The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Recusing Myself On Recent Events, Let Me Bring Up A Point About Tiananmen Square

by Smitty In the first place, the United States government is not a line of Type 59 tanks. In the second place, recent headline twerps are not Tank Man, staring down the barrel of tyranny. The question to ask is: what constitutes heroism? It strikes me that, if in a situation where the government is […]

Let’s Debate Fourth Amendment Rights, and Also Send Snowden to Leavenworth

Glenn Greenwald’s new man-crush, Edward Snowden… I am more afraid of the federal Department of Education than I am of the #NSA. Seriously. @angelatc @justinamash — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) June 10, 2013 Following the Edward Snowden revelations, I find myself accused of statism, warmongering and worse. It seems some of my libertarian friends […]

Rule 5 Monday

— compiled by Wombat-socho Apologies for the aggravating lateness of so many posts this past week; the NSAVerizon has screwed up the internet at my current residence, so I’ve been having to spend time and money getting wifi at the local 24-hour McDonald’s. Or, during the week, the public libary. Anyway, on with the linkagery; […]

Holy Freaking Crap! How Did NSA Leaker Edward Snowden Get Security Clearance?

My son enlisted in Army under same 18X program as #Snowden. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!… — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) June 10, 2013 The phrase “whistleblower” would imply the disclosure of wrongdoing and — sorry, Senator Paul — I don’t see any crime at NSA, beyond the negligence that put a high-school dropout in a […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 06.10.13

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Edward Snowden Identifies Self As Source of NSA Documents Flees to Hong Kong Santa Monica Shooter’s First Victims Were Father, Brother John Samir Zawahiri killed both men, set home on fire BJP Star Narendra Modi To Lead Party’s Campaign Chief Minister of Gujarat criticized for doing little to stop […]

You’re Gonna Need a Bigger Movement

Why did the “Free Kate” movement flourish so rapidly after May 17? Some people have attributed this to the gay-rights angle in the case — Kaitlyn Ashley Hunt, 18, has admitted having sex with a 14-year-old female — and the claim of “homophobia” stirred sympathy for someone who admits committing a felony under Florida law. […]

What I’d Like To Hear From @DMataconis

by Smitty Over at The Liberty Papers, we have what amounts to an intriguing anti-SoCon rant: Perhaps my biggest problem with fusionism in its current incarnation, however, is the extent to which it demands that libertarians silence their criticism of their so-called conservative allies in the name of “unity.” Even if one accepts the argument […]

The Five Million Dollar Idiot

Leftists who get worked up about the Growing Gap Between Rich and Poor really ought to organize an #OccupyChrisMatthews movement to protest this truthless waste of TV time whose NBC contract reportedly pays him $5 million a year. If I took notice every time Chris Matthews makes a complete idiot of himself, I’d never have time […]

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