The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Ex-Teenage Hooker Says She Was Forced to Have Sex With British Royalty

Posted on | January 2, 2015 | 49 Comments

Let’s make a few things clear at the outset:

  1. Jeffrey Epstein is disgusting scum;
  2. British royalty are disgusting scum;
  3. I do not approve of prostitution.

These disclaimers are necessary because brutal sarcasm is considered inappropriate when reporting weird stories like this:

A woman who claims that an American investment banker loaned her to rich and powerful friends as an underage “sex slave” has alleged in a US court document that she was repeatedly forced to have sexual relations with Prince Andrew.
The accusation against the Duke of York is contained in a motion filed in a Florida court this week in connection with a long-running lawsuit brought by women who say they were exploited by Jeffrey Epstein, a multi-millionaire convicted of soliciting sex with an underage girl after a plea deal. . . .
The woman, who filed the motion anonymously, alleges that between 1999 and 2002 she was repeatedly sexually abused by Epstein who, she also alleges, loaned her out to rich and influential men around the world.
The document — a motion to expand an ongoing lawsuit relating to prosecutors’ handling of Epstein’s case with two new plaintiffs — alleges that the woman “was forced to have sexual relations with this prince when she was a minor” in London, New York and on a private Caribbean island owned by Epstein.
The woman is said to have been 17 at the time, considered to be a minor in Florida.

As previously mentioned, I do not approve of prostitution, but if a teenage hooker is going to get pimped out, I’m not sure that having a wealthy investment banker as her pimp and Prince Andrew as one of her johns is the worst-case scenario. There are lots of teenage hookers who have it worse, turning tricks with slimy creeps in cheap motels and handing over all their money to some thug whose “job” is to keep her supplied with drugs and slap her around if she gets out of line.

For the typical whore, there are no private jets, no Caribbean islands, and she never turns any tricks with European royalty.

Did I mention that Jeffrey Epstein is disgusting scum? Did I mention that Epstein is an associate of known perjurer Bill Clinton?

Because maybe you forgot that Clinton, who was accused of raping Juanita Broaddrick, reportedly took “multiple trips to the onetime billionaire [Epstein]’s private island in the Caribbean where underage girls were allegedly kept as sex slaves.”

None of the underage sex slaves have said they got boned by Bill Clinton, although at least one of them says she got boned by former Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz. He denies this accusation, because no Harvard Law professor would be stupid enough to admit boning an underage sex slave on a billionaire’s private Caribbean island.

These people are disgusting scum, and at least one of them is a Democrat, but then again, all Democrats are disgusting scum. It’s important that we denounce them as the scum they are, and readers will please excuse me if my denunciation is expressed as brutal sarcasm, but that’s what I get paid for. Brutal sarcasm is less lucrative than being an investment banker or a Harvard Law professor, however, so it’s unlikely I’ll be traveling to a Caribbean island anytime soon, unless you guys start hitting the tip jar and urging me to do some investigative reporting on the sex slave racket down there. Until then, sarcasm is all I’ve got.



49 Responses to “Ex-Teenage Hooker Says She Was Forced to Have Sex With British Royalty”

  1. TheAmishDude
    January 2nd, 2015 @ 7:54 pm

    You know, if I were Alan Dershowitz, I’d wonder whether it’s worse to admit to being a pedophile whoremonger or a law professor.

  2. JeffWeimer
    January 2nd, 2015 @ 7:55 pm

    Vanuatu: Keep the dream alive, Stacy.

  3. robertstacymccain
    January 2nd, 2015 @ 7:57 pm

    Vanuatu is in the Pacific, not the Caribbean, and there are no sex slaves there, yet.

  4. JeffWeimer
    January 2nd, 2015 @ 8:01 pm

    Details, details.

  5. Joe Katzman
    January 2nd, 2015 @ 8:11 pm

    Dershowitz thinks he has a pretty solid refutation. And isn’t just going to let this slide.

  6. Matt_SE
    January 2nd, 2015 @ 8:17 pm

    I mean, really…after “Pretty Woman,” don’t we know that all hookers have a heart of gold?

  7. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    January 2nd, 2015 @ 8:27 pm

    We need to make the Epstein Clinton connection every chance we get, because it is true. And Epstein did pimp out underage girls. To Democrats like Bill Clinton (allegedly).

  8. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    January 2nd, 2015 @ 8:28 pm

    No the nubile Island women of Oceania just throw themselves at the Ambassadors who get sent there.

  9. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    January 2nd, 2015 @ 8:29 pm

    I hear you can’t even get the scores for Bowl games…which can be a good thing.

  10. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    January 2nd, 2015 @ 8:30 pm

    I doubt Dershowitz would have done this, I think he is smart enough to know that he has enough enemies he would be busted if he did. Guys like Clinton think they are untouchable, and in some ways they are.

  11. RS
    January 2nd, 2015 @ 8:39 pm

    So, the ‘Bama loss sent you into this sort of a spiral? The 2015 college football season cannot arrive soon enough.

    (BTW, at least my Mizzou Tigers held up their end of the SEC deal. Not to worry, though. ESPN’s Travis Haney and David Ching have anointed Georgia as SEC East Champs for next year, followed by the Vols and probably a rejuvenated Florida. So it goes.)

    [Insert “Smiley Face Thing” here]

  12. trangbang68
    January 2nd, 2015 @ 8:56 pm

    Um…suit filed in Florida court..I was wondering what Kaitlin Hunt and her sister Sluggo were up to lately.

  13. Wombat_socho
    January 2nd, 2015 @ 9:35 pm

    “As for the lovely ladies of the South Pacific, the first one we saw had the figure of a duffel bag.”
    – William Manchester, GOODBYE DARKNESS

  14. IceBerg77
    January 2nd, 2015 @ 9:50 pm

    It is a weird story, but I would conclude its also a true story. Rings of this kind have existed in political/financial elite circles on both sides of the political aisle(see the Lawrence King case) for quite some time. In fact to even try and divide it according to partisan factions shows you miss the point. It’s just an expression of power, and being above the law. Supermodel Karen Mulder once claimed in an interview on Dutch TV that she had been groomed for sex as a young girl by her father, and later as she made her way through the modeling world was used as a sort of sex slave via drugs and hypnosis for lots of elite people including Prince Albert of Monacco.

  15. IceBerg77
    January 2nd, 2015 @ 9:53 pm

    George HW Bush had some unsavory connections to an organized pedophile ring or two in his time via Lawrence E. King of Kansas, a GOP operative and S&L con artist, and the Family International, a religious cult who had s reputation for procuring young women for powerful men in exchange for donations.

  16. Fail Burton
    January 2nd, 2015 @ 10:04 pm

    Sound’s like the Hell’s Angels have themselves a first class lounge, although in truth I think Angels would punch out Dems as depraved.

  17. RS
    January 2nd, 2015 @ 10:12 pm

    While it’s certainly possible–as is everything, I suppose–there are portions of this which smack of a publicity stunt. The allegations against Alan Dershowitz, which he appears to be vigorously contesting with evidence on his side, calls into question the rest of the allegations.

    I really am no fan of the aristocracy, whether it’s foreign or homegrown, but I don’t want to jump in head first to condemn even those i dislike without evidence, merely upon someone’s allegations. That’s the way the Duke Lacrosse case started. Accuse rich people of something heinous which feeds into preconceptions, and voila! someone gets burned at the stake prematurely.

  18. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    January 2nd, 2015 @ 10:36 pm

    The stuff you linked to were proven to be fraudulent. As in Kimberlin like perjury.

    The difference with Epstein is his abuse of young women is fact. While it is unproved Clinton ever availed himself of Epstein’s young friends, it is fact that Clinton and other prominent Democrats spent time with Epstein on his Caribbean Island.

  19. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    January 2nd, 2015 @ 10:36 pm

    Hey, it sounds like a Feminist dream destination!

  20. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    January 2nd, 2015 @ 10:39 pm

    IceBerg is a new account and may be a sock puppet.

  21. Phil_McG
    January 2nd, 2015 @ 10:50 pm

    Sounds like a load of nonsense to me. The Prince Andrew bit – I don’t know who Epstein is.

    Prince Andrew: sex machine? Really?

    But even if he did put his royal penis inside a 17 year old, I’m not sure a crime was committed, because:

    “was forced to have sexual relations with this prince when she was a minor” in London, New York and on a private Caribbean island owned by Epstein.
    The woman is said to have been 17 at the time, considered to be a minor in Florida.

    She wasn’t in Florida at the time of the alleged sex. The age of consent in London and New York is 16. And depending on which Carribean jurisdiction applies to the private island, it’d probably be 15 or 16.

    So she wasn’t, legally, a minor. Florida law doesn’t apply. Mentioning it is either a red herring or a cynical publicity stunt by her lawyers. Unless she’s accusing him of rape, it would seem no crime can be alleged. If this is a long running case and her lawyers only thought to mention Prince Andrew now, that seems suspicious in itself.

    British royalty are disgusting scum

    They’re not though. The Queen certainly isn’t. Prince Philip served honourably in WW2 and is a good, sensible sort by all accounts – unless we believe that he plots with MI6 to have people killed in strangely unusual and public ways. Their kids are a mixed bag, but appear to tend towards eccentricity rather than scummery. William and Kate don’t strike me as being disgusting. Harry is a young unmarried man with the foibles of young unmarried men.

    Even if Prince Andrew turns out to be some sort of dirty old man, they’re not exactly the Kennedys. Far less the House of Saud.

    Generally when lurid allegations are made against the royal family they turn out to be conspiracy theory bullshit. It’s like when someone tells you about a Terrible Secret involving the Pope, Colonel Sanders, and the Trilateral Commission – the crazy person antennae go up.

    The truth is more mundane, if sometimes excruciatingly humiliating for them – such as Charles being recorded telling his mistress he wished he was her tampon. On the whole though, the word that comes to mind to describe Britain’s royalty is boring.

  22. Phil_McG
    January 2nd, 2015 @ 10:59 pm

    “and later as she made her way through the modeling world was used as a sort of sex slave via drugs and hypnosis for lots of elite people including Prince Albert of Monacco”

    Drugs AND hypnosis, you say?

    Sounds like the plot to Zoolander.

    Do we really believe that wealthy royals and billionaires need to have people drugged and hypnotised before they’ll have sex with them?

    Is it plausible that the super rich commonly share the same girls as sex slaves, conspiring in horrible crimes that would destroy them if they were revealed?

    Sounds like the UVA rape hoax 2.0 to me, confirming all our darkest prejudices about the weird Eyes Wide Shut orgies of the powerful.

    In real life, some rich men are evil perverts, but most probably are not, and rich men don’t need to resort to sex slavery to get hot and cold running girls. There are plenty of attractive society girls who will willingly sleep with them for free.

  23. RS
    January 2nd, 2015 @ 11:08 pm

    I have an American aversion to royalty, inasmuch as I seem to recall from (now untaught) history we did our best to get rid of them. Alas, it would appear that some of our coastal elites remain smitten by the thought. Certainly the Progressive Left has its aristocracy and wishes its philosopher kings were in charge.

    My trepidation actually extends a bit farther back, now that I think about it. The whole reason my people ultimately wound up in this country was that some of my ancestors accepted the wrong royal party invitation some years back.

  24. IceBerg77
    January 2nd, 2015 @ 11:12 pm

    That’s Mulders story, and definitely not the first one I’ve heard with similar details about being drugged. You would drug someone if they were being prostituted against their will, and you didn’t want to be identified as an assailant. That would go double for underage girls. I understand that some people refuse to entertain notions of this kind, and stick to a sort of Puritan rationalism, and that’s fine, but it doesn’t mean it isn’t true.

    true, there are plenty of women who will sleep with rich men for free, but yet they still sleep with prostiutes on a regular basis.

    Question: do you ever believe a woman’s story about being raped or they’re always lying? I see a pattern here. ????

    Epstein has already been found guilty so why would this story be implausible to you?

  25. IceBerg77
    January 2nd, 2015 @ 11:13 pm

    No, it wasn’t and King lost a million dollar lawsuit to one of his accusers. The other accusers never changed their story either, hence why the fall out was called a cover-up. Your defense of the GOP is heartwarming though, while being ridiculous.

  26. RS
    January 2nd, 2015 @ 11:21 pm

    And, we now see the agenda. Any question constitutes “rape apology.” The allegations are about men other than Epstein made in a forum which does not allow the accused to defend themselves. Epstein deserves more than what he got. But the proceeding is a motion objecting to the procedure employed during his sentencing. Those others who are accused have no standing to contest the allegations or require the accuser to bring forth evidence of their guilt. And she is immune from civil suit because it is a court filing.

    If she was raped as minor, bring the criminal complaint; bring the civil lawsuits. By all means, the guilty should be punished severely. This is not the way; this is the way of a publicity seeking whore.

  27. Zohydro
    January 2nd, 2015 @ 11:25 pm

    Lemme guess… Nubile Island Women of Oceania Rule Number 5 in the works?

  28. Phil_McG
    January 2nd, 2015 @ 11:27 pm

    true, there are plenty of women who will sleep with rich men for free, but yet they still sleep with prostiutes on a regular basis.

    This is true, but it doesn’t strengthen your conspiracy theory, it weakens it.

    For indeed, a rich man may well hire a prostitute. If you’re extremely wealthy there are clean, acommodating, and – most importantly – discreet women who willingly provide that sort of service. With little or zero risk to the client.

    So – why would they want to pass around sex slaves? Why would they want their peers to have dirt on them that could easily be used to ruin them? I’m not saying this could never happen, merely that it’s implausible.

    When a story is implausible we are right to be suspicious of it, especially when the story is told by a self-confessed drug addict.

    That’s Mulders story, and definitely not the first one I’ve heard with similar details about being drugged.

    Sure. I’ve heard plenty of stories about the Jews, about alien abductions, and about Satanic child abuse cults too. Doesn’t make them true.

    do you ever believe a woman’s story about being raped or they’re always lying?

    I believe serious criminal allegations when there is credible evidence to support it.

    Epstein has already been found guilty so why would this story be implausible to you?

    I don’t know who Epstein is (not the manager of The Beatles, right?) and have nothing to say about him.

    I am obviously unconvinced by the notion that it is common for the wealthy and powerful in Europe and America to indulge in sex slavery, especially in light of other high-profile sex abuse hoaxes that played on our emotions with dramatic allegations before turning out to be horribly malicious lies.

  29. Dave R
    January 2nd, 2015 @ 11:29 pm

    Say, if you’re a fan of a team that was much too bad to qualify for a meaningless low-level bowl game.
    /Go Orange

  30. Trazymarch
    January 3rd, 2015 @ 1:29 am

    “So – why would they want to pass around sex slaves? Why would they want
    their peers to have dirt on them that could easily be used to ruin them?
    I’m not saying this could never happen, merely that it’s implausible.”

    What if offender is sadist and prefers their victims to be not willing? There might be more possibilities but I don’t want to stare in the Abyss longer….

    EDIT: Passing sex slaves seems to be a bit stretch though.

  31. Fail Burton
    January 3rd, 2015 @ 1:57 am

    And how do they get these drugged woman around, in coffins? How do they feed themselves? In this atmosphere of rape culture, this woman determining she was raped years after the fact is just as suspicious as Epstein’s criminal conviction. She looks happy and bright-eyed enough in the Daily Mail photo but now she’s gonna claim she was permanently drunk?

  32. Art Deco
    January 3rd, 2015 @ 11:47 am

    Why do you fancy the royal family are ‘disgusting scum’?
    There is quite a bit of scandal surrounding the royal family, but nearly all of it has been generated by people who married into that family, not by the royals themselves (the notable exception being Edward Viii, and, in an attenuated way, Princess Margaret).

    The grace of this woman is extraordinary. I wish she were our head of state.

  33. K-Bob
    January 3rd, 2015 @ 12:59 pm

    Manchester prefigures Dunham.

    I denounce myself.

  34. K-Bob
    January 3rd, 2015 @ 1:15 pm

    As I wrote over at Breitbart London, the careful wording of the coverage of this story contains a layer of fog that, when cleared away by logical construction, shows that entrapment is basically the scam underlying the “lobbying” side of this teen prostitution scandal.

    Obviously, just saying “no” to offers of free, no-strings-attached sex with extremely young women, middle aged women or women of any sort is always the better play in this game. For some reason our “betters” have a lot of trouble with this.

    But the spin angle the media is plying with this story is an attempt to graft this scandal into the #WarOnWomen theme.

    Which is really strange, given that entire leftist-run towns in Britain have been ignoring (at official levels anyway) the “underage girls groomed by ‘Asians'” thing for decades.

    We know grooming works. You’d have to be blind not to see it. Even so, the dirty little secret about sex workers is that a huge percentage are pushed into the business by friends and family. Sometimes it’s pure coercion, but sometimes it’s just, “hey, I do it, and look how much money I made.”

    Supposedly a lot of recognizable Hollywood/San Fernando Valley “talent” shows up at Cannes each year to work the yacht scene. These are very young women who know they can make a ton of money in just one week on their back, and party with the wealthy at the same time, without hampering their acting asiprations. (That’s the fantasy aspect, anyway.) So jumping on the bandwagon over the “abuse” angle is risky. There’s a lot more going on than people want to face.

    We can fight the grooming. But trying to end the friends and family plan is going to take an incredible effort.

  35. Nan
    January 3rd, 2015 @ 4:59 pm

    Don’t forget that Queen Elizabeth herself served in WWII as a truck driver and mechanic.

  36. Nan
    January 3rd, 2015 @ 5:14 pm

    The girl allegedly has a history of making accusations against high-profile people that are unsubstantiated. That, along with her attorney’s failure to determine whether Dershowitz was there when she said he was creates huge credibility issues for her and a whole lot of hurt for her negligent attorneys.

  37. Nan
    January 3rd, 2015 @ 5:19 pm

    She seems to pop up every few years with more stories to tell. Why she didn’t go to the police before the statutes of limitation were up in the jurisdictions in which she had underage sex with these men, no idea.

    What I don’t understand is that if she settled with Epstein before, how does she get another crack at him in civil court?

    And I don’t believe that generally the victims get to decide the sentencing so it makes no sense that the alleged victims are going after the court for giving a sentence without their approval.

  38. Art Deco
    January 3rd, 2015 @ 5:29 pm

    Your defense of the GOP is heartwarming though, while being ridiculous.

    A rebuke like that from someone who has elected to make himself the meat-and-potatoes of the sort of people who gave you the Kennedy Assassination genre is amusing.

  39. Art Deco
    January 3rd, 2015 @ 5:36 pm

    Dershowitz is 76 years old and represented Epstein in court. He likely had some antecedent dealings with the man as Epstein has been a Harvard donor over the years. No red flags there.

    Also, the whole scene sounds much more like Hollywood than academe. Academics have their vices, but they’re usually not fantastically interested in conspicuous consumption and typically have orderly domestic lives. Lawrence Summers was ca. 2008 driving a 12 year old car. That sort of thing is common.

  40. K-Bob
    January 3rd, 2015 @ 6:21 pm


    This also illustrates that we can’t solve the problem by dragging in high-profile “clients.” There’s just too many people who would love to either sting these men or blackmail them. You’d have to know the entire history of the girl/woman in question, and it would have to be so detailed as to defy rational expense outlays in prosecution. You know the defense will spare no expense for these men.

  41. Art Deco
    January 3rd, 2015 @ 6:55 pm

    The whole business sounds like a literary fantasy.

  42. Nan
    January 3rd, 2015 @ 7:00 pm

    I guess her lawyers were just looking for a big payday.

  43. Quartermaster
    January 4th, 2015 @ 12:29 pm

    Colonel Sanders was an evil man. Just ask the “eat more beef” crowd and they’ll tell you.

  44. Quartermaster
    January 4th, 2015 @ 12:35 pm

    Dershowitz has already been outed as a liar and plagiarist by two on his own side of the aisle. There’s really not much Dershowitz could do to do anymore damage to his rep than what he has already done.

  45. FMJRA 2.0: Day Late And A Dollar Short, New Year’s Edition : The Other McCain
    January 4th, 2015 @ 4:14 pm

    […] Ex-Teenage Hooker Says She Was Forced to Have Sex With British Royalty Batshit Crazy News […]

  46. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    January 5th, 2015 @ 2:27 pm

    I am no fan of Dershowitz’ politics, but I doubt he went to Epstein’s fantasy island and screwed underage hookers.

    Bill Clinton on the other hand…

  47. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    January 5th, 2015 @ 2:28 pm

    Colonel Sander was a saint, a saint I tell you!

  48. robertstacymccain
    January 5th, 2015 @ 7:27 pm

    Although some stories like this get embellished in the re-telling, it is by no means unheard-of for wealthy men to “keep” beautiful young women, and to make the companionship of such women available to their friends. A girl I went to school with — a lovely slender blonde — spent years as the “girlfriend” of a major coke dealer in Atlanta and, while I don’t know that she was “shared” with his friends, the social scene surrounding guys like that usually tends toward extreme decadence.

  49. Daniel Freeman
    January 7th, 2015 @ 4:59 am

    Given the other story about the lesbian supermodel that would get mad when she recovered from her heroin-induced stupors, due to how she was used in the meantime, it doesn’t take any imagination to figure out the particulars or mechanics of being made “available”.