The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Messed-Up People Make Bad Choices in Disastrously Dysfunctional Relationships

Instapundit had this headline: 21ST CENTURY RELATIONSHIPS: My Ex Posted “Revenge Porn” Photos Of Me. OK, so this was intriguing, but the whole “revenge porn” theme was forgotten as soon as I started reading the article by the (obviously pseudonymous) “Rhoda Kelly”: I started dating Rob toward the end of high school. He was five […]

What Depression Is, and Isn’t

Thursday evening my wife came home and said, “Hey, I bought coffee!” I just stared at her, in kind of a fog. “No more drinking decaf,” my wife said. “What? We’ve been drinking decaf? Since when?” “All week. We ran out of regular coffee Monday, but  I just made decaf and didn’t tell you, because I […]

Nobody Really Likes @LenaDunham, and Deep Down Inside She Knows It, Too

“It’s a little fat girl . . . and she keeps taking her clothes off and . . . I don’t want to see that. . . . I learned that this little fat chick writes the show and directs the show and that makes sense to me because she’s such a camera hog that […]

FMJRA 2.0: Modern Love

— compiled by Wombat-socho If ‘Crazy’ Were a Political Philosophy, Its Spokesman Would Be Alex Jones The (Perhaps Slightly Less) Lonely Conservative Animal Magnetism The Daley Gator The Camp of the Saints Rick’s Rants A Soldier and Two Marines: Sworn to ‘Support and Defend the Constitution’ Grumpy Opinions The Camp of the Saints Da Tech […]

In Which @MattKLewis Makes @BenHowe His Enemy for Life

Ben Howe: Just some random dude on the Internet? “The socially-awkward gadfly who might once have been relegated to writing letters to the editor of Ron Paul’s newsletter, can today build an online identity that disguises his quirks. . . . “Some of my colleagues actually take perverse pleasure in fighting with their stalkers. . […]

Smitty’s Corollary To Godwin’s Law

by Smitty I’m likely not the first to notice this effect, varying Mike Godwin: .@dmataconis Smitty’s Corollary to Godwin: “As political discussion lengthens, the probability of a Boooshhh! invocation=>1.” @jackievasser — Smitty (D-aft) (@smitty_one_each) January 12, 2013

Rush Limbaugh Is Right: The Academic Pro-Pedophile Movement Is a Real Danger

Rush Limbaugh sparked criticism this week by pointing to an article in the British Guardian newspaper as evidence of “a movement to normalize pedophilia.” Limbaugh’s liberal critics are ridiculing his contention, but the movement he described is very real. In 2002, Judith Levine published Harmful to Minors, a book which stirred a massive controversy because of […]

Doggy Style: Delaware Couple Arrested, Now Facing Felony Bestiality Charges

Police say Samantha L. Golt had sex with a dog. A 24-year-old Delaware mother had sex with a dog while her boyfriend took pictures, according to officials who arrested the couple this week. Samanth L. Golt and 25-year-old boyfriend James P. Crow were arrested Tuesday and charged with felony bestiality and felony second-degree conspiracy for the alleged sex act […]

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