Obama’s Border Game, and Why Republicans Are Doomed to Lose It
President Obama has deliberately provoked the current crisis along our nation’s southwestern border in an effort to force House Republicans to pass the Senate’s “Gang of Eight” amnesty plan. Illegal immigrants are pouring in by the trainload, and the violent MS-13 gang is recruiting in detention centers. Polls show that voters strongly disapprove (58%) of […]
LIVE AT FIVE: 07.15.14
— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Egypt Proposes Cease Fire For Israel, Hamas Proposal calls for ceasefire at 0900 local, reopening of border crossings, talks within 48 hours Hamas rejects cease-fire without truce Israel accepts Egyptian truce proposal Hamas Scores Own Goal Ukraine: Russian Army Officers Fighting Alongside Rebels NATO confirms Russian military buildup near […]
Sex Trouble: Radical Feminism and the Long Shadow of the ‘Lavender Menace’
“The supersensitivity of the [Women’s Liberation] movement to the lesbian issue, and the existence of a few militant lesbians within the movement, once prompted [NOW founder Betty] Friedan herself to grouse about ‘the lavender menace’ that was threatening to warp the image of women’s rights.” — Susan Brownmiller, New York Times, March 15, 1970 (quoted […]
They Always Blame the Jews
The “Final Solution” to the Mideast problem: As Hamas Rockets continued to rain down on Israeli population centers, a large anti-Israel rally took place in Seattle’s Westlake Center this Saturday, July 12. Protesters screamed anti-Israel slogans calling for the destruction of the Jewish state while waving signs and marching through the downtown sidewalks. But this […]
Democrats Dump Obama
Hope and Change have become a campaign liability: Obama’s approval ratings are in the basement and show no signs of improving, so Democrats are keeping their distance. On the stump, in campaign ads and at fundraisers, Obama’s absence is increasingly conspicuous. Democrats are voicing their displeasure with his policies and campaign advisers are telling candidates […]
LIVE AT FIVE: 07.14.14
— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS IDF To Palestinian Civilians In North Gaza: GTFO IDF commandos destroy rocket launching site; civilians warned to evacuate “for their own safety” Palestinian-Americans, other dual citizens fleeing Gaza in droves IDF shells Lebanon after cross-border rocket attack Ukrainian Forces Close In On Lugansk Russia warns of “irreversible consequences” after […]
The Lighter Side Of The Border Crisis
by Smitty On the other hand, maybe these illegal immigrant children could be trained to manage email, which is more than can be said of the IRS. — 'Teahadist' h/t@DMat (@smitty_one_each) July 14, 2014 Come to think of it, if we replaced Congress with 535 random illegal immigrant children, would there be a difference? Cost […]
What ‘Precocious’ Means
The blogospheric badminton continues with Sophia the Teenage Feminist who, having made a point of bringing up her theoretical “bisexuality,” now objects to this topic being discussed critically. Or sarcastically, for that matter. In case you’re arriving late, a recap: While conducting a Google search Saturday as part of my ongoing series about feminism, I […]
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