The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox, 08.13.15

Posted on | August 13, 2015 | 9 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Why Is Richard Beck Blaming Child Abuse On The Patriarchal Nuclear Family?
Thinking Man’s Zombie: Bill Schmalfeldt’s Stolen Valor
Michelle Malkin: No Means No – Keep Gitmo Jihadis Out Of America!
Twitchy: CLOWN SHOW! Was This Marie Harf’s Reason For The Most Embarrassing White House Iran Deal Tweet Ever?
Shark Tank: Obama To Skip Memorial For U.S. Soldiers Murdered In Chattanooga

American Power: Germany’s Violent Backlash Against Third-World Asylum Seekers
American Thinker: The Shrinking Of The GOP Tent
BLACKFIVE: Book Review – In The Dark Places By Peter Robinson
Blackmailers Don’t Shoot: Movie Review – Preservation
Conservatives4Palin: Governor Palin Warns RedState “Don’t Take On A Palin Kid”
Don Surber: Will The EPA Fine Gina McCarthy $3 Million?
Jammie Wearing Fools: JV Team Slaughters Dozens With Baghdad Truck Bombing As Obama Plays Golf With Former NBA Players
Joe For America: Planned Parenthood Didn’t Bother With Consent Forms For “Mothers” To “Donate” Body Parts
JustOneMinute: Liar’s Server
Pamela Geller: Ninth Circuit Court Of Appeals Upholds Sharia, Bans Seattle Counter-Terror Ad
Protein Wisdom: Indians Say EPA Trying To Swindle Them In Mine Spill
Shot In The Dark: Usability
STUMP: Labor Force Participation – First In A Series Of Numbers Without Context
The Gateway Pundit: LESBIANS GONE WILD – Ferguson Couple Attacks Driver, Slugs Her In The Face, Damages Vehicle During Protest
The Jawa Report: Behind The Scenes At The Clinton Campaign Headquarters
The Lonely Conservative: Did The EPA Contaminate The River On Purpose?
This Ain’t Hell: Article Claiming POW-MIA Flag Is Racist Easy Favorite For Dumbest Thing Ever Written
Weasel Zippers: Poll – Majority Of Americans View Ferguson Protesters As “Mostly Criminals”
Megan McArdle: Free Contraception Can’t End The Abortion Debate
Mark Steyn: “A Disgrace To The Profession”

Moscow Rules – Free On Amazon Prime!


9 Responses to “In The Mailbox, 08.13.15”

  1. C_Simpson
    August 13th, 2015 @ 5:10 pm

    Thanks for posting my piece at American Thinker (“The Shrinking of the GOP Tent”). Since it was published, the bashing of Trump supporters has continued, in prominent articles and tweets…Ben Shapiro, John Nolte, Jim Geraghty, George Will, Ace of Spades, Kurt Schllchter, it again today.

  2. reliapundit
    August 13th, 2015 @ 8:14 pm
  3. Daniel Freeman
    August 13th, 2015 @ 8:37 pm

    Reminds me of #SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen, but with an explicit “shut the fuck up.” So now when you hear a white feminist talk about the Patriarchy instead of the Kyriarchy, you can call her RAAAAACIST and tell her to check her privilege.

  4. Wombat_socho
    August 13th, 2015 @ 9:46 pm

    I think Trump is a schmuck and a fake, but I don’t believe in bashing his supporters. They’ll figure it out on their own faster if I’m not calling them a bunch of stupid poopy-heads – and I’m amazed the professional pundits haven’t figured that out.

  5. Durasim
    August 13th, 2015 @ 11:03 pm

    Next week, MTV is going to air that episode of the show “One Bad Choice” about the Kaitlyn Hunt saga. A charming pity party for Saint Kate of the Blessed Finger.

  6. Charles Miruka
    August 14th, 2015 @ 3:36 am

    Charles Miruka
    P.o. Box 6450–00300
    Ronald Ngala
    Nairobi Kenya

    Dear Friend

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    poor .I am Kenyan citizen, honest and trustworthy.Kindly support me
    with the loan to alleviate poverty & help the most needy in the
    community.Kindly assist me with their Email contacts Address.

    May Allah’s mercy and blessing be on you,your family and friends.I seek
    help from Allah firstly and from you my loving friend.Am seeking a
    solution firstly from Allah and then from you for matters which are too
    heavy for me, am helpless in combating the problems and for that I have
    resorted to seeking help from Allah first and from you.
    life is filled with sadness but I hope with Allah’s mercy and your
    support i will be able to put a smile on my face once again. My troubles
    started when i lost my Job since then life turned up side down in
    terms of financial support. put my family on hold.Now am
    stranded since I do not have any financial help.Am Am so helpless that i
    depend on my few friends for housing and feeding.
    In Allah’s name the Almighty,The most powerful,The
    creator,The most compassionate i humbly ask you to help me business loan .to help me establish my family
    May God’s blessings and peace be upon you ,your family and to all is entire humanitarian people. Am so humbled
    and happy to be your brother.Hope to hear from you soon. I will give
    you all my detail,thank you so much for your email is

    Thanks in advance for The interest to help me.

    Charles Miruka

  7. Pablo
    August 14th, 2015 @ 6:30 am

    Letting stupid people carry on is how we got two terms of Obama.

  8. Durasim
    August 14th, 2015 @ 8:16 pm

    Michael Sam was supposed to be gay messiah to lead the forced political reformation of the NFL. All the NFL teams gave their best show trial applause on Twitter and claimed they would be honored to draft him.

    And then he ended up on some football team in…Montreal. (They have football in Montreal?) And apparently, he could not cut it there, either.

  9. FMJRA 2.0: Automotive High School : The Other McCain
    August 15th, 2015 @ 4:45 pm

    […] In The Mailbox, 08.13.15 Proof Positive […]