The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Ferocious Marine: Journeying Respectfully to Appalachia

Posted on | September 18, 2010 | 14 Comments

by Smitty

I need to get on the road within the hour to make Lewisburg, West Virginia by noon. If fortune smiles, I’ll produce a daily series of brief clips of a fellow who is the Genuine Article telling a story for the ages. Last Sunday, I met one of his daughters at the 9/12 DC rally, there on the West Lawn. She sketched the sort of tale that would give a bald man a perm, and I said “I would love to interview your dad,” and exchanged contact info. May the Almighty smile on this endeavor.

So here is a whirlwind FMJRA:

Are you going to Wilmington Fair. . .

Delaware Senate Primary Update: NRA, DeMint Endorse Christine O’Donnell

Why Christine O’Donnell Is Surging: Three Ads From Tea Party Express

‘Destructive’! ‘Capricious’! ‘Irresponsible!’

Delaware Fever: Catch It!

Stacy Is 28 Miles Out Of Dover

Greetings from Delaware!


Hey, Who’s That Guy in the Fedora?

Christine O’Donnell Victory Interview

Of Course The Democrats Are Playing The Happy Tune In Delaware

Have You Called 202-675-6000 Yet?

Christine O’Donnell ‘Just Got Off the Phone With Senator Cornyn’

A Message For The GOP, Brought To You By Rick James

RINOplasty Reach ‘Round

Dear Rachel Maddow: How Often Should We Shake Hands With Mister Happy?

    Once Again, Christine O’Donnell Is Right: Coed Dormitories Are a Very Bad Idea

    O’DONNELLPHOBIA! Media Discovers Dreaded Gay-Hating Extremist Theocrat Is Related to People Who . . . Uh, Aren’t

    Townhall VP Garthwaite: Alan Moore’s Statements Slagging Christine O’Donnell ‘Unfortunate and Unauthorized’

      BlogCon and 9/12 DC

      BlogCon: Paparazzi!

      They Told Us There Was Going to Be a Huge Rally at the Mall in Washington . . .

      9/12 DC Rally

      9/12 Video: Tito ‘The Builder’ Munoz

      VIDEO: 9/12 DC Mike Pence Speech

      VIDEO: 9/12 DC Andrew Breitbart

      VIDEO: 9/12 DC Brazilian Momma Grizzly Roar

      VIDEO: 9/12 DC VA Attorney General Cuccinelli Intro And Speech

        Other politics

        Senator Jim DeMint Rocks

        Momma Grizzly-1, Terminator-0

        Completely Unofficial Survey Indicates John Dennis Surge In CA-8

        VIDEO: Ladd Ehlinger ‘Nancy Pelosi, Wicked Witch of the West’

        What’s Up With Bob Etheridge and Cows?

        GOP Slime Time

          Fein to GOP Old Guard: WAKE UP!

          The New Democrat Party Logo Revealed

          Dear God, Please, No!

          The rest of the story

          9/11: Never Forget

          9/12dc Video Short Takes: Tabitha, Tito, P.J.

          Another Atlas Shrugged Moment

          Polls Are Not Predictions

          Ace of Spades Interviews Ladd Ehlinger

          Hey, Has Anybody Else Noticed That Meghan McCain Is Intensely Stupid?

          BREAKING: Fire Melts Steel, Oswald Killed JFK, Vince Foster Shot Himself

          If He Worked For Allahpundit, What About Barney Frank?

          He Was a Fratboy . . .

          Global Climate Disruption

          Best wishes to all, keep the pressure up, and ‘Change That Mattress!’


          14 Responses to “Ferocious Marine: Journeying Respectfully to Appalachia”

          1. datechguy
            September 18th, 2010 @ 1:18 pm

            You know people likely don’t realize how much busywork it takes to do those lists.

            We should all be properly grateful.

          2. datechguy
            September 18th, 2010 @ 9:18 am

            You know people likely don’t realize how much busywork it takes to do those lists.

            We should all be properly grateful.

          3. Mark
            September 18th, 2010 @ 1:41 pm

            On my site it wouldn’t take much busy work. Haha!
            But yeah that takes some major time, many thanks Smitty…

          4. Mark
            September 18th, 2010 @ 9:41 am

            On my site it wouldn’t take much busy work. Haha!
            But yeah that takes some major time, many thanks Smitty…

          5. Mike
            September 18th, 2010 @ 2:09 pm

            Wave when you pass the Fishersville exit on I-81.

          6. Mike
            September 18th, 2010 @ 10:09 am

            Wave when you pass the Fishersville exit on I-81.

          7. Pat
            September 18th, 2010 @ 2:26 pm

            thanks for the linkie love! 😀

          8. Pat
            September 18th, 2010 @ 10:26 am

            thanks for the linkie love! 😀

          9. EQV
            September 18th, 2010 @ 2:53 pm

            Smitty, you may not find your way back – it is so beautiful in Almost Heaven …

          10. EQV
            September 18th, 2010 @ 10:53 am

            Smitty, you may not find your way back – it is so beautiful in Almost Heaven …

          11. mnrobot
            September 18th, 2010 @ 7:16 pm

            Smitty’s got it down to a fine art. Or is it witchcraft? Mwahahahaha…

          12. mnrobot
            September 18th, 2010 @ 3:16 pm

            Smitty’s got it down to a fine art. Or is it witchcraft? Mwahahahaha…

          13. Bob Belvedere
            September 18th, 2010 @ 7:42 pm

            Thanks, Smitty.

            Godspeed on your trip.

            I can’t wait to find out about this man.

          14. Bob Belvedere
            September 18th, 2010 @ 3:42 pm

            Thanks, Smitty.

            Godspeed on your trip.

            I can’t wait to find out about this man.