The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

FMJRA 2.0: Beautiful World

— compiled by Wombat-socho Obama Promises 2013 Gun-Grab Bill; Warns ‘There Will Be Resistance’ Da Tech Guy The Daley Gator Lower The Boom ConMom Captains’ Journal Stephen McDonald Fiscal-Cliff Kabuki Nears Final Scene UPDATE: House GOP Wants More Spending Cuts Before Final Vote The Rio Norte Line Tree Of Mamre Animal Magnetism Jackie Wellfonder Rick’s […]

The Incident at St. Aloysius: 911 Call in Illinois Raises Questions for Church

Was something kinky happening in the rectory of a Catholic church in Springfield, Illinois? That would seem to be the implication of this story: The pastor of St. Aloysius church on Springfield’s north end has been granted a leave of absence after he called 911 from the rectory and told a dispatcher that he needed […]

If Current TV Was Worth $500 Million, How Is BuzzFeed Worth $200 Million?

There has been a lot of noise in the wake of the sale of Current TV to Qatar-based Al Jazeera, and Ed Driscoll linked damn near all of it today, so there’s no point me re-hashing it here. What intrigues me is the valuation of the product. Was it worth $500 million to essentially buy a […]

Is Public Sector Racism Any More Effective Than The Historical Flavor?

by Smitty Via Insty, Court decisions dating to the 1950s theoretically ended racial segregation of higher education in the United States. But data to be presented today at the annual meeting of the American Economic Association show that the pace of desegregation has slowed over time. And in a finding that could be controversial, the […]

News From the People’s Democratic Republic of 3600 New York Avenue

The paranoid managerial regime now in charge of The Washington Times has announced a successful further liquidation of the kulaks: The Washington Times summoned several staff members to the auditorium this morning. Inside sources say management has laid off approximately 25 employees in a newsroom of 90 . . . Several employees who were not invited to this […]

DeMint At Heritage

by Smitty It sounds as though DeMint hopes to do more as a thought leader at Heritage than he did in elective office. Why was he incapable of being a ‘big ideas’ guy in office? The ‘optimistic, positive ideas’ pitch sounds swell, but I thought that’s the approach on which Romney finished a powerful, strong […]

Tee Hee Hee: Stacy’s Cousin Makes Hawkins’s 20 Most Annoying Libs List

by Smitty I should like to meet Maggie Moo some day to assure her that, while bearing her no personal animosity, this blog finds her ideas emblematic of how jacked up her generation and this country are: 18) Meghan McCain: The GOP and Meghan McCain have the same sort of great love we’ve seen between […]

It’s Never Enough for Liberals

Having just raised taxes — before the “ink from the autopen” is even dry — Democrat Maxine Waters is demanding still more: The first thing that we’ve got to do is look at where we still have unfairness in the tax system and make sure that the people of influence, the billionaires and the millionaires and […]

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