The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Tommy Vietor: Van Driver, NSC Spokesman, Hipster At Large

by Smitty Listen, Tommy, you smarmy little creep. His first job for Obama was as the driver of a press van, and he rose up the ranks through the 2008 campaign, and then the White House press office, to become the National Security Council spokesman. You went to some little liberal arts school in Ohio, […]

Wombs for Rent, Babies for Sale: TV Promotes Gay Surrogate Business

Barrie Drewitt-Barlow is CEO of the British Surrogacy Centre, a business that specializes in hiring surrogate mothers for gay men: Barrie and his partner were the first same sex couple in the UK to use a surrogate mother and to be recognised on the birth certificate of those children, as parent 1 and parent 2. […]

Majoring in Minimum Wage

You may not remember “Hard Times for Gender Studies Major,” a post last August featuring the lament of @Andria_XX, who had an “Honors BA in Social Justice and Peace Studies” and was pursuing a Master’s degree in Gender Studies: “I have a honors BA and I’m defending my MA thesis in two weeks. I am […]

Arkansas School Suspends Teacher for Gay-Rights Activism … No, Wait …

One can easily imagine the outrage of progressives if a gay teacher were subjected to disciplinary action for his political beliefs, but that’s not what happened in Star City, Arkansas: Star City School District teacher Philip Holthoff has been suspended with pay and under investigation by the district Friday after he allegedly made racist comments […]

White Guilt Passes Its Expiration Date

Some things are predictable to observant students of human nature. There is a Newtonian principle of equal and opposite reactions in social, political and cultural trends. After the radical anti-war protests and bohemian lifestyle experimentation of the 1960s — LSD, campus sit-in demonstrations, psychedelic rock, hippie communes and meditation gurus — a discernible backlash took […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 05.01.14

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Charges Filed Against Narendra Modi For Poll Code Violation Ahmehdabad cops file First Imformation Reports Oklahoma Orders Review Of “Botched” Execution Governor agrees to delay second scheduled execution Tensions High As Iraqis Vote In First Election After US Withdrawal PM Maliki leads vote, is favored to form new ruling […]

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