The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

On Taking Oneself Too Seriously

Posted on | August 22, 2010 | 13 Comments

by Smitty

Pat Condell, who is a stand-up comic when not ranting on YouTube, offers some safe ethnic humor:

One should view others soberly, and seek to walk humbly amongst fellow humans. Taking oneself less seriously has been quite a boon to me, particularly online, where plain text obscures as much as it communicates.


13 Responses to “On Taking Oneself Too Seriously”

  1. CountVikula
    August 22nd, 2010 @ 12:49 pm

    Sage advice — ESPECIALLY online.

  2. CountVikula
    August 22nd, 2010 @ 8:49 am

    Sage advice — ESPECIALLY online.

  3. two kgs of pigsnout
    August 22nd, 2010 @ 2:37 pm

    Hey Smitty, you’re just a sanctimonious and falsely humble old fart who thinks that the christian scriptures are the end all and be all of spirituality and true religious teaching.

    Shove it up your ass, old man, and get off it and get real for a change.


    Oh dear! Didn’t your vast wisdom detect a joke here? Take heed!

    You wonder, so that was humorous nuances?

    Should we lump that together with “what 2kgs gets, and others don’t.”

    That old defensive trick of that’s for me to know and you to guess superior intellect that I am? :))

    Sure, if that floats thine boat.

    But be sure to NEVER let anyone think that you think that you are in any way better than anyone else. If you do, you will be the next target of the ‘humility police’, who of course carry out their duties with the utmost of humbleness.

    Don’t you have a formula, friend? Not seeing it in yourself could be a sign of mental ossification. Old age first symptom is taking oneself too seriously, then one slides slowly into didactic pomposity.

    Do you detect the formula, it’s quite obvious, Smitty. It’s called constant self-promotion at the expense of others, or Excuse me, I’m going to cut your head, so I look a bit taller.

    No loss to ‘cut my head’ (sic) Smitty, cause it seems I already lost my mind!

    Don’t you detect a hint of my own pomposity in my response? I fight it with a little humor now and then.

    Try Dr. Humble self-deprecating syrup. It’s a great decongestant for stuffy heads. :))

    Unknown to you, simply being myself is self-deprecating; but wait, don’t you criticize this quality?

    So I being didactically pompous means being myself?!

    ….Concluding that on the basis of what I wrote?

    Back to ‘reading 101’ for you, sir.

    True Humility Knows Its Own Greatness!

    Right, Smitty?

    I wouldn’t know. I don’t fancy that I’m either. 😉 Do you?

    The greater is the lesser?

    The least is the most?

    If less is more…
    nothing is everything.

  4. two kgs of pigsnout
    August 22nd, 2010 @ 10:37 am

    Hey Smitty, you’re just a sanctimonious and falsely humble old fart who thinks that the christian scriptures are the end all and be all of spirituality and true religious teaching.

    Shove it up your ass, old man, and get off it and get real for a change.


    Oh dear! Didn’t your vast wisdom detect a joke here? Take heed!

    You wonder, so that was humorous nuances?

    Should we lump that together with “what 2kgs gets, and others don’t.”

    That old defensive trick of that’s for me to know and you to guess superior intellect that I am? :))

    Sure, if that floats thine boat.

    But be sure to NEVER let anyone think that you think that you are in any way better than anyone else. If you do, you will be the next target of the ‘humility police’, who of course carry out their duties with the utmost of humbleness.

    Don’t you have a formula, friend? Not seeing it in yourself could be a sign of mental ossification. Old age first symptom is taking oneself too seriously, then one slides slowly into didactic pomposity.

    Do you detect the formula, it’s quite obvious, Smitty. It’s called constant self-promotion at the expense of others, or Excuse me, I’m going to cut your head, so I look a bit taller.

    No loss to ‘cut my head’ (sic) Smitty, cause it seems I already lost my mind!

    Don’t you detect a hint of my own pomposity in my response? I fight it with a little humor now and then.

    Try Dr. Humble self-deprecating syrup. It’s a great decongestant for stuffy heads. :))

    Unknown to you, simply being myself is self-deprecating; but wait, don’t you criticize this quality?

    So I being didactically pompous means being myself?!

    ….Concluding that on the basis of what I wrote?

    Back to ‘reading 101’ for you, sir.

    True Humility Knows Its Own Greatness!

    Right, Smitty?

    I wouldn’t know. I don’t fancy that I’m either. 😉 Do you?

    The greater is the lesser?

    The least is the most?

    If less is more…
    nothing is everything.

  5. two kgs of pigsnout
    August 22nd, 2010 @ 2:51 pm

    Speaking seriously (and coherently), I’m more for just being upfront with people if they have a humble and friendly attitude.

    If not, then I leave em alone, just live Greta Garbo. It’s not my job to take people’s egos apart, that’s their job.

  6. two kgs of pigsnout
    August 22nd, 2010 @ 10:51 am

    Speaking seriously (and coherently), I’m more for just being upfront with people if they have a humble and friendly attitude.

    If not, then I leave em alone, just live Greta Garbo. It’s not my job to take people’s egos apart, that’s their job.

  7. Randy Rager
    August 22nd, 2010 @ 3:10 pm

    You wouldn’t know serious and coherent if it chewed off your left asscheek.

  8. Randy Rager
    August 22nd, 2010 @ 11:10 am

    You wouldn’t know serious and coherent if it chewed off your left asscheek.

  9. smitty
    August 22nd, 2010 @ 4:05 pm

    @two kgs,
    You’ll have to ask around the people who’ve met me whether I’m a humble person.
    Certainly, clicking ‘Publish’ on a blog post, and taking any non-trivial position on an issue requires some hefty arrogance.

  10. smitty
    August 22nd, 2010 @ 12:05 pm

    @two kgs,
    You’ll have to ask around the people who’ve met me whether I’m a humble person.
    Certainly, clicking ‘Publish’ on a blog post, and taking any non-trivial position on an issue requires some hefty arrogance.

  11. Adobe Walls
    August 22nd, 2010 @ 4:25 pm

    two kgs of pigsnout personality #5 or #6.

  12. Adobe Walls
    August 22nd, 2010 @ 12:25 pm

    two kgs of pigsnout personality #5 or #6.

  13. On Taking Oneself Too Seriously « Thatmrgguy's Blog
    August 22nd, 2010 @ 7:04 pm

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