You Don’t See A 19 Minute Speech With The Whittle Sustain Too Often
by Smitty Is Bill Whittle the Toastmaster of new media? The concept, pacing, editing and delivery of this effort make you wonder: why isn’t Whittle getting recruited for the Senate or something, other than a surfeit of integrity? I could easily handle one of these per week from the guy indefinitely. via Instapundit
Washington Post Reports Menendez Corruption, Downplays Jailbait Hookers
Even when they can’t find a way to avoid covering a Democrat Party scandal, they strive valiantly to retain their precious moral superiority. Front-page headine in the Washington Post: Sen. Menendez contacted top officials in friend’s Medicare dispute However, as Jeffrey Meyer points out at Newsbusters, the 43-paragraph front-page story ignores the sexual allegations against […]
CNN Endorses Terrorist Organization That Incited Gun Violence in D.C.
Nice Deb thinks the Southern Poverty Law Center should be classified as a “hate group,” but I prefer the term “terrorist organization,” because of the political/religious nature of the jihad that SPLC inspired against the Family Research Council. Also, in light of what we know about the Obama administration’s policy, it may be possible to order […]
25 May Gun March On The Mall
by Smitty Via Nice Deb comes news both of state capitol rallies tomorrow at 1000, and of a full-on rally being organized for May 25th at high noon. This is encouraging. There has been a sad lack of large-scale rallies, for whatever reason. In my perfect world, we’d be down on the Mall 2-3 times […]
Is ‘Corrupt Democrat’ Redundant?
William Jacobson at Legal Insurrection reports on a congressional ethics investigation that has found “there is substantial reason to believe that Representative Owens accepted payment of travel expenses for an officially connected trip to Taiwan from an impermissible source, resulting in an impermissible gift, in violation of federal law and House Rules.” And by “substantial […]
LIVE AT FIVE: 02.07.13
— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Obama Yields To Congressional Demands For Killer Drone Memo Avoids confrontation over memo, which endangered Brennan’s nomination Protests Erupt After Slaying Of Tunisian Opposition Leader Prime Minister sacks Islamist government Boy Scouts Punt Decision On Gays To May Decision will be made during annual meeting POLITICS Senate Democrats Seek […]
Is Senator Menendez Doomed?
Short answer: Hell to the yes! Two FBI sources have told The Daily Caller that the bureau’s inquiry into Democratic New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez is now based in New Jersey, not Miami. One added that pressure is mounting from the highest levels of the Justice Department to pursue the investigation. The change of focus […]
VIDEO: Why Moms Need Guns
Gayle Trotter of the Independent Women’s Forum explains to Sean Hannity why Second Amendment rights are so important for women: Becca Lower has the transcript of the interview: I think this view is not something that the media is covering. I think it’s something that people haven’t really considered, and I really wanted to speak […]
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