The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Munchausen Moms: @LizFraserRM, Feminism and Gender Dysphoria

Posted on | October 5, 2017 | 2 Comments


What is causing the epidemic of sexual confusion among young people? Because I’ve been researching radical feminism for more than three years, I am deeply familiar with the feminist opposition to the transgender cult, and have frequently cited blogs like 4th Wave Now, which are critical of this phenomenon. The problem of “social contagion” as a factor in encouraging transgender identification, and so-called “rapid onset gender dysphoria,” are issues where radical feminists have led the way in describing and analyzing the sources of this growing trend of confusion among young people. However, it is apparent that feminism itself is part of the problem, because the movement’s attack “traditional gender norms” inevitably tends to destabilize identity. Indeed, anyone who has carefully studied the theory promoted by Professor Judith Butler’s Gender Trouble — the social construction of the gender binary within the heterosexual matrix — must expect confusion to result from feminism’s “success.” Because feminism is an anti-male ideology, and because schools are now controlled by women, it is common for teachers to punish boys for masculine behavior. Yet the same traits that schools punish in boys — e.g., aggression and competitiveness — are encouraged in girls in the name of feminist “empowerment.”

Beyond the anti-male regime within the education system, however, there is the problem of “feminist motherhood” — an oxymoronic concept, given the feminist movement’s fanatical pro-abortion activism. Nevertheless, there are feminists who have children, and they are committed to raising their offspring in accordance with the movement’s ideology, and this means discouraging their sons from being masculine. Canadian feminist Liz Fraser unloaded this Twitter lecture last month:

“If you’re advocating for girls to have access to masculinity
but not for boys to have access to femininity,
you’re reinforcing patriarchy.”





“I mean that we are increasingly comfortable encouraging girls to play traditionally masculine roles, be ‘bossy,’ enjoy sports, etc, which is good and important and we should keep doing it, but we’re much less comfortable encouraging boys to express their feelings, crylike ‘pretty’ things, or adopt other traditionally feminine roles and behaviours. That reinforces the idea that masculinity is good and femininity is undesirable. Universal masculinity isn’t a solution to patriarchy, it’s another form of oppression.”

This is so absurdly misguided that only a feminist could possibly believe it. Encouraging your son to behave in the ways Ms. Fraser describes will result in him (a) being unable to fit in comfortably with his male peers as “one of the guys” and thus (b) being less successful as an adult male.

The most likely outcome, of course, is that by encouraging her son to embrace “traditionally feminine roles and behaviours,” Ms. Fraser will lead him either to be homosexual or to identify as transgender — and she must almost certainly be aware of this likelihood. It appears that some mothers now actively promote LGBT identity for their children:

Munchausen’s syndrome by proxy is a pattern in which a parent “fabricates, exaggerates, or induces mental or physical health problems” in their child “usually to gain attention or sympathy from others.” . . .
Toxic moms . . . have decided that having a Special Snowflake Rainbow Unicorn Child™ is a way “to gain attention or sympathy from others.” All it takes is to grab hold of some therapeutic jargon (“gender dysphoria”) and claim your kid is a victim of prejudice and — abracadabra! — you’ve changed your situation from (a) being the parent of a pathetic loser to (b) being the leader of a progressive social movement.

These “Munchausen moms” are clearly a factor in children now being labeled transgender in kindergarten or earlier, and the media celebrates this trend. Vanessa Ford announced that her 4-year-old son was her “daughter” (named “Ellie”) and got herself feartured in a Katie Couric interview. With both the news media and public schools encouraging this trend, we can expect that other narcissistic mothers will turn their children into freaks for the sake of attention.


Imagine that — deliberately dressing her son in a style that provokes people to think he’s a girl, while taking a “wait and see” attitude as to whether he is actually male. If gender is “socially constructed,” it would seem, Ms. Fraser is doing her best to ensure that her Special Snowflake Rainbow Unicorn Child™ does not become one of those dreadfully masculine heterosexual males that feminists so despise.



2 Responses to “Munchausen Moms: @LizFraserRM, Feminism and Gender Dysphoria”

  1. ‘High-Risk Sex Offender’ Using Transgender Identity to Pursue Teens? : The Other McCain
    October 5th, 2017 @ 2:21 pm

    […] Oct. 5: Munchausen Moms: @LizFraserRM, Feminism and Gender Dysphoria […]

  2. Munchausen Moms: @LizFraserRM, Feminism and Gender Dysphoria | Welcome to my Playpen
    October 5th, 2017 @ 3:31 pm

    […] Munchausen Moms: @LizFraserRM, Feminism and Gender Dysphoria […]