The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Kimberlin v. Kimberlin: Tetyana’s Lawyer Defeats the Perjuring Criminal Sociopath

John Hoge has a brief preliminary account of today’s Maryland court hearing in the dueling actions between Tetyana Kimberlin and her estranged husband, convicted felon Brett Kimberlin. Full transcripts of the proceedings and relevant background will be published in due time, but the most important lesson of today’s hearing is this: Kimberlin, a cunning and […]

Taking Feminism Seriously

  In 2009, we began National Offend a Feminist Month, which always ends on Mother’s Day (because feminism is about killing babies, that’s why) and which is generally celebrated with cheerful good humor, mocking the hateful humorlessness of distaff Marxism. The jokes are fun, but this doesn’t mean that feminism is not a deadly menace […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 08.12.13

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Perseid Meteor Shower Peaks Tonight NASA predicts best celestial light show of the year Holder Seeks Limits On Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Looking to get elderly, sick, and non-violent inmates out of prison Abbott Stands Firm, Rudd Running Scared Australian party leaders on display in TV debate POLITICS Former Reagan […]

Rule 5 Sunday: Stratoscape

— compiled by Wombat-socho We begin this Rule 5 Sunday post, as we so often do, with some well-meant advice for the Loyal Readers: while many of the links below lead to wholesome photographs of good-looking women tastefully attired in swimsuits or more, some lead to similar photographs of attractive women attired in lingerie or […]

Missing Teen Hannah Anderson Rescued After FBI Shoots and Kills Her Kidnapper

Wrote about this case Thursday at Viral Read and Friday here, and now there’s good news in the case: A massive manhunt that spanned 1,000 miles ended in gunfire in the Idaho wild late Saturday afternoon — shots that ended the life of the family friend who was suspected of abducting 16-year-old Hannah Anderson and […]

Yes, Ma’am, However …

[Picture removed] OK, my “SlutWalkDC” photos got zapped — blame Joan of Arc — but a guy named Ted got a photo of me taking a photo. As for the girl’s poster, it should be the title of a TV series, or maybe a textbook, but it’s at least a  T-shirt slogan. However, thinking back to […]


OK, the story that was here is gone. Having heard from the girl in the photo, who made it clear that I misread her “SlutWalk DC” protest sign, I decided that a mere correction was insufficient. Her sign said she “didn’t want to press charges,” and my concern was that the perpetrator (the 24-year-old who […]

Blame Joan of Arc

WASHINGTON, D.C. My photos of “Slutwalk DC” got zapped — “It was a glitch! It was a technical malfunction!” to quote Gus Grissom — while I was trying to load them from the disc of my wife’s camera, which I was using because my faithful pink “Barbie cam” is broken. So you won’t get to […]

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