Boys Use Girls’ Bathrooms
JustOneMinute: Saving Ben Sasse
Pamela Geller: Smirking Muslim Nanny Who Beheaded Four-Year-Old While Shrieking Allahu Akbar Won’t Face Murder Charges
Protein Wisdom: Of Cabbages And Kings – My Response To A Trumper
Shot In The Dark: Open Letter To Senator Latz, Rep. Schoen, Et Al
STUMP: Public Finance And Pension Quick Takes – Puerto Rico, Chicago, And Detroit
The Jawa Report: It’s For Real Bro!
The Lonely Conservative: Zuckerberg To Meet With Glenn Beck, Other Conservatives
The Quinton Report: Catholic Bishops Criticize Transgender Letter
This Ain’t Hell: Alicia Watkins, Air Force Vet In The Trump Campaign
Weasel Zippers: Planned Parenthood To Spend $30 Million To Defeat “Asshole”, “Racist” Trump
Megan McArdle: Debate – What Kind Of Inequality Matters?
Mark Steyn: A Se’ennight Of Steyn, May 9-15

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