The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 02.08.18

Posted on | February 8, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 02.08.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Why Can’t We Have A Parade?
Twitchy: Brit Hume Crushes Horde Of Lefties Over Obama’s LIES About The FBI Russia Probe
Louder With Crowder: Uranium One Informant Testifies Against Hillary And Obama
Calaire Wolfe: More On FEMA’s Latest Follies (h/t NeoWayland)

Adam Piggott: Another One of Those Darn Posts About Comments, also, Never Underestimate The Power Of Cheap
American Power: Dow Closes Down 20 Points As Volatility Remains
American Thinker: Up Schiff’s Creek Without A Paddle
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Excess Interference News
BattleSwarm: Transient HTTP/HTTPS Issue
CDR Salamander: Kissinger Has Your Answer, If You’re Willing To Listen, also, Diversity Thursday
Da Tech Guy: Thank You, Nancy, May I Please have Another?
Don Surber: Illegal Aliens Threaten To Leave If Congress Doesn’t Pass DACA Law
Dustbury: Defeating The Whole Purpose
The Geller Report: Linda Sarsour “Tired Of White Men”, also, Canadian Prime Soyboy Trudeau Proclaims Sharia Compatible With Democracy
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, A Near Miss
Joe For America: Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton Reports Third Dossier Given To Sen. Cardin By Obama
JustOneMinute: Dream On
Legal Insurrection: Senate Reaches Trillion Dollar Budget Deal, also, Researchers Find Gender Pay Gap At Uber, but No Discrimination
Michelle Malkin: Holtzclaw Update
Power Line: Ilhan Omar Spreads A Smear, also, Less Redacted
Shark Tank: Trump’s Parade Proposal Making Democratic Heads Explode
Shot In The Dark: A Time For Calling BS
STUMP: MEP Watch – About ThoseĀ  Plans To Bail Out Union Pensions
The Political Hat: Leviathan – Amish Prisoners, Authoritarian Eurocrats, Outlawed Straws
This Ain’t Hell: Homeless Man Steals HMMWV To Join Army, also, A Valor Thief And Kid Diddler
Victory Girls: Clickbait Olympics Story Tries To Stir Up Fight
Weasel Zippers: Minneapolis Muslima Who Set Fires At St. Kates Facing Federal Terrorism Charges, also, Senate Report – Obamacare & Medicaid Expansion Contributed To The Opioid Epidemic
Megan McArdle: How A Tax Cut Handed GM A $5 Billion Loss
Mark Steyn: Dumb Strzok

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