The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

B.A. in Special Snowflake Studies

Instapundit wants to be lenient on Randye Hoder — “it’s not a ‘useless’ degree if in fact it teaches students ‘to think critically and analytically, read widely and write well’” — which means that I’m obliged to play bad cop with this overindulgent mother: My oldest child, Emma, just returned to campus after a long […]

Latina Actress Blacklisted for Supporting Republican Candidate

WOW! Cuban-American actress @MariaConchita_A supports GOP candidate in Calfiornia @regularrightguy #tcot — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) January 18, 2014 If I had ever heard of Maria Conchita Alonzo before now, I don’t remember it, but I know I’ll never forget her after this: A famed actress is facing backlash in San Francisco’s Latino community, […]

The ObamaCare ‘Death Spiral’ Debate

ObamaCare is exactly the kind of policy failure its opponents predicted, although it has also failed in a few unpredicted ways. The only way anyone can call ObamaCare a “success” is in a political sense, i.e., it helped re-elect Obama. We might also say ObamaCare is a “success” in the sense that its unmistakable failure will […]

Mexican Murder Suspect Is Finally Deported After 13-Year U.S. Crime Spree

Mexican criminal Fabian Godinez-Oseguera deported by ICE. This case “ought to make your blood boil,” indeed: Fabian Godinez-Oseguera was wanted on a warrant in Mexico for a 2000 murder. He fled to the United States and — despite multiple felony convictions here and having been repeatedly deported to Mexico — was still running around loose […]

Federal Court Upholds Bloggers’ Rights

Eugene Volokh cites a ruling yesterday by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in the case of Obsidian Finance Group v. Cox: The protections of the First Amendment do not turn on whether the defendant was a trained journalist, formally affiliated with traditional news entities, engaged in conflict-of-interest disclosure, went beyond just assembling others’ writings, […]

Scientists Decide Americans Are Too Stupid to Understand Global Warming

The science is settled! New polling data show the American public is growing increasingly skeptical of an asserted climate crisis. Alarmists have responded by claiming Americans are not smart enough to make proper decisions on climate policy. The Yale University Project on Climate Change Communication and the George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication […]

Psychiatrist Arrested With Crack Cocaine and a Dead Man Buried in His Backyard

Allegedly, I hasten to add: The body of a 31-year-old man who went missing in October was buried behind the home of a psychiatrist affiliated with the University of Rochester Medical Center. Police say Dr. William Lewek, 62, confessed to hiding Matthew Straton‘s body “in his backyard under a patio chair and a pile of dirt, grass […]

In The Mailbox, 01.17.14

— compiled by Wombat-socho Up late working on the book, which is now in the hands of Little Miss Attila for proofing. OVER THE TRANSOM Blackmailers Don’t Shoot: Tim Donnelly Likes Guns And Has A Smokin’ Wife Dead Republican Party: Views You Can Use Michelle Malkin: John Kerry, Jihad Coddler Twitchy: “Fist Bump!” Dana Loesch […]

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