The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 05.11.17

Posted on | May 11, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 05.11.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

BattleSwarm: ComeyComeyComeyComeyChameleon
Proof Positive: Th-th-th-th-That’s All Folks!
EBL: Asshat And Hypocrite-Brit John Oliver
Twitchy: Michelle Malkin Hammers Sanctuary City Cheerleaders With Maddening Reality
Louder With Crowder: ABC Cancels Successful, Conservative Last Man Standing Despite Good Ratings

Adam Piggott: The Cost-Benefit Analysis On Vaccinations
American Power: Eric Hinderaker, At The Edge Of Empire
American Thinker: Comey Fired – Now Indict Hillary
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Testicle Transplant News
Bring The HEAT: It’s A Reason, Not An Excuse
Da Tech Guy: Pavlov’s Dog Answers Bell, Colbert And Stewart Hardest Hit
Don Surber: Garrison Keillor’s Stark Admission
Dustbury: We Are But Empty Vessels
Fred On Everything: Sally Cone Hits The Dating Scene
The Geller Report: Poland Refuses Migrants, Terror Map Shows Shocking Results
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: The “Resistance” Tells GOP Congressman “This Is How We’re Going To Kill Your Wife”
Joe For America: Harvard University Welcomes Segregation With “Blacks Only” Graduation Ceremony
Power Line: The AP Goes Around The Bend On Comey
Shark Tank: Trump Highlights Democrats’ Hypocrisy On Comey Firing
Shot In The Dark: For The Millennial In Your Life
STUMP: “Rights” Vs. Reality – When Will They Ever Learn
The Jawa Report: At Last, Trump To Arm Kurds!, also, That Other FBI Director Firing
The Political Hat: A Venerable Privilege
This Ain’t Hell: Maxine Waters, As Clear As Mud
War Is Boring: Foreign Soldiers Built The French Army
Weasel Zippers: NYC Bomber Claims Cops Shot Him Too Many Times, Wants Reduced Sentence For Pain & Suffering, also, Bangladesh PM Says Hillary Pressured Her To Help Clinton Foundation Donor
Megan McArdle: Trump Confirms His Autocratic Instincts, And His Ineptitude
Mark Steyn: Tomorrow By The Numbers

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