The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Atheist Progressive Makes Rape Threat About Conservative’s Teen Daughter

Posted on | July 10, 2014 | 143 Comments

Preston Smith (@common_alias) is an atheist progressive supporter of Hillary Clinton’s incipient 2016 presidential campaign. C. Steven Tucker (@CSteven) is a Chicago businessman, Tea Party activist and ObamaCare critic. Wednesday afternoon, Tucker sent out a Twitter message about calls to impeach President Obama. Smith responded with a sick comment — CC’d to Tucker’s wife Andrea — that appeared to be a rape threat directed at one of their teenage daughters:

Why? Beyond Smith’s perverse interpretation of an Old Testament passage, it seems Smith had devoted enough attention to his target to be able to locate Tucker’s wife’s account, showing her with the couple’s three children in the profile picture.

You can imagine how any parent would take alarm at such a comment. Tucker said he has reported Smith to law enforcement, but I’m afraid the Tuckers will be disappointed to learn that, from a legal standpoint, a comment like Smith’s is not be considered a “threat.” A threat, in the legal sense, requires that there be some reason for the target to fear that the person making the threat will actually carry it out.

In other words, if I say, “I’d like to beat Preston Smith to a bloody pulp,” that’s not a threat, legally. On the other hand, if I were to say, “I’ve got Preston Smith’s home address and I just booked my flight from Dulles to Miami tomorrow so that I can kill that vicious bastard with my bare hands” — well, the specificity of such a comment could be seen as a legitimate threat that might cause him to fear that an enraged redneck could show up at his front door with murderous intent.

The difference between these hypothetical scenarios may seem trivial legalistic hair-splitting to the layman. On the other hand, if I told you that Delta Flight 6224 left Dulles at 6:10 a.m., connnecting through Detroit via Flight 1829 to arrive at Miami International Airport before noon, you might believe I’d given it serious consideration. And if Steven Tucker posted a selfie of himself at O’Hare Airport boarding a non-stop flight to Miami, that could also be taken as indicating Preston Smith has reasonable cause to fear for his safety.

But these are just hypothetical scenarios, of course.

(Hat-tip: Big Fur Hat.)



143 Responses to “Atheist Progressive Makes Rape Threat About Conservative’s Teen Daughter”

  1. Quartermaster
    July 11th, 2014 @ 12:50 pm

    There were only certain people that to be killed entirely. Some were spared. The Rephaidim, however, were entirely human and were to be wiped out entirely.

  2. Quartermaster
    July 11th, 2014 @ 1:25 pm

    The nuance is obviously beyond you.

  3. Quartermaster
    July 11th, 2014 @ 1:26 pm

    You leftist to the center of that infinite space between your ears.

  4. Quartermaster
    July 11th, 2014 @ 1:27 pm

    You must really hate yourself, because a leftist you are.

  5. Quartermaster
    July 11th, 2014 @ 1:32 pm

    Blocking the Tor servers would be productive in that regard. It would appear that Windy has been on here with at least 6 different handles, and probably a fair multiple of that fake ip addies.
    OTOH, I don’t think that page views would go down much with a registration requirement since RSM is now well established in the blogosphere. The only way to know is do the experiment, and that’s not my call.
    Another solution might be, if it’s possible, for any post from an unregistered user goes into moderation. Almost anything would be better if we can prevent more Windys from stealing bandwidth with foolishness.

  6. Finrod Felagund
    July 11th, 2014 @ 1:38 pm

    “And it *still* smells of troll.” — Bilbo Baggins

  7. Finrod Felagund
    July 11th, 2014 @ 1:40 pm

    I’m a libertarian. You’re an idiot troll.

  8. Finrod Felagund
    July 11th, 2014 @ 2:25 pm

    Idiot leftist thug says what?

  9. Quartermaster
    July 11th, 2014 @ 2:39 pm

    You will be alone. Utterly alone. In darkness that can be felt. And forgotten. You will become as insignificant as you have made yourself by your rejection of God.

  10. Quartermaster
    July 11th, 2014 @ 2:39 pm

    Keep whistling past the grave yard there.

  11. Quartermaster
    July 11th, 2014 @ 2:43 pm

    Eternity will be a Theocracy with God’s presence both known and seen. Anything evil, or that hurts will be excluded and the earth and cosmos will be re-created and restored to what it was before the fall.
    Most importantly for you, it will be a place where people such as yourself are excluded and sent to an eternity of loneliness and complete insignificance. You will exist where all evil has been sent and you will exist in an eternal state of death beyond the reach of anyone, including those, like you, that have been condemned to the lake of fire with Satan and his Angels.
    You won’t be playing cards, or drinking beer. What Heaven is the lake of fire is the exact conjugate.

  12. Quartermaster
    July 11th, 2014 @ 2:45 pm

    You got played by Satan, the god of this world, when you rejected the living God who sent His Son, Christ, to make a way to avoid the place you are headed.
    In the end, you will be, not just a doofus, but an utter fool.

  13. Finrod Felagund
    July 11th, 2014 @ 2:45 pm

    The Phelpsians are registered Democrats that play for Team Blue, on your side, idiot troll.

  14. Quartermaster
    July 11th, 2014 @ 3:25 pm

    I’m not the sadist. You won’t stand in front of me for judgment, but God Himself. He could not careless how much you rage against Him. You will go where you are sent regardless. All I can do is warn you of the judgment to come. If you don’t listen and hide yourself in Christ, then, like the fool, you will go onto destruction.
    Alas, there will be no second chances.

  15. Quartermaster
    July 11th, 2014 @ 3:27 pm

    They aren’t Christian or homophobes. They are not any kind of Christian I can recognize from scripture, and they don’t have an irrational fear of kweers.
    An independent that votes Blue.

  16. Quartermaster
    July 11th, 2014 @ 3:28 pm

    I have found no reason to question my “belief” system. My faith is rationally based.

  17. Quartermaster
    July 11th, 2014 @ 3:31 pm

    And, of course, you haven’t listened. But, then, you’re deaf to what you don’t want to hear. Willfully obtuse and foolish. It’s gonna stink when you find yourself on your knees in front Christ at the White Throne judgment. The result, however, will be completely self inflicted because of your willful stupidity.
    You laughter is the laugh of the insane.

  18. Quartermaster
    July 11th, 2014 @ 3:38 pm

    Not only have not followed any of the nuances, you are utterly ignorant. You have no idea what I am, or what my work is. I am an applied Physicist. I am well aware of what Quantum Mechanics is and how it goes together.
    OTOH, your lashing out in ignorance simply marks you as an utterly unserious man. In short, you are fool in the biblical sense, as well as in the colloquial sense.
    The passages quoted were indeed for you. They describe you to a “T.” The real difference between you and I is I don’t have the faith required to be as foolish and stupid as you.
    You are simply an insignificant no body that is trying for attention from your betters. Now, go play with the children. I’m sure Strawberry Shortcake or My Little Pony is playing somewhere. That’s about your speed.

  19. Wombat_socho
    July 11th, 2014 @ 3:38 pm


  20. Wombat_socho
    July 11th, 2014 @ 3:40 pm

    Not my call.

  21. quartermastersdoom
    July 11th, 2014 @ 3:52 pm

    Blah, blah, blah…my betters? Yeah, how Christian of you. And you didn’t answer my question. An applied physicist believes in a literal interpretation of the Bible, and that the world is only about 6000 years old? Or you don’t believe that which by your definition makes you a non-believer? If it’s the former then everything you supposedly know is invalid, and you’re a professional sham, or you’re going to hell. See, this is why religion is bad. You’re now mentally boxed in, and left with a terrible conundrum.

  22. quartermastersdoom
    July 11th, 2014 @ 3:54 pm

    And you’re a somebody? LOL! You’re a an old man whose religion has passed it’s expiration date. I used to actually be tolerant of Christians, but when dealing with someone like you that tolerance is out the window, and feel we should start closing down Churches.

  23. quartermastersdoom
    July 11th, 2014 @ 3:57 pm

    Yeah, even for rapists, and slaveholders.

  24. Quartermaster
    July 11th, 2014 @ 4:06 pm

    Yep, standard leftist. As soon as you twits get power you’ll start killing people. The tolerance gig is something that is just a chimera. You tolerate nothing but your own view.
    I’m somebody in Christ. Something you know nothing about. I know where I’ll be in eternity. I also know where you will be if you stay on the path you are on, and it won’t be nice.
    The more you say, the more the mask drops.

  25. Quartermaster
    July 11th, 2014 @ 4:06 pm

    Yep, standard leftist. As soon as you twits get power you’ll start killing people. The tolerance gig is something that is just a chimera. You tolerate nothing but your own view.
    I’m somebody in Christ. Something you know nothing about. I know where I’ll be in eternity. I also know where you will be if you stay on the path you are on, and it won’t be nice.
    The more you say, the more the mask drops.

  26. Quartermaster
    July 11th, 2014 @ 4:06 pm

    And especially for those remain in rebellion against God. Like where you will spend eternity.

  27. Quartermaster
    July 11th, 2014 @ 4:06 pm

    And especially for those remain in rebellion against God. Like where you will spend eternity.

  28. Quartermaster
    July 11th, 2014 @ 4:10 pm

    Unlike you, I’m not willfully obtuse. I am not anything close to being mentally boxed in.
    The only sham here is you. You already dropped enough of the mask to show you are a liar and intolerant of anything other than your own view. Liars have their place reserved in the lake of fire.
    Religion is only bad when you are on the receiving end of the bad stuff. I took advantage of God’s way to avoid the consequences of sin. You have not, and based on what I’ve seen of you so far, you won’t. You have boxed yourself in and now pride has taken over.
    Your choice. Turn, or burn.

  29. Quartermaster
    July 11th, 2014 @ 4:10 pm

    Unlike you, I’m not willfully obtuse. I am not anything close to being mentally boxed in.
    The only sham here is you. You already dropped enough of the mask to show you are a liar and intolerant of anything other than your own view. Liars have their place reserved in the lake of fire.
    Religion is only bad when you are on the receiving end of the bad stuff. I took advantage of God’s way to avoid the consequences of sin. You have not, and based on what I’ve seen of you so far, you won’t. You have boxed yourself in and now pride has taken over.
    Your choice. Turn, or burn.

  30. QMD2
    July 11th, 2014 @ 4:30 pm

    No, pride has taken over YOU, hence your refusal to answer the very simple question I put before you. Now you’re just squirming like the smug, self righteous, sadistic weasel you are. I beat you, douchebag, and either answer you give defeats you. Hahaha! This must be killing you. It’s funny, too, because you set your own trap, and then walked right into it! LOL! And what am I lying about? That the earth is billions of years old? That’s scientific fact. By your mentality God must be some kind of a trickster who toys with the minds of young children visiting a museum because all those bones aren’t actually real! Where did you get your degree? Off the back of a box of cereal? Or was it Bob Jones U. where the only teach a little science, and the rest is theology? You’re a sham. This is
    why religion has to go because behind every so called “believer”

    is a lying sadist.

    This is like the end of “There Will Be Blood”. Say it, Eli, “it’s fraud, and a superstition!”

  31. QMD22
    July 11th, 2014 @ 4:35 pm
  32. QMD22
    July 11th, 2014 @ 4:36 pm

    The only mask that dropped is yours, to reveal a lying weasel, smug, sadist. And you’ll be rotting in the ground for eternity.

  33. Democrats and their #WarOnWomen: Did Progressive Democrat Preston Smith threaten to rape a teenage girl? | Batshit Crazy News
    July 11th, 2014 @ 5:15 pm

    […] TOM: Atheist Progressive Make Rape Threat About Conservative’s Teen Daughter […]

  34. Julie Pascal
    July 11th, 2014 @ 5:18 pm

    But you don’t even know what the Judeo/Christian interpretation IS.

    Clearly. Everything you say is a misrepresentation of Christian theology, even ignoring differences between sects, just going with general stuff. How can you pronounce something bollocks when you don’t know what people believe?

    If you knew what it was and disagreed that would be entirely different.

  35. cmdr358
    July 11th, 2014 @ 5:24 pm

    All of them? Really?

    You obviously haven’t met my grandmother or mother-in-law.

    And…..isn’t a judgment like that just the same as saying that because African-Americans commit crimes at a rate exponentially disproportionate to their numbers in society then none of them are to be trusted?

    Surely you’ll agree with me on that because:
    A. My life’s experience tells me that that statement is wrong and…

    B. You’re life experiences make you a trouble making leftist troll.


  36. kilo6
    July 11th, 2014 @ 5:33 pm

    My dear ignorant troll,

    Your fallacious reasoning is laughable, in fact my 13 year old cousin is currently laughing his butt off at your solipsistic petulant discourse.

    Moreover, what’s your point? Why are you here? Your spittle-flecked responses aren’t going to persuade anyone who has the slightest bit of faith or reason in their heads.

    I would argue you’re doing libertarians and atheists a disservice by bringing your intellectual squirt gun to a rifle range.

  37. Quartermaster
    July 11th, 2014 @ 7:57 pm

    I refuse to be diverted from the central issue, and that isn’t me. The central issue is your rebellion against God.

    You aren’t so obtuse that you don’t know what makes you a liar. I give you more credit for intelligence than you have for yourself.

    Next to God you aren’t even a mite. You can rave and rage, but the entire things still comes down to what you will do with Christ. We have already seen.

    Your mask is off. I will pay no more attention to you. You can yell at my back as I leave you to your insignificant life. An insignificant life that will be an utter waste.


  38. Quartermaster
    July 11th, 2014 @ 8:15 pm

    That’s OK. Thinking aloud more than anything else.

  39. Schmible666
    July 12th, 2014 @ 1:38 am

    I beat you, you arrogant putz, and you know it. hide behind your BS all you want, but you know you’re beat. You couldnt even answer a simple question, and the reason for that is because if you do the entire house of cards you constructed collapses. You can claim I’m “full of rage” all you want, but you cant even defend your beliefs.

  40. Schmible666
    July 12th, 2014 @ 1:42 am

    Another pissant Christian who can’t actually defend his beliefs, and can do nothing but insult his critics. You’re beat, and you’re 13 year old cousin is as asinine you. Either defend your beliefs or I’ll assume you can’t and I won. I already beat quartermaster.

    I’m here to mess with you. That’s it.

  41. Patrick Chester
    July 12th, 2014 @ 7:26 am

    Oh, a hipster agnostic. Even worse.

  42. Patrick Chester
    July 12th, 2014 @ 7:28 am

    Yep, I was right:

    Hateful little twit.

    You forgot to mention one thing: It’s safe to attack Christians.

  43. Mitchell Migraine: ‘Barack, Do Something!’ | Regular Right Guy
    July 12th, 2014 @ 11:51 am

    […] Atheist Progressive Makes Rape Threat About Conservative’s Teen Daughter […]