The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Brooks/Parker Cage Match

by Smitty I don’t run around wishing mayhem on people, but I bet a cage match between Star Parker and David Brooks would sell some tickets. Brooks begins an interesting exchange beginning around 9:00: (emphasis mine): There’s been a lot of calls for Republicans to change. And we have seen that from everybody to Paul […]

America’s Sex-Crazed Colleges

William Jacobson at Legal Insurrection calls attention to a rather disturbing trend on our nation’s campuses: Brown University Will Cover Sex Change Operations for Students NC Gov speaks truth to Gender Studies power Swarthmore’s new “Masturbatory Theater” club Big college concern — how to fix the ‘Orgasm Gap’ The Fun, New Campus Activity: Racy Facebook […]

CNN Anchor Deb Feyerick Apparently Thinks Global Warming Causes Asteroids

As previously noted here, a large asteroid will pass within 17,000 miles of Earth — a near-miss, astronomy-wise — next week. And this provides a network airhead the chance to demonstrate he utter ignorance in an interview with scientist Bill Nye: “Talk about something else that’s falling from the sky and that is an asteroid. What’s […]

FMJRA 2.0: Turning Japanese

— compiled by Wombat-socho Please be advised that some of the following links…oh, wait, wrong post. Never mind. I Guess We’re Not Supposed To ‘Shop The #OccupyResoluteDesk Skeet Photo Sad Hill News Sad Hill News The (Perhaps Slightly Less) Lonely Conservative Sad Hill News Sad Hill News Sad Hill News Moonbattery Sad Hill News Sad […]

HOOAH! Army Training Update

At 1440 hours today, telephonic communication was received from Recruit McCain at the military installion where he is being trained as a fearless warrior to destroy America’s enemies. HOOAH! Concern for operational security forbids disclosure of the training location, although (a) any Army veteran could figure it out, (b) historians would be aware that the site is named for a military figure known as […]

Stop Putting Out So Much, Ugly Sluts: Science Proves Undeniable Truth #24

Boston ‘Slutwalk’ 2011: Unattractive women chant stupid slogans Instapundit linked a dating study and added this: Interestingly, the more attractive the woman, the fewer sexual partners. You didn’t really need a scientific study to know this, if you’ve been studying feminism as long as I have. Just ask yourself: Why are feminists so angry at […]

Corrupt Thought Studies, Holder Edition

by Smitty The idea that Constitutional rights are ‘entitlements’ moves them from being constants that the government can’t touch to variables, which can be expanded or contracted by fiat. Clip below the fold for autoplay reasons.

Why Twitter Can Be A Hoot

by Smitty .@brodigan I recommend you cease the sparking and move out of the powder keg. Because #Safety @mdmrn @misfitpolitics — Smitty (@smitty_one_each) February 9, 2013 Of course we’re referring to: And then, if you haven’t seen the Literal Version:

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