The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Can Roy Moore Still Win?

Posted on | November 10, 2017 | 1 Comment


By now, I’m sure every reader is familiar with the news. The Washington Post reported Thursday that in the late 1970s and early ’80s, when Roy Moore was a lawyer in his early 30s, he pursued relationships with three teenage girls, the youngest of whom was 14 at the time. This would seem to be fatal to Moore’s hopes as the Republican candidate for Senate in next month’s special election in Alabama. So far, Judge Moore has adamantly denied the accusations, but the Post article is more convincing than Judge Moore’s denials. Is there any hope at all?

Judge Moore has made the Ten Commandments, and the defense of Christian moral standards, the central theme of his career. This scandal, involving his alleged sins more than 30 years ago, must surely seem to Judge Moore as a divine chastisement to try his faith. Indeed, he is like David confronted by the prophet Nathan: “Thou art the man.”

The day of judgment is at hand, as it were, and surely Judge Moore and all who support him must be praying in great earnestness now.

If what the Post reported is true, Judge Moore must account for his behavior, no matter how painful the accounting might be. And it occurs to me that the people of Alabama are also on trial here. While they await further explanation from Judge Moore, they must consider what they will do — how they will vote — depending on what happens over the next month. Alabama is more or less the buckle of the Bible Belt, and this scandal puts to test their willingness to forgive sin (as Jesus commanded), even as it tests Judge Moore’s own character.

It would take a miracle for Judge Moore to be elected, but Alabama is full of people who believe in miracles. Last night, Steve Bannon addressed the scandal in a speech in New Hampshire that my friend Da Tech Guy covered (there’s video), and Bannon’s belief is simple: Keep fighting.

Indeed, there is nothing else we can do now but fight — and pray.



One Response to “Can Roy Moore Still Win?”

  1. God and Man in the Information Age : The Other McCain
    November 12th, 2017 @ 9:39 pm

    […] now and Dec. 12, when the voters of Alabama will elect their next U.S. Senator. As I said Friday, “It would take a miracle for Judge Moore to be elected, but Alabama is full of people who beli… Where there is life, there is always […]