The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Ex-Professor Deborah Frisch Jailed Again

Posted on | January 7, 2018 | 1 Comment

Deborah Ellen Frisch, Ph.D., in custody in Deschutes County, Oregon.

When last we reported on notorious cyberstalker Deborah Frisch, the deranged former psychology professor had been arrested in Bend, Oregon, on fugitive warrants from Colorado. Frisch had failed to appear at a November court hearing on two felony charges related to her continued harassment of Jeff Goldstein. In 2006, Frisch made national headlines when she resigned from her position at the University of Arizona after using her school computer to post obscene threats to Goldstein and his family. Since then, she “has accumulated a fantastic record of legal troubles” including stalking charges in Oregon:

In April 2015, she was released from jail and then re-arrested on a new charge a few hours after her release when she made a false police report. By September 2016, she had moved to Southern California, where she was residing when she CC’d me (!!!) on an email making false accusations against various people, which caused me to predict “that if Dr. Frisch continues this lunatic behavior, pretty soon someone will report her to California authorities, and put them in touch with authorities in Oregon (where Dr. Frisch’s probation doesn’t expire for another six months), and it’s going to be handcuffs and an orange jumpsuit for the kooky professor, IYKWIMAITYD.”
That prophecy didn’t take too long to fulfill, although not in the exact way I’d predicted. In November 2016, authorities in Weld County, Colorado, issued a felony warrant against Dr. Frisch for stalking and threatening.

More than a year later, it seems, Frisch’s modus operandi is unchanged, but some people still haven’t figured this out. On Dec. 29, a judge in Deschutes County, Oregon, signed Frisch’s release from jail, despite the fact that Frisch was a fugitive being held on a no-bond warrant pending extradition to Colorado. Almost immediately, Frisch was back on Twitter, posting messages that Goldstein considered threatening to himself and his family. She posted messages aimed at Goldstein, his wife and the school their children attend. Goldstein was understandably shocked by the Oregon judge’s decision to release Frisch.

The judge’s incomprehensible ruling to free Frisch had interesting consequences. Frisch turned up at a Wednesday meeting of the Bend City Council, where she made a rambling tirade against local officials.

Finally, however, it seems Colorado officials convinced authorities in Oregon that they had been wrong to release Frisch, but when police showed up to arrest her Friday, she evidently caused such a scene that she was charged with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. She will reportedly be arraigned at a court hearing Monday.

The question is, what can be done with Frisch, who clearly has a psychotic fixation on Goldstein and has been harassing him for 12 years? Frisch seems unable to restrain herself from this type of behavior. In November 2008, she was drunk when she assaulted an acquaintance in Eugene, Oregon, and in March 2009 was sentenced to probation, which Frisch repeatedly violated, resulting in further legal difficulties. In 2015, when the Eugene Register-Guard reported on Frisch’s conviction for making a false accusation against a police officer, they noted:

Court records show that Eugene police have been collecting potential evidence against Frisch for months. Various city officials received a total of 889 emails from Frisch between Sept. 26 and Feb. 5, officer Jed McGuire wrote in a search warrant affidavit.
The city diverted all of Frisch’s emails to a special folder and maintained them on a computer disk, McGuire wrote.

(That total of 889 emails means that, on average, Frisch deluged officials with 47 emails every week for 19 consecutive weeks.)

McGuire and several other officers — including the one Frisch had accused of sexually assaulting her — seized a computer, other electronic devices, a number of writings and marijuana from Frisch’s home while serving a warrant there on Feb. 17, according to an evidence sheet filed in court with the affidavit.
Frisch frequently sends group emails to government officials and others in the Eugene area. The messages often contain obscene language and vulgar allegations.

Frisch’s obsessive habit of harassing her chosen “enemies” via email and other online communications is not just a crime, but symptomatic of her personality disorder. At least twice, judges have ordered Frisch to undergo mental health evaluations, but her psychopathic criminal tendencies are evidently incurable. (Take a look at the Deb Frisch Timeline, if you don’t believe me.) What can be done to stop Frisch except putting her behind bars? As Jeff Goldstein said in his victim impact statement at her sentencing last April, Frisch’s justifies her persistent criminal behavior by claiming that she is a victim of injustice:

Such fantasies of persecution, coupled with the kind of malignant narcissism that, in her mind, justifies her behavior towards her victims, to me seems indicative of an unrepentant mind. More so, her latest incarnation as a self-proclaimed “justice advocate” — whose role it is to unmask what she believes to be some endemic iniquity in the legal system, using herself as the crowning example of such serial inequities — reinforces my belief that she’ll use her own warped sense of persecution to justify continued assaults on those she believes have aggrieved her. . . .
In closing, please allow me to say this: My wife and I do not believe for a moment that Ms Frisch will EVER stop what to her has become both a way of life and now, apparently, a supposedly righteous cause, in which we play the perpetual nemeses to her crusading heroine of “justice advocacy.” Ms Frisch’s unwarranted sense of her own superiority and rectitude, which she’s displayed more times than one to the Court in this case, practically compels her to harass, to terrorize, the threaten, to intimidate, to libel, and to extort. . . .
In 11 years, the only time we’ve experienced any relief is when Ms Frisch has been either incarcerated or subjected to harsh and enforceable sanctions that prevent her, always temporarily, from targeting us.

The Goldstein family can only be protected from this relentless criminal harassment if Frisch is sent to prison for a long, long time.

What is shocking is that Oregon media are ignoring Frisch’s latest arrest. The local newspaper in Bend, Oregon (541-383-0367, email has refused to report the story of how this notorious fugitive, a former university professor, came to be incarcerated in Deschutes County. Therefore, if you know anyone in the vicinity who can attend her scheduled Monday hearing, please help.

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!

UPDATE II: Oregon Judge Releases Deborah Frisch. This is clearly becoming a farce of judicial liberalism.



One Response to “Ex-Professor Deborah Frisch Jailed Again”

  1. Oregon Judge Releases Deborah Frisch : The Other McCain
    January 9th, 2018 @ 1:28 pm

    […] week, notorious cyberstalker Deborah Frisch was arrested in Oregon, a week after a judge had released her from jail, where she was being held for extradition to […]