The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Alabama Wins Second Consecutive BCS Title, Humiliates Notre Dame 42-14

The University of Alabama defended its national football championship in an impressive style Monday, blowing out previously top-ranked Notre Dame 42-14 in the BCS title game in Miami. It was the third BCS title in four years for Coach Nick Saban’s team, as Alabama dominated the Irish to claim the 15th national championship in the […]

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Has A Point: Having Aborted Common Sense, Babies Should Be Easy For Charlie Crist

by Smitty Will the altars of Moloch be smiling in the Sunshine State? Wasserman Schultz added that Crist was “going to have to prove himself with some of our Democratic leaders before that’s a sure thing.” The only thing “sure” about Charlie is that he’s looking out for #1. When DeFede asked the congresswoman about […]

ATRA: Not The Shave You Wanted

by Smitty The American Taxpayer Relief Act, per the modern usage, offers the precise opposite of its title. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the fiscal deal adds $332 billion in new direct spending over ten years. The deal also contributes $620 billion in additional revenue, as reported by the White House and members of […]

The Nick Saban Approach to the Problem of Chuck Hagel: ‘Make His Ass Quit’

Hagel nomination and Left’s dilemma: Do they hate Israel more than they love gays? — Roll Tide Roll (@rsmccain) January 7, 2013 Superficial sarcasm is arguably unfair: Accusing Chuck Hagel of “hating” homosexuals or Jews because of policy disagreements? However . . . Since when did the Left give a damn about fairness in politics? “By […]

#RMFT: You WILL Click This Link

The hashtag need not be translated, for there is but one Tide and it shall forever Roll. There is but one Tuscaloosa on the planet, and there is but one team that wears the fabled Crimson, and by whom all others must be conquered. (OK, shut up, Aggies. I’m doing epic poetry here.) And lo, there […]

Mandates, Regulation and ‘Rights’

What was causing the problem to which ObamaCare was supposed to be the solution? If it was not clear before, it is becoming more so, now that the alleged solution is making the problem worse: Health insurance companies across the country are seeking and winning double-digit increases in premiums for some customers, even though one […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 01.07.13

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Obama To Nominate Hagel For Defense Looking to bridge the partisan divide by serving up a nominee both Democrats and Republicans despise Defiant Assad Rules Out Negotiations With Rebels First speech in six months pretty much guarantees war to the knife Indian Women Hope Debate Sparked By Brutal Gang […]

Illinois: Fire Department Official Accused of Attacking Woman With Knife, Duct Tape and ‘an 8-Inch Sexual Device’

Probably a union member who voted for Obama: A deputy fire chief in Chicago Ridge was put on administrative leave after being charged with breaking into the Tinley Park home of a neighbor in the middle of the night and attacking her, officials said. Gary M. Swiercz, 49, of the 8100 block of West 168th Place […]

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