The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Slut Walk: Dumbed-Down Feminism and the Politics of Mindless Protest Chic

Posted on | August 10, 2013 | 163 Comments

Today at 11 a.m., angry women — perhaps dozens of them — will gather in Washington for “SlutWalk DC,” a fundamentally pointless exercise in public stupidity that will accomplish nothing except to give the participants a chance to say they’ve done something.

Like many other such left-wing protests, SlutWalk DC is basically about political tribalism, signifying membership, parading around one’s inchoate grievances, venting one’s anger about personal or collective victimhood. Notice how the women above are demonstrating against a non-existent opposition, i.e., The Pro-Rape Movement.

Is anyone in favor of rape? Can we get a show of hands of those who think rape should be legalized? Anyone? No, of course not.

Personally, I think rape should be punishable by death in some cases, but I’m willing to bet that nearly all the SlutWalk DC marchers are liberals who are against the death penalty, even for murder.

Thus, the feminist rhetoric is basically a way for women to ju-jitsu the issue that lost Michael Dukakis the 1988 presidential election, promoting the (entirely false) idea that rape is somehow the fault of those sexist Republican right-wingers, rather than actually doing anything about arresting rapists and putting them in prison.

What is this poster about? Can anyone read this and derive from it a policy proposal, some sort of reform agenda? Anything?

No, of course not. What this poster is saying is, “I had a crappy childhood” (no would would disagree) “I hate my mother” (can’t say that we blame you) and “Don’t criticize whatever kind of sex I’m having now” (of course, we wouldn’t even think about your “sexuality,” if you weren’t advertising it on your protest poster).

Questioning the rhetoric of these left-wing protests, as if the protesters are intelligent adults who might be expected to make a coherent argument, is not allowed. You may recall the gibbering nonsensical rage emitted by the Occupy movement, which was never actually about anything except (a) rich people have a lot of money, and (b) smelly hippies camping out in a city park.

Seriously, that was their entire agenda: “Let’s go camping, yell about how much we hate rich people, try to make such nuisances of ourselves that the cops will be forced to arrest us, and also — while we’re at it — sexually assault any women stupid enough to join us.”

Why didn’t the “SlutWalk” organizers protest against the Occupy movement? Is it unfair to suspect that many of the rapes these women are so angry about actually occurred inside Occupy tents?

OK, that sarcasm probably crossed some kind of line, and even my sexist Republican readers might be offended. But perhaps you see my point. If we were to check the voter registration of convicted rapists, is there anyone — anyone — who doubts that Democrat men commit the majority of rapes in America? It’s not just elected Democrats like Bob Filner, but the kind of men who vote for Bob Filner, who are actually the Pro-Rape Movement. If liberal women seem especially angry about rape, isn’t it because liberal women hang around liberal men, and most liberal men are selfish amoral creeps?

Let’s face it: Republicans are the ones who want to lock up rapists. Democrats are the ones who see criminals as victims of an oppressive and unjust capitalist system. And instead of cracking down on actual rapists, the liberal Democrat women are instead angry because some people still use a simple word to describe the kind of degenerate promiscuity that liberal Democrat women consider normal.

Why is it — really, I want you to think hard about this — why is it that merely talking sarcastically about feminism seems to anger feminists more than rape itself? Speaking critically of wretched egalitarian radicalism is not a crime, you know, and if liberal women want to turn a word like “slut” into a political weapon, how can they say it’s unfair for their opponents to turn that weapon against them?

If you’re going to hold up a sign that says “PROUD SLUT,” you can’t object when I say, yeah, like all Democrat women.

Never mind my jokes, however, let’s talk about the real joke — the official manifesto of SlutWalk DC 2013:

SlutWalk DC Demands!

  1. All victims of sexual assault deserve dignified treatment and access to medical care regardless of race, socioeconomic status, gender expression, sexual orientation, physical ability, mental illness, immigration status, incarceration status, physical appearance or involvement in sex work. We demand that all DC-area hospitals provide access to rape kits and train staff to administer rape kits to all victims of assault.
  2. All people have a right to control their own bodies and personal space. To have autonomy of our own bodies and sexual liberation, DC residents must have access to affordable reproductive health care services including abortions. Reproductive health care should be prioritized in the budget and we therefore oppose any and all budget cuts that restrict these services, such as the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act that bans the District from using its own money to fund abortions for low-income women.
  3. We oppose sexual assault in all work places.
  4. We oppose all efforts of public figures (including politicians, law enforcement and military officers) to belittle and joke about incidents of rape and sexual assault in order to generate and maintain a culture in which sexism is accepted rather than taken seriously.
  5. We call for an end to the deportation of undocumented people who report sexual assault, rape and domestic violence. All people must have the ability to report sexual violence and rape and to receive a medical care without fear of deportation.
  6. The police must be held accountable to the communities they serve to the fullest extent. We call for the immediate removal and arrest of any police officer that misuses their power and authority position to abuse and assault people. We demand that the victims of police assault receive justice. We demand full equality and inclusion for transgender people, including complete access to healthcare, education and employment.
  7. We demand an end to transphobia.  We demand an end to violence committed against members of the transgender, transsexual and gender non-conforming community.  We demand justice for Tyli’a Mack, LeShai McClean, and other victims of gender-motivated hate crimes.
  8. We also demand an end to the stereotyping of trans women as sex workers, especially low income trans women and trans women of color.  We call for an end to the constant police intimidation and harassment of trans women that follows this stereotype.

Do you see how they work into their agenda certain liberal issues — including abortion and amnesty for “undocumented” immigrants — that might seem debatable or controversial, if it didn’t come wrapped up in all this angry rhetoric about sexual assault, so that if you diagree with them, you’re accused of being pro-rape?

Explain to me again why I should speak respectfully about women who employs such dishonest propaganda tactics.

They’re not just sluts. They’re lying sluts.

Which is to say, they’re typical Democrat women.



163 Responses to “Slut Walk: Dumbed-Down Feminism and the Politics of Mindless Protest Chic”

  1. Bob Belvedere
    August 11th, 2013 @ 6:01 pm

    The serial sexual harasser….
    …and rapist [‘Why don’t you put some ice on that’].

  2. rmnixondeceased
    August 11th, 2013 @ 8:00 pm

    You know Bebe! Slicked back hair and that just waxed glow …

  3. RMNixonDeceased
    August 11th, 2013 @ 8:01 pm

    “You know Bebe! Slicked back hair and that just waxed glow …” — rmnixondeceased

  4. rustypaladin
    August 11th, 2013 @ 8:03 pm

    No, don’t do that! You don’t know where they’ve been and you may need to get shots later!

  5. TNJim
    August 11th, 2013 @ 10:14 pm

    Slut Walk: Dumbed-Down Feminism and the Politics of Mindless Protest Chic #TCOT #sgp #ocra #TGDN

  6. draj33
    August 11th, 2013 @ 10:16 pm

    Slut Walk: Dumbed-Down Feminism and the Politics of Mindless Protest Chic

  7. larsoneric50
    August 11th, 2013 @ 10:20 pm

    Slut Walk: Dumbed-Down Feminism and the Politics of Mindless Protest Chic

  8. middlemom
    August 11th, 2013 @ 10:20 pm

    RT @larsoneric50: Slut Walk: Dumbed-Down Feminism and the Politics of Mindless Protest Chic

  9. This Stupid Week, SEO Edition | Blackmailers Don't Shoot
    August 12th, 2013 @ 9:54 pm

    […] Deconstructing SlutWalk DC, with pictures. (The Other McCain) […]

  10. Stranded in Sonoma
    August 13th, 2013 @ 3:02 pm

    All victims of sexual assault deserve dignified treatment and access to medical care regardless of…gender expression, sexual orientation…physical appearance…

    So the SlutWalk people agree that if MEN are victims of sexual assault BY WOMEN that they are entitled to dignified medical treatment? Wanna bet not?

  11. The purpose behind the “Slut Walks.” « THE FIRST STREET JOURNAL.
    August 13th, 2013 @ 6:40 pm

    […] If you have read Mr McCain’s “slut walk” coverage, you’d find just what you would expect to find: that he absolutely condemned rape, and knew of no one who was part of the “pro-rape” cul…: […]

  12. Immorality and the Fall of America | Dead Republican Party (DeRP)
    August 15th, 2013 @ 11:01 am

    […] Slut Walk: Dumbed-Down Feminism and the Politics of Mindless Protest Chic […]

  13. FMJRA 2.0: Totem : The Other McCain
    August 17th, 2013 @ 5:48 pm

    […] Slut Walk: Dumbed-Down Feminism and the Politics of Mindless Protest Chic […]