The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 05.16.18

Posted on | May 17, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 05.16.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #257
EBL: Remember The Lessons Of The Chinese Cultural Revolution
Twitchy: Round Two! Dana Loesch KnocksĀ  Out Rep. Ted Lieu For Trying To Link NRA To Russia, also, Rob Schneider Takes Dramatic Step To Close Hollywood Pay Gap!
Louder With Crowder: Kyle Kashuv Wrecks Twitter Troll – “I Was Seven When It Was Published”
Mad Genius Club: It Is Time To Fight Back

Adam Piggott: Greasy Pole Podcast #4 – The Blue Lobsters Episode
American Power: Resistance Candidates Win Tuesday Primaries, also, Why Trump Is A President Like No Other
American Thinker: Let’s Stop Calling It Liberalism
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
BattleSwarm: Blue Wave? Not So Much, also, In A Surprise Development, Germany Now Sucks At War
CDR Salamander: Are We Watching The Free Previews In Ukraine?
Da Tech Guy: Israel Exists Because The Palestinians Can’t Slaughter Them; Palestinians Exist Because Israel Won’t Slaughter Them, also, The Government Solution Is Always Worse Than The Problem
Don Surber: “Just Quit Talking Down To Me”
Dustbury: Adolescent, After All
The Geller Report: Honor Barbarism – Pakistan Muslim, 22, Has Eyes Gouged Out By Father & Brothers Because He Wanted To Marry A Girl Of His Choosing, also, “Palestinians” Thank Canada For Not Attending Opening Of U.S. Embassy In Jerusalem
Hogewash: Gilmore v Jones et al LOLsuit News, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Joe For America: Beaver County PA Teacher Having Affair With Student Murdered On Mother’s Day
Legal Insurrection: NYT Report Confirms Obama’s FBI Spied On Trump Campaign, also, Chicago Advocacy Group Files Federal Lawsuit To Block Obama Presidential Center
Michelle Malkin: Marginalizing Melania
Power Line: Tom Steyer – Trump Isn’t As Bad As Hitler…Yet, also, Don’t Blame Trump For The Violence In Gaza
Shark Tank: Rubio Calls Venezuelan Dictator “Direct Threat” To U.S. National Security
Shot In The Dark: Into The Provinces
STUMP: Happy Pension News – Wisconsin State Pensions
The Political Hat: British Doctor Accidentally Decapitates Baby
This Ain’t Hell: Kaitlin Marie & The Gun Control Advocates, also, Tchaasu Taylor Killed Two Days After Being Released On Bail
Victory Girls: Chelsea Clinton, Meet The Facts
Weasel Zippers: Hamas Admits 50 Of 62 Killed In Gaza Border Incident Were Terrorists, also, Fauxcahontas Whines That Democracy “Crumbling Around Us” Since Trump Won
Mark Steyn: It Was A Very Good Year, also, Franchise Man v. Burka Girl

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