The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Deranged Cyberstalker Bill Schmalfeldt: Why Can’t He Explain His Cyberstalking?

Posted on | September 10, 2013 | 54 Comments

Bill Schmalfeldt ranting, 2011. (Image via Thomas Anderson at Vimeo)

Monday, the state’s attorney’s office in Maryland announced that it would not prosecute Bill Schmalfeldt for violating the peace order that prohibits Schmalfeldt from directly contacting John Hoge. And so this afternoon, Schmalfeldt sent this message on Twitter:

Isn’t that rather a specific list of people in whom Schmalfeldt now claims to have lost interest? Need I remind you that this list is in fact the list of defendants in a lawsuit Brett Kimberlin has filed claiming “DEFAMATION, MALICIOUS PROSECUTION, HARASSMENT, STALKING, CONSPIRACY, INVASION OF PRIVACY AND INTENTIONAL INFLICTION OF EMOTIONAL DISTRESS.”

This confirms what Bill Schmalfeldt said last November:

Everything that Bill Schmalfeldt has done to harass Aaron Walker, Lee Stranahan, Ali Akbar, Patrick Frey, Ken White or John Hoge in the past 15 months, he has done on behalf of Brett Kimberlin.

Why is defending Brett Kimberlin so important to Bill Schmalfeldt?

Out of all the causes on the planet that Bill Schmalfeldt might have chosen to support for the past 15 months, why Brett Kimberlin?

Good luck getting Bill Schmalfeldt to provide a rational explanation for why he has made this his life’s work.

Did you notice the similarity of language? In November — at a time when he was relentlessly harassing meBill Schmalfeldt declared he would stop “investigating” (which was a term he used to describe his harassment) if everybody would “forget Brett Kimberlin even exists.”

Now that Brett Kimberlin has sued several of the people Schmalfeldt has harassed? Bill Schmalfeldt says he wants us to “forget I exist”!

Quite a convenient coincidence, I’d say.



54 Responses to “Deranged Cyberstalker Bill Schmalfeldt: Why Can’t He Explain His Cyberstalking?”

  1. Quartermaster
    September 11th, 2013 @ 2:40 pm

    At least your not a nobody.

  2. Quartermaster
    September 11th, 2013 @ 2:41 pm

    It’s 5 O’clock somewhere!

  3. Rain
    September 11th, 2013 @ 2:53 pm

    while The Talking Wart has gotten away with violating the peace order, the order is still in force correct?

  4. FMJRA 2.0: Caffeine Zombie : The Other McCain
    September 15th, 2013 @ 7:04 pm

    […] Deranged Cyberstalker Bill Schmalfeldt: Why Can’t He Explain His Cyberstalking? […]