The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Highly Ironic Syrian End-Game?

When last we examined the mess in Syria, President Obama was embarrassed that the Assad regime had crossed his “red line” by reportedly using chemical weapons against the rebels (who are, by the way, a dangerous mob of Islamic extremists). And so now the ironic denouement, in headlines via  Memeorandum:   Damascus hit ‘by Israeli […]

A Zinn Tidbit From “Dupes” By Kengor

by Smitty Burkely Herman is turning into a fun interlocutor on twitter since RSM delivered him a jolly spanking earlier today. There has been some feedback from BH. I’d like to chip in a paragraph from Paul Kengor’s “Dupes” . . .Dr. Howard Zinn, a Boston University Professor. Zinn is an interesting case. He had […]

Why I’m Not on the Harvard Faculty

Besides the fact that all I’ve got is a bachelor’s degree from a third-tier state university, there’s also the problem that I don’t think it’s necessary to apologize for saying bad things about dead bisexual British economists, which is now apparently taboo. You can badmouth dead people or defame the British or libel an economist […]

What Part of ‘Fuck You, Commie Scum’ Is So Hard for @BurkelyH to Understand?

Burkely Hermann, St. Mary’s College of Maryland, Class of 2016 Burkely Hermann describes himself: #Socialist, citizen of the world and college student who fights for global justice and works to challenge the powers that be. Well, who is Burkely Hermann and why should anyone care? He popped up on Twitter this morning to deny an […]

Obama Administration’s Benghazi Lies Exposed as State Department Cover-Up

Flaming skull alert at Ace of Spades for the release of e-mails confirming that (a) officials knew from the outset that the attack on the consulate in Libya was the work of terrorists, but (b) this information was suppressed for political purposes: State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland, worried that members of Congress would use the […]

FMJRA 2.0: Beer For My Horses

— compiled by Wombat-socho The Dreaded Wyoming GOP Facebook ‘Hatef–k’ Rapist Has Been Apprehended Daily Pundit US Message Board Protein Wisdom Dustbury Autumn People Da Tech Guy New Republic of Texas Rand Paul Ryan Polititalk Protein Wisdom Murdoc Online Tony Johnson Where Were You in 2002? Instapundit Legal Insurrection Overlawyered Threedonia Shall Not Be Questioned […]

Jeff. G. Heroically Resists

The epic saga of Meg Lanker-Simons continues to yield rich and varied opportunities for the deployment of vicious satire: Last night, a bit tipsy on Tullamore Dew Irish Whiskey, I’ll admit, I was subjected to (but nevertheless was able to rebuff) a sudden and violent attempt to hate fuck myself. Unfortunately, the rebuff made me quite angry, […]

Economics, Translated to Plain English

The eminent James Pethokoukis gives you the technocratic jargon: US job growth in April beat economist expectations as nonfarm payrolls rose 165,000, and the jobless rate fell to a four-year low of 7.5%. But the report contained worrisome signs that President Obama’s health care reform law is hurting full-time, high-wage employment. While the American economy added 293,000 […]

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