Can @Karoli Block the Entire Internet?
It’s always funny to watch liberals attempting to think. Of course, if they were rational, they wouldn’t be liberals, and so when you deal with someone like Karoli Kuns, it’s kind of like peeling an onion of error: One layer of mistakes, and under that a layer of lies, and when you peel that away, […]
Dammit, @CalebHowe, Get Better! UPDATE: Let’s Make It $30,000 Tonight
You’re pissing me off here, Caleb. There’s no sick leave in the blogosphere, and this “going to the hospital” stuff is not allowed. Besides, quite honestly, I can’t handle the stress. Being a middle-aged blogger — “middle-aged,” if the life expectancy of a two-pack-a-day smoker is 106 — has become increasingly stressful. First Andrew Breitbart died […]
‘Cracker!’ Says Mendacious Swindler Charlie Rangel, Who Should Be in Prison
Behold, the antonym of honesty speaks! In an interview with the Daily Beast published Friday, Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY) suggested Tea Partiers are the “same group” who fought for segregation during the Civil Rights movement. “It is the same group we faced in the South with those white crackers and the dogs and the police. They didn’t […]
Democrat Agenda for Women: Abortion and Also, Getting Groped by Bob Filner
Oh, sure, they’ve got some language in there about “equality,” education, health care, yadda, yadda, yadda, but when it’s time to get down to business, there are only two things that liberal women care about — killing babies and getting felt up by skeezy Democrat perverts: A ninth woman has emerged to accuse San Diego […]
— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Snowden’s Asylum Enrages US, But Won’t Destroy Already Strained Russian ties Could Snowden’s asylum scuttle Obama-Putin summit? Indian MPs Quit Over Telangana Twelve Congress Party MPs from Andhra Pradesh resign over creation of new state African Union: Zimbabwe Poll “Free, Honest And Credible” Observer mission head Obasanjo says Wednesday’s […]
Vile Lie-Peddler @Karoli Kuns and the Posthumous Vindication of Breitbart
“Liberal bias is not a matter of unfairness, but rather a matter of dishonesty — deliberately ignoring some facts, and misrepresenting other facts, in order to misinform the public by portraying to them a politically falsified view of events and personalities. If there were ever any honest person employed by the New York Times (we […]
The Game That Homey Does Not Play
Homey says, ‘I don’t think so.’ A friend e-mailed me in reference to Matt Osborne‘s (absurd) claim that the identity of someone calling himself “Watchful Avenger” is a matter crucial to the Brett Kimberlin story. Having never paid any attention to this at all, I replied to the e-mail: It’s ridiculous, of course, for anyone […]
Wretched Chattanooga Newspaper Fires Editor Because of Anti-Obama Headline
The citizens of Chattanooga are afflicted with a paper owned by the same crowd of truthless swindlers who own the New York Times: “The headline was inappropriate for this newspaper. It was not the original headline approved for publication, and Johnson violated the normal editing process when he changed the headline.” The Times-Free Press is […]
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