Monsters Could Face Death Penalty in Cleveland ‘House of Horror’ Kidnappings
Legal expert Ace of Spades* has consulted his esteemed colleague Allahpundit, as well as a guy on Twitter and it looks like, if Ariel Castro and/or his brothers did what they are reported to have done — inducing abortions in their pregnant victims through beatings — they could be eligible for the death penalty. Alternatively, cops […]
Occupation: Consultant
Ace of Spades nails it down cold in two sentences: “Most people have no idea what the hell they’re talking about, and that’s especially true in Hollywood. This guy has no idea what he’s talking about either, but neither did the people who paid for his services.” There is a certain type of person who […]
LIVE AT FIVE: 05.08.13
— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS HE’S BACK – BY POPULAR DEMAND Former governor easily beats comedian’s sister with 54% of vote Colorado Shooter To Pursue Insanity Defense They put down mad dogs, don’t they? Two-Thirds Of Senators Voting On Immigration Bill Have Never Seen Mexican Border Marco Rubio: “It doesn’t help when you have […]
The Russians Call South Carolina’s Media Trajectory A Molniya Orbit
by Smitty Twitter was awash in SC-1 Jubilation about Sanford’s win over Colbert-Bush: So Mark Sanford won?yay, I guess. — Wodeshed (@Wodeshed) May 8, 2013 IowaHawk captures the depth of the opportunity SC-1 has missed for redeeming itself in the eyes of our mainstream media betters: South Carolina: bellwether of new progressive South to hellhole […]
Cleveland ‘House of Horror’ Neighbors Called 911; Police ‘Didn’t Take It Seriously’
Cleveland kidnap suspects Ariel Castro, 52, Onil Castro, 50, and Pedro Castro, 54 The first reports about the rescue of three Cleveland kidnap victims suggested that nobody in the West Side neighborhood ever saw anything out of the ordinary at 2207 Seymour Avenue. Wow "neighbors reported seeing naked women on leashes crawling on all fours […]
‘House of Horrors’: Kidnapped Sex Slaves Held in Chains by School Bus Driver
Amanda Berry (left); Ariel Castro (center); Gina DeJesus (right) Emerging details about what happened at 2207 Seymour Avenue in the West Side home of Cleveland kidnap suspect Ariel Castro: “I’m not the only one on the block that feels ashamed to know that we didn’t notice anything,” neighbor Juan Perez told Cleveland ABC-TV affiliate News […]
To Quote Inspector Harry Callahan …
“Well, I’m all broken up about that man’s rights.” Mississippi is set to execute a man Tuesday night without testing available DNA evidence from a hair sample in his case. ThinkProgress reported last week that a 5-4 court upheld the decision not to test the evidence, in spite of a prosecutor’s inconclusive logic linking the […]
Death by Heartbreak: TV Psychic Told Mom Her Missing Daughter Was Dead
The dramatic rescue of three missing women in Cleveland is all over the news this morning, but amid the joy that they have been found alive, there is a heartbreaking loss to be remembered: The cases of the missing Cleveland girls took heartbreaking turns over the years. In 2004, Amanda’s mother Louwana Miller went on […]
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