LOL! @NealRauhauser’s Demand to @Twitter: ‘No More Fun of Any Kind!’ UPDATE: Neal Deletes His Plan (Lulz)
What a buzzkill this guy is, huh? So there I was, having stirred up a hornet’s nest with my “atheist sex scandal” post. My quarrel with a young renegade Baptist named Sarah Jones had just reached the point where the whole “neo-Confederate” thing came up and — boom! — somebody sends me a link to […]
Ooh! Another Atheist Sex Scandal?
Karen Stoltznow and Ben Radford at a December 2012 conference. You may recall that in 2011 Rebecca Watson — the total smokin’ hotness of atheist chickdom — celebrated her victimhood after some guy tried to hit on her at an atheist conference. The silliness of it all prompted Vox Day to comment on the misery of […]
White House: “Al Qaeda Is Like This Big Ol’ Bagel, All Gone In The Middle, And Stuff”
by Smitty Paraphrasing Jay Carney, but not by much: “There is no question that over the past several years that the Al Qaeda core has been greatly diminished, not least because of the elimination of Osama bin Laden,” Carney said. When was the last time we closed down embassies for a full week? And we’re […]
Real Fall Guy for a ‘Phony Scandal’
Charles C. Johnson of the Daily Caller has a nice story about Nakoula (a.k.a., “Sam Bacile”), the guy whose YouTube video provided the Obama administration’s alibi for the Benghazi terror attack. We have only recently begun to learn more about the CIA’s Libyan gun-running operation that the administration was covering up, and we’ll learn more […]
John Kerry’s State Department Celebrates Sodomy. Polygamy? Eh, Not So Much …
All deviants are not created equal: Secretary of State John Kerry announced Friday at the U.S. Embassy in London that the State Department will now recognize in its visa-processing practices same-sex marriages performed in foreign countries—saying that “as long as a marriage has been performed in a jurisdiction that recognizes it so that it is legal, then […]
Congratulations to @AlecMacGillis, Hacktastic Douchebag of the Day
“Alec MacGillis, staff writer of the Washington Post, needs to leave journalism immediately to find a profession in which he is half-competent.” — Brad DeLong, March 27, 2008 Alec MacGillis is a douchebag who has lately been busy carrying “phony scandals” water for the Obama administration. As was once said of Sidney Blumenthal, if MacGillis […]
We’re All Working for Jeff Bezos Now
Jeff Bezos: Meet the new boss. Every blogger loves Jeff Bezos, because collecting commissions on sales through Amazon Associates ads — hurry now and save! free shipping on purchases over $25! — is one of the best revenue opportunities for anyone with a Web site. Instapundit regularly advertises the latest Amazon deals and, while my […]
America Loves You, Sama Elmasry!
Step aside, @AnnCoulter @SarahPalinUSA @michellemalkin — Sama Elmasry is our new darling! — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) August 6, 2013 Finally an Egyptian belly-dancer tells the truth about Obama: Hey Obama, Hey Obama Hey Obama, support the terrorism Traitor like the Brotherhood members Obama say it’s a coup That’s not your business dirty man […]
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