Lesbian Couple Convicted of Murder in Torture Death of Two-Year-Old Boy
Posted on | June 3, 2016 | 17 Comments
Last month we reported on the Liam Fee case in Scotland, where a lesbian couple were charged with murdering a 2-year-old boy that one of the women had from a previous relationship with a man, and then trying to blame the toddler’s death on another boy the couple allegedly had abused. The case involves the March 2014 death of Rachel Trelfa’s son. The boy’s father had been living with Trelfa more than five years when their son was born. A few months later, however, Trelfa moved in with Nyomi Fee, with whom she later registered for a civil union. This week, a jury found the couple guilty:
Rachel Fee, 31, and Nyomi Fee, 29, were convicted [Tuesday] of killing two-year-old Liam by inflicting severe blunt force trauma to his body at a house in Fife, Scotland.
The youngster, who had been subjected to a life of pain and neglect, suffered a ruptured heart after sustaining injuries similar to those seen in car crash victims.
The defendants were both also found guilty of wilfully assaulting, neglecting and abusing two young boys, including the one they blamed for Liam’s killing, over a two-year period.
This abuse involved being imprisoned in a home-made cage, given cold showers, tied up in a dark room where snakes and rats were kept, and forced to eat dog excrement, a court heard. . . .
Now, they are both facing life sentences for the murder of the youngster, who suffered a fractured upper arm bone and a broken thigh bone in the days before his death. . . .
[Tuesday], the couple were convicted of all eight charges they faced, with a majority verdict returned on the murder charge after around 10 hours of deliberations by the jury.
In addition to this charge, the pair were found guilty of assaulting Liam over a period of more than two years prior to his death by jurors at the High Court in Livingston.
They were also convicted of ill-treating and neglecting the toddler January 2012 onwards by leaving him for prolonged periods of time, failing to provide him with adequate exercise and mental stimulation and — in the days leading up to his death — failing to get him proper medical attention for a broken leg and a fractured arm.
Meanwhile, in a related case:
A teenager who hurled abuse at child murderers Rachel and Nyomi Fee outside court has been spared jail.
Her lawyer successfully argued that she might be regarded as “some kind of hero” if she was sent to prison.
At Livingston Sheriff Court the 17-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, admitted shouting homophobic abuse at the couple.
A television news crew recorded her comments as they filmed the pair arriving at court for their trial. . . .
The teenager, from Livingston, pled guilty to behaving in a manner likely to cause a reasonable person fear or alarm by shouting and swearing aggravated by sexual orientation.
Sheriff Jamie Gilmour took other unrelated offences into account when he sentenced her to be electronically tagged on a nine-month curfew.
He also placed her under supervision for two years and ordered her to carry out 200 hours of unpaid work within nine months.
It’s illegal in Scotland to shout homophobic slurs at murderers.
Because that might hurt their feelings, I guess.
17 Responses to “Lesbian Couple Convicted of Murder in Torture Death of Two-Year-Old Boy”
June 3rd, 2016 @ 6:22 am
Suffer little children.
June 3rd, 2016 @ 6:45 am
“It’s illegal in Scotland to shout homophobic slurs at murderers”
I wonder if it is also illegal to shout whore to a woman or pollack (demeaning term to identify people of polish ancestry), not sure if the latter is common in Scotland. I would also like to know the typical stereotipical slurs indicating italians (dago, guido, wop) or other terminologies for other ethnicities are banned. If not, this is a clear case of priviledge for the homos.
June 3rd, 2016 @ 7:47 am
What do you get for murder now a days in Scotland? Two or three years in the clink?
June 3rd, 2016 @ 9:24 am
…Beyond sick and twisted!
Another Angel in Heaven…
June 3rd, 2016 @ 9:38 am
B/c of their preference, it will unfortunately probably only amount to a year or so, after all is said and done.
“Good behavior” + mental anguish + hardship + whatever else they can pull out of their hats, times their Protected Class Benefits multiple, might leave them left w/only the time served….
Of course, after the math is done, they might even be “owed” some time– which is probably convertible to cash.
June 3rd, 2016 @ 10:00 am
Man, I just can’t even get my head around a “mother” who would do this to her child.
She may get out in several years or so but she has sold her soul to the devil. Where her heart is supposed to be is a black piece of coal.
If she didn’t want the child, I suspect she could have let the father raise him or put him up for adoption. It is clear, however, that the only person she cares about is herself.
In a world with true justice, she would be put in a cage and treated exactly the way she treated her sweet, innocent child.
June 3rd, 2016 @ 10:39 am
Expose them….by which I mean, put them in a cage without food, but plenty of water. A cage hanging in the air. Given how fat they are, it should take quite a while.
June 3rd, 2016 @ 10:54 am
“We’re no ready for independence!”
An old lady in an on-the-street interview about the Scottish independence vote. You’ve got the homosexual hijacking of marriage, the theft & slavery of Socialism and thought-crime legislation but you’re not ready for something the former United States was founded on 240 years ago: Freedom.
I’m second generation Scottish but I’d rather tell people I’m French.
June 3rd, 2016 @ 11:52 am
Roast their considerable entrails while they watch and then put their heads on spikes.
June 3rd, 2016 @ 2:57 pm
In other feminist news, feminists at PuffHo are all uptight about Jimmy Kimmel teasing Megan Fox about her pregnancy:
Also, Rose McGowan has her panties in a wad over an ad for X-Men: Apocalypse:
June 3rd, 2016 @ 3:49 pm
They won’t get life…
June 3rd, 2016 @ 4:05 pm
I haven’t investigated this premise so I don’t know for sure, but it’s possible that the “mother” was receiving multiple welfare benefits because of the boy, that being why she simply didn’t hand him over to the father if she didn’t want him. I guess instead, it was worth it to them to kill off their cash cow, in order to get their sadistic jollies. Twisted.
June 3rd, 2016 @ 5:00 pm
If jokes in very bad taste offend you, look away now.
What does “Blunt force trauma” mean? I’m guessing it means that one or both of these lard-asses sat on that poor child.
June 3rd, 2016 @ 8:34 pm
As Joe Joe said To leave a husband for–that?
June 4th, 2016 @ 1:36 am
I’ll say it again–squared.
June 4th, 2016 @ 1:36 am
That poor kid.
June 4th, 2016 @ 2:35 am
“Now, they are both facing life sentences for the murder of the youngster”
Somehow, that doesn’t seem like enough.