The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Rule 5 Sunday: On The Beach

— compiled by Wombat-socho Holy guacamole, I’m actually getting this done on a Sunday for once. As usual, exercise discretion when clicking the links; if you don’t know why that is, maybe you’d be better off reading some other post. Rotten to the Core leads off this week with Jennifer Lawrence, followed by Fishersville Mike […]

How to Get Raped at College

A long article in the New York Times describes the fate of “Anna,” who was a freshman last fall at Hobart and William Smith Colleges (tuition $46,852 a year). This elite liberal arts college in Geneva, N.Y., has an enrollment of 2,300 students and, apparently, a campus culture that turns a blind eye to illegal […]

Good-Bye, Miami Beach? The Problem With Climate-Change Hysteria

From a Guardian feature about Miami: “There has been a rise of about 10 inches in sea levels since the 19th century — brought about by humanity’s heating of the planet through its industrial practices — and that is now bringing chaos to Miami Beach by regularly flooding places like Alton Road,” says Harold Wanless, […]

The Precocious Feminist Replies

The Ouija-board girl has written a lengthy response including this: I’m totally with you on the idea that radical feminism is a f–king disease which needs to be eradicated. It’s what gives feminism a bad name and is quite frankly bulls–t. Glad we could find something that we really agree on. However, I’m not a […]

FMJRA 2.0: The Mission

— compiled by Wombat-socho Have A Koch And A. . .Hint Of Queasiness Political Hat Our Tyrannical Government Batshit Crazy News The Lonely Conservative That Mr. G Guy The Dorchester Doofus Batshit Crazy News Gender Theory: Beyond Parody The Pirate’s Cove Political Hat Victory Girls Good-Bye, Employer Mandate? Batshit Crazy News Regular Right Guy A […]

An Omen of the ‘Mystifying Oracle’?

“One time I was with Cara, Chloe, Anne, and Ellie, and we were messing around with a Ouija board.” The blogger at “Please Excuse My Vagina: My life as a teenage feminist” will probably notice the trackback, and to her this should be a warning — as it should be to anyone tempted to try […]

Massacre: Ronald Haskell Murders Six Members of Texas Mormon Family

Ronald Lee Haskell was going through a divorce from his wife, Melannie Lyon. The couple had four young children, and Haskell had become increasingly violent. Lyon’s sister, Katie Stay, urged Lyon to leave Haskell in Utah and move to Texas, where Stay and her husband lived with their five children. Wednesday, Haskell went to the […]

Stupid Vicious Criminal Scum

Left to right: Marisela Pacheco, Ruben Archunde, Jessica Gallegos Marisela Narango Pacheco’s boyfriend was in jail in Tucson, Arizona. Her boyfriend’s buddy Ruben Estevan Archunde had just been released from jail and was awaiting trial on an auto theft charge. They came up with an idea of how to get the money to bail out Pacheco’s […]

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